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Contents Overview Performance Analysis Improvement Plan to Address targets not achieved during the period under review Financial Performance Information
Overview Report focuses on the progress made with the implementation of programmes & projects in the period covering 01 October – 31 December 2015; Focus was on optimal performance of deliverables in terms of the MTEF 2015/16 – 2017/18; Report in compliance with relevant statutory requirements Report interrogated against the approved DoT PMR Guidelines and Technical Indicator Descriptions
Department Of Transport (Overall)
Total Number of targets = 50 % Achievement = 35 targets (70%) % Not Achieved = 15 targets (30%)
Department Of Transport (Quarter to Quarter)
PROGRAMME TOTAL NUMBER OF TARGETS ACHIEVED Q1 ACHIEVED Q2 ACHIEVED Q3 Non / Improvement from previous quarter Number of targets % Administration 8 (7 targets in Q1) 6 85.7% 7 87.5% 5 62.5% Integrated Transport Planning 9 77.8% 89.0% Rail Transport 2 40.0% 100.0% 4 80% Road Transport 100% - Civil Aviation 75.0% Maritime Transport 50.0% 3 37.5% 25% Public Transport 75% DoT (Overall ) 50 37 75.5% 42 84.0% 35 70%
Administration: Notable Q3 Achievements
Financial Governance Compliance and Control: Progress report on implementation of action plans to address audit findings compiled and presented to EXCO and Audit Committee in November 2015. DoT Risk Management Strategy: Progress report on implementation of agreed action plans for strategic risks compiled and presented to EXCO and RMC Enterprise Architecture: ICT Security and Solutions Infrastructure Architecture developed
Administration: Notable Q3 Achievements
Human Resource Development Strategy: 53 internship posts advertised through popular media (Closing Date - 06 November 2015); 18 interviews held across various branches since November 2015 and 18 candidates identified for appointment pending verification of qualifications. Integrated Communication and Marketing Strategy Media activities coordinated for October Transport Month and festive season road safety campaings; Event logistics support provided for Minister and the Deputy Minister events; 98% of Presidential Hotline cases resolved.
Administration: Notable Q3 Non-Achievements
DoT Internet System: Internet Portal not implemented due to delays in content availability Remedial Action: Roll out of the portal will be done in Quarter 4.
Administration: Carry-Over deliverables from Q2 (Red Flags)
International Relation Strategy: The development of the IR Strategy and the IR Policy are parallel processes. Vacancy Rate: No vacancies were filled during the period under review. Engagement with the National Treasury continues for consideration of application for additional funds. (Annual Target may not be achieved)
ITP: Notable Q3 Achievements
Review of the White Paper on the National Transport Policy: Recommendations developed and incorporated into the White Paper (Draft II Report). Single Transport Economic Regulator: STER Draft Bill completed and Cabinet Memo submitted for Ministerial approval. Draft Subsidiary Regulations for Complaints, Review and Appeals developed 11
ITP: Notable Q3 Achievements
Private Sector Participation Framework Stakeholder consultations conducted in the previous quarter and the Consolidated PSP Final Report developed. Green Transport Strategy: Draft status quo analysis report compiled. Road Freight Strategy Consultations conducted and draft Strategy updated with stakeholder inputs.
ITP: Notable Q3 non-achievements
NATMAP 2015: Unforeseen delays in convening the Inter-Ministerial Committee hampered scheduled consultations on the NATMAP report Remedial Action: IMC process to be expedited in Q4 given the clarity provided
ITP: Carry-Over deliverable from Q2
Harrismith Hub Framework: Bilateral consultations with Free State Provincial Government conducted. However, SIP 2 stakeholders not engaged with as targeted. Remedial Action: Programme to highlight when consultations with SIP 2 stakeholders will be conducted.
Rail Transport: Notable Q3 Achievements
National Rail Policy: Stakeholder consultations on the Green Paper on the National Rail Policy conducted in nine (9) provinces and with SALGA, NEDLAC and PRASA. Branchline Strategy: Draft Strategy finalised and submitted for approval. National Railway Safety Regulator Bill: Stakeholder consultations on the draft Bill conducted with PRASA, RSR, TRANSNET and Bombela Operating Company.
