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National Science Olympiad

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1 National Science Olympiad
Reach for the Stars B Event 2016 Stellar Evolution, Star Formation Regions & Supernova Remnants Sponsored by the NASA Astrophysics Division

2 NASA Astrophysics Division
Donna L Young – Educator


4 Chandra X-Ray Observatory

DESCRIPTION: Students will demonstrate an understanding and knowledge of the properties and evolution of stars especially star forming regions and supernova remnants and their observation with different portions of the electromagnetic spectrum: Radio, Infrared, Visible, Ultraviolet, X-Ray and Gamma Ray. EVENT PARAMETERS: Each team may bring only two 8.5”x11” two-sided pages of notes containing information in any form from any source. (clipboards/red lights) THE COMPETITION: This event is divided into two parts. Notes may be used during both parts. Part I: Constellation, Star, and Deep Sky Object Identification Part II: i: Stellar evolution ii: Spectral classification of stars iii: Observation using multiple portions of the electromagnetic spectrum iv: The relationship between stellar temperature, radius, and luminosity v. Magnitude & luminosity scales, distance modulus, inverse square law

6 a. Part I: Constellations, Stars, and Deep Sky Objects
Aquila: Altair, W49 region Leo: Regulus Aquarius: NGC Lyra: Vega Auriga: Capella Monoceros: Rosette Nebula Bootes: Arcturus Ophiuchus: Zeta Ophiuchi Canis Major: Sirius Kepler’s SNR Canis Minor: Procyon Orion: Betelgeuse, Rigel, M42 Carina: NGC 3603, NGC Perseus: Algol Cassiopeia: Cas A, NGC 281, Sagittarius: Sgr A*, M17, M8 Tycho’s SNR, W3 Main Scorpius: Antares Cygnus: Deneb, Cygnus X Taurus: Aldebaran, M1 Dorado: 30 Doradus, LMC Ursa Minor: Polaris Gemini: Castor & Pollux Ursa Major: Mizar & Alcor Hydrus: NGC Virgo: Spica

7 Part IIi: Stellar Evolution
Star Formation Regions (10): W49 region, NGC 3603, NGC 3372 (Carina Nebula), NGC 281, W3 Main, 30 Doradus (Tarantula Nebula), Rosette Nebula, M42 (Orion Nebula), M17(Omega Nebula), M8 (Lagoon Nebula) Supernovas (4): Cas A, Tycho’s SNR, Kepler’s SNR, M1 (Crab Nebula) Evolutionary Stages (3): NGC 7293 (planetary nebula & white dwarf), Cygnus X-1 (black hole), NGC 602 (Open Cluster) Galactic (2): LMC (galaxy), Sgr A* (MWG galactic black hole) DO NOT FORGET THE CONSTELLATION STARS!

8 Stellar Evolution

9 Stellar Evolution

10 The Great Carina Nebula Star Formation Complex
NGC 3603: NGC 3603: Carina Nebula: Carina Nebula:

11 Supernova Remnants Cas A

12 Orion: Betelgeuse (M2I), Rigel (B8I), M42 (Orion Nebula)

13 The Great Orion Nebula Star Formation Region
Astrophotography Hubble Astrophotography Chandra X-Ray Hubble

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