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Bell ringers Feb. 26- mar. 2 World history OL.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell ringers Feb. 26- mar. 2 World history OL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell ringers Feb. 26- mar. 2 World history OL

2 Using your textbook, define the following: Depression Deficit spending
BR #1: Monday, Feb. 26 Using your textbook, define the following: Depression Deficit spending Collective bargaining Totalitarian state Fascism Did you know: In 1938, first lady Eleanor Roosevelt challenged the segregation rules at the Southern Conference on Human Welfare in Birmingham, Alabama, so she could sit next to African-American educator and activist Mary McLeod Bethune. Roosevelt would come to refer to Bethune as "her closest friend in her age group."

3 Who are your group members for your project?
BR 2: tuesday, Feb. 27 Who are your group members for your project? Which country are you researching for your project? How did the Great Depression fuel WWII? Did you know: As a child Muhammad Ali was refused an autograph by his boxing idol, Sugar Ray Robinson. When Ali became a prizefighter, he vowed never to deny an autograph request, which he honored throughout his career.

4 List two nations that emerged on the map post-WWI.
BR #3: Wednesday, Feb. 28 List two nations that emerged on the map post-WWI. Define collectivization. Describe the meiji restoration. (pgs ) Did you know: John Mercer Langston was the first black man to become a lawyer when he passed the bar in Ohio in When he was elected to the post of Town Clerk for Brownhelm, Ohio, in Langston became one of the first African Americans ever elected to public office in America. John Mercer Langston was also the great-uncle of Langston Hughes, famed poet of the Harlem Renaissance.

5 BR #4: Thursday, Mar. 1 List four things you have learned about your nation in the post- WWI era.

6 Which country successfully invaded Ethiopia in the 1930s?
BR #5: Friday, March 2 Which country successfully invaded Ethiopia in the 1930s? Do you think Chamberlain was right in trying to appease Hitler or should he have gone to war? Defend your answer. Before turning in: Please put the following in the upper RIGHT-hand corner of your paper: First and last name Class period Date Once complete, please turn in all 5 bell ringers for this week.

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