Rail Transport: Notable Q3 Non-Achievements
National Railway Safety Strategy: Draft Strategy not developed as targeted in Q3. Remedial Action: Development of the Strategy to be fast-tracked in Q4 pending appointment of a service provider
Road Transport: Notable Q3 Achievements
Green Paper on the Road Transport Policy Stakeholder inputs consolidated and the Draft Green Paper in the Roads Policy finalised Access Road Development Plan: Status quo report completed and local authorities engaged through monthly progress meetings as well as National RRAMS workshop AARTO Amendment Bill: The AARTO Bill and Cabinet memorandum was submitted to the Minister for approval.
Road Transport: Notable Q3 Achievements
Provincial Road Maintenance Programme (S’hamba Sonke): PRMG projects monitored Progress status on expenditure and physical indicators provided Nine (9) PRMG tranche payments effected
Civil Aviation: Notable Q3 Achievements
ACSA and ATNS Amendment Bills: Stakeholder consultations on the two Bills conducted in November 2015 NCAP and NADP: Consultations on the NCAP and NADP conducted with DIRCO, National Treasury, JCPS Cluster and NICOC Principals Air Services Agreements (Yamoussoukro Decision) Bilateral Air Services Agreements and MoUs reviewed with Egypt, Guinea, Guinea- Bissau, Mauritius and Sierra Leone
Civil Aviation: Notable Q3 Achievements
Civil Aviation Amendment Bill: Further inputs were received from the SACAA on Accident Investigation pursuant to a meeting between the DoT and the Civil Aviation Authority and inputs were incorporated. Regulations for the phasing out of the Chapter 2 Aircraft Regulations for the phasing out of the Chapter 2 Aircraft were approved by the Minister in October 2015 and will come into force in January Implementation is being monitored.
Civil Aviation: Notable Q3 non-achievements
Upgrading of Mthatha Airport: Decision taken at DGs’ meeting in December 2015 that the initial decision to obtain condonement from Treasury for the payment of the Variation Orders (VOs) be recalled. As the VOs will not be paid, the Contractor will not address the deficiencies of the aerodrome lighting. Remedial Action: Documentation for the transfer of the assets will be re-submitted to the EC DoT during Quarter 4.
Maritime Transport: Notable Q3 Achievements
Merchant Shipping Bill: Discussion Paper on the Merchant Shipping Bill (2016) presented to Clusters PCOT, NCOP. Discussion Paper has been tabled and signed. African Maritime Charter: Charter presented to Parliamentary Committees.
Maritime Transport: Notable Q3 non-achievements
National Maritime Transport Policy: The Green Paper could not be finalised for submission to the ICTS Cluster due to capacity constraints Remedial Action: Finalisation of the Green Paper and the submission to ICTS to be fast-tracked in Quarter 4 Cabotage Policy: Policy incorporated as a chapter of the National Maritime Transport Policy Remedial Action: Development of Cabotage Policy in line with finalisation of the National Maritime Transport Policy`
Maritime Transport: Notable Q3 non-achievements
Recommendations of Mock Audit Findings: Approved report was not submitted to audited stakeholders as was targeted in Q2. In Q3, it is reported that implementation of audit recommendations has been monitored on a continuous basis, however no evidence was provided to support reported information. Remedial Actions: Programme to confirm if the approved report was submitted to audited stakeholders as was targeted in Q2. Programme to provide evidence for information reported in Q3.
Maritime Transport: Carry-Over deliverable from Q2 (Red Flags)
Cabotage Strategy: Draft Framework was not developed as targeted in Q2 and draft Strategy not developed as per the Q3 target. (Annual target may not be achieved as the Strategy is dependent on the finalisation of the Policy) Cabotage Bill: Consultations on the draft Bill not conducted as targeted in Q3 (Annual target may not be achieved as the Bill is dependent on the finalisation of the Policy)
Maritime Transport: Carry-Over deliverable from Q2 (Red Flags)
Inland Waterway Strategy: In Q3, the draft Strategy could not be submitted to EXCO as targeted due to poor attendance of the Advisory Committee on Small Vessels to finalise the draft. Remedial Actions: Programme to ensure submission to EXCO
Public Transport: Notable Q3 Achievements
Integrated Public Transport Networks Plans in District Municipalities IPTN Operational Plan developed for OR Tambo DM and consultations conducted Taxi Recapitalisation Programme Scrapping 804 old taxi vehicles scrapped during period under review Taxi Recapitalisation Programme Review First Draft TRP Review has been developed
Public Transport: Notable Q3 Achievements
Integrated Public Transport Turnaround Plan: Comments from bus sub-committee task team considered and incorporated into Version 1 of the Final draft IPTTP. This version was circulated to Provinces in November 2015.
Public Transport: Notable Q3 non-achievements
Review of the Rural Transport Strategy: Reviewed Strategy not submitted to FOSAD as targeted Remedial Action: Strategy to be tabled at the next sitting of FOSAD
Public Transport: Carry-Over deliverable from Q2 (Red Flag)
Land Transport Amendment Bill: Bill not submitted to the State Law Adviser as targeted in Q2. In Q3, it is reported that the Bill was not submitted to the PCOT as targeted. 2nd and 3rd quarter targets not achieved (Programme to confirm if submission to the State Law Advisor has been achieved and whether the annual target will be achieved)
Integrated Transport Planning
Rail Transport
Civil Aviation
Maritime Transport
Maritime Transport
Public Transport
Expenditure per programme to 31 December 2015
Adjusted Budget Cashflow projection 3rd quarter Expenditure Available Under / (Over) spent % Spent R'000 1. Administration 97 831 (7 958) 74% 2. Integrated Transport Planning 88 083 61 813 61 725 26 358 88 70% 3. Rail Transport 77% 4. Road Transport 60 442 79% 5. Civil Aviation 45 500 13 265 6. Maritime Transport 83 889 78 798 42 291 5 091 65% 7. Public Transport 58% Total Department The Department has a total adjusted budget of R billion. To date of reporting the department has spent R billion or 74% of the allocated budget.
Expenditure per Economic Classification
Adjusted Budget Cashflow projection 3rd quarter Expenditure Available Under / (Over) spent % Spent R'000 Compensation of Employees (5 990) 72% Goods and Services (35 070) 76% Transfers & Subsidies 74% Machinery and Equipment 5 717 3 594 7 107 (1 390) (3 513) 124% Payment for financial assets - 148 (148) 0% Total Department Compensation of Employees: The department does not anticipate overspending , additional funding has been approved but not yet appropriated. Goods and Services: Overspending due to the cost of maintaining and operating eNatis, state funerals and AU conference. Transfers and Subsidies: Underspent due to delays in approving the revised cash flow projections for PRASA and PRMG as well as slow spending in the Taxi Recapitalisation project. Machinery and Equipment: Reclassification of operating leases due to modified cash, funds will be shifted from goods and services to cover the overspending.
Cashflow projection 3rd quarter
Expenditure per Economic Classification: Programme 1 Per Economic Classification Adjusted budget Cashflow projection 3rd quarter Expenditure Available Under / (Over) spent % Spent R'000 Compensation of Employees 46 724 (8 134) 73% Goods and Services 49 758 2 521 74% Transfers & Subsidies 10 637 7 693 7 996 2 641 (303) 75% Machinery and Equipment 2 878 2 128 4 138 (1 260) (2 010) 144% Payment for financial assets 32 (32) 0% Total 97 831 (7 958) Compensation of Employees: The programme does not anticipate overspending , additional funding has been approved but not yet appropriated. Goods and Services: Overspent due to the transport costs for the state funerals, AU conference. Machinery and Equipment: Reclassification of operating leases due to modified cash, funds will be shifted from goods and services to cover the overspending.
Cashflow projection 3rd quarter
Expenditure per Economic Classification: Programme 2 Per Economic Classification Adjusted budget Cashflow projection 3rd quarter Expenditure Available Under / (Over) spent % Spent R'000 Compensation of Employees 42 480 29 839 31 948 10 532 (2 109) 75% Goods and Services 44 957 31 789 28 895 16 062 2 894 64% Transfers & Subsidies - 9 (9) 0% Machinery and Equipment 646 185 828 (182) (643) 128% Payment for financial assets 45 (45) Total 88 083 61 813 61 725 26 358 88 70% Compensation of Employees: The programme does not anticipate overspending , additional funding has been approved but not yet appropriated Goods and Services: Underspent due to the following projects: White paper on National Transport Policy, NATMAP, Transport Policy Framework, National Transport Planning Databank and Single Transport Economic Regulator. Machinery and Equipment:Reclassification of operating leases due to modified cash, funds will be shifted from goods and services to cover the overspending.
Expenditure per Economic Classification: Programme 3
Adjusted budget Cashflow projection 3rd quarter Expenditure Available Under / (Over) spent % Spent R'000 Compensation of Employees 20 687 15 140 14 809 5 878 331 72% Goods and Services 15 101 11 819 6 046 9 055 5 773 40% Transfers & Subsidies 77% Machinery and Equipment 150 - 194 (44) (194) 0% Payment for financial assets Total Goods and Services: Underspending due to outstanding invoice for the National Rail Policy Green Paper and The draft National Railway of amendment Bill on consultation stage. Transfers and Subsidies: Underspent due to delays in approving the revised cash flow projections for PRASA . Machinery and Equipment: Overspending as a result of the replacement and purchases of laptops and desktops for new employees further shifts will be effected from goods and services.
Cashflow projection 3rd quarter
Expenditure per Economic Classification: Programme 4 Per Economic Classification Adjusted budget Cashflow projection 3rd quarter Expenditure Available Under / (Over) spent % Spent R'000 Compensation of Employees 50 284 36 834 33 234 17 050 3 600 66% Goods and Services 48 416 35 949 ( ) ( ) 327% Transfers & Subsidies 79% Machinery and Equipment 631 506 559 72 (53) 89% Payment for financial assets - 44 (44) 0% Total 60 442 Compensation of Employees: The programme does not anticipate an underspending , additional funding has been approved but not yet appropriated. Goods and Services: Overspent due to the cost of the unfunded mandate of maintaining and operating the eNatis system. Transfers and Subsidies: Underspending due to delays in approving the revised cash flow projections for PRMG by National Treasury. Machinery and Equipment: Reclassification of operating leases due to modified cash, funds will be shifted from goods and services to cover the overspending.
Cashflow projection 3rd quarter
Expenditure per Economic Classification: Programme 5 Per Economic Classification Adjusted budget Cashflow projection 3rd quarter Expenditure Available Under / (Over) spent % Spent R'000 Compensation of Employees 34 854 25 054 24 645 10 209 409 71% Goods and Services 75 513 60 130 46 661 28 852 13 469 62% Transfers & Subsidies 38 739 31 767 32 145 6 594 (378) 83% Machinery and Equipment 420 340 571 (151) (231) 136% Payment for financial assets - 4 (4) 0% Total 45 500 13 265 70% Compensation of Employees: The programme does not anticipate an underspending , additional funding has been approved but not yet appropriated. Goods and Services: Underspending due to the outstanding invoices mainly from Telkom for watch keeping services and regulating committee, the amendment of the Civil Aviation Act as well as the state of action plan on Co2 emission. Transfers and Subsidies: Once of payments for international membership fees. Funds will be shifted to cover the over expenditure. Machinery and Equipment: Reclassification of operating leases due to modified cash, funds will be shifted from goods and services to cover the overspending.
Cashflow projection 3rd quarter
Expenditure per Economic Classification: Programme 6 Per Economic Classification Adjusted budget Cashflow projection 3rd quarter Expenditure Available Under / (Over) spent % Spent R'000 Compensation of Employees 21 728 16 297 14 267 7 461 2 030 66% Goods and Services 69 709 52 346 40 581 29 128 11 765 58% Transfers & Subsidies 29 317 14 911 23 577 5 740 (8 666) 80% Machinery and Equipment 335 371 (36) 111% Payment for financial assets - 2 (2) 0% Total 83 889 78 798 42 291 5 091 65% Compensation of Employees: The programme does not anticipate an underspending , additional funding has been approved but not yet appropriated. Goods and Services: Underspent due to the delays in the appointment of the services providers on the following projects: The White Paper on the Maritime Transport Policy, Cabotage Strategy, Review of the Merchant Shipping African Maritime Charter and Feasibility study on the TUG boat services. Transfers and Subsidies: The programme does not anticipate an overspending, additional funding to the Ports Regulator has been approved but not yet appropriated. Machinery and Equipment: Reclassification of operating leases due to modified cash, funds will be shifted from goods and services to cover the overspending.
Cashflow projection 3rd quarter
Expenditure per Economic Classification: Programme 7 Per Economic Classification Adjusted budget Cashflow projection 3rd quarter Expenditure Available Under / (Over) spent % Spent R'000 Compensation of Employees 43 961 30 708 32 827 11 134 (2 119) 75% Goods and Services 90 971 51 021 39% Transfers & Subsidies 58% Machinery and Equipment 657 100 446 211 (346) 68% Payment for financial assets - 20 (20) 0% Total Compensation of Employees: The programme does not anticipate an overspending , additional funding has been approved but not yet appropriated. Goods and Services: Underspent due to the following projects: Implementation of the IPTN in district municipalities as well as delays in the review of taxi scrapping model. Transfers and Subsidies: Taxi Recapitalisation underspent due to slow spending. Machinery and Equipment: Reclassification of operating leases due to modified cash, funds will be shifted from goods and services to cover the overspending.
Transfer Payments Transfer Payments (R'000) Adjusted budget
Expenditure Available % Spent Conditional Grants: Provincial Roads Maintenance 82% Public Transport Operations 69% Public Transport Network 50% Rural Road Asset Management 96 842 100% Public Corporatios: Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA) 77% Departmental Agencies & Accounts: S.A. National Roads Agency 76% Road Traffic Management Corporation 46 026 75% Railway Safety Regulator 53 379 S.A. Civil Aviation Authority 20 124 15 193 4 931 Ports Regulator of South Africa 27 627 23 220 4 407 84% Road Traffic Infringements Agency 11 497 8 623 2 874 Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre 7 205 5 404 1 801 Transport SETA 1036 881 155 85% Total 74%
Transfer Payments Transfer Payments (R'000) Adjusted budget
Expenditure Available % Spent Other: Taxi scrapping 37% Non Profit Institutions 2 415 100% South African National Taxi Council 19 254 16 500 2 754 86% Higher Education Institutions(Bursaries to non-employees) 9 433 6 970 2 463 74% International Organisations 10 685 9 451 1 234 88% Leave pay and donations 168 365 (197) 217% Sub-total 42% Total
PROVINCES Budget Transfer Spent by Province Variance % R'000 % Eastern Cape 81% Free State 85% Gauteng KwaZulu-Natal Limpopo 78% Mpumalanga 79% North West Northern Cape 87% Western Cape 76% Overall Total 82%
PROVINCES Budget Transfer Spent by Province Variance % R'000 % Eastern Cape 73% Free State 67% Gauteng 69% KwaZulu-Natal 71% Limpopo Mpumalanga 68% North West 92 313 61 938 61 461 Northern Cape 44 907 29 793 30 458 66% Western Cape Total
PROVINCES Budget Transfer Spent by Municipality Variance % R'000 % EC: Buffalo City EC: Nelson Mandela Bay 2 098 50% FS: Mangaung 0% GT: City of Tshwane GT: Ekurhuleni 59% GT: City of Johannesburg KZN: Msunduzi 65 000 12 938 30% KZN: eThekwini LP: Polokwane 92 094 27 334 MP: Mbombela 52 152 36 441 45% NW: Rusternburg WC: George 74 000 39 937 64% WC:City of Cape Town Overall Total
Governance Management of Audit Findings
Progress Report on the implementation of the action plan to address 2014/15 audit findings attached as an annexure to the 3rd Quarter Report. Risk Management Strategic Risk Progress Report attached as an annexure to the 3rd Quarter Report
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