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By Steve Harris and Mark Totten 2/4/2019

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Presentation on theme: "By Steve Harris and Mark Totten 2/4/2019"— Presentation transcript:

1 By Steve Harris and Mark Totten 2/4/2019
Rules of Charts By Steve Harris and Mark Totten 2/4/2019

2 Brassica rapa (Wisconsin Fast Plants)

3 Radish Raphanus sativus
an edible root vegetable of the Brassicaceae family that was domesticated in Europe,

4 Possible Brassica Rapa Seed Types
Standard Elongated Internodes Anthocyaninless Anthocyaninless Yellow-Green Rosette Yellow-Green Leaf Cytoplasmic Variegated Petite

5 Rules of Charts Name, Date & Hour
All charts must have a Two part TITLE. Must use a Ruler. All COLUMNS must be DEFINED. All ROWS must be DEFINED. All DATA cells FILLED IN. All DATA must be followed by UNITS. (no naked numbers)

6 Chart1: Lengths of study fish in Aquaculture fish tank
Name, Date, Hour Chart1: Lengths of study fish in Aquaculture fish tank A+ Time in Fish 1 Fish 2 Fish 3 Fish 4 Fish 5 Weeks Length Length Length Length Length Week 5 25 cm. 30 cm. 50 cm. 34 cm. 78 cm. Week 6 26 cm. 31 cm. 51 cm. 35 cm. 79 cm. Week 7 27 cm. 32 cm. 52 cm. 36 cm. 80 cm. Week 8 28 cm. Na 53 cm. 37 cm. 81 cm. Week 9 29 cm. 34 cm. 54 cm. 38 cm. 82 cm. Week cm. 35 cm. 55 cm. 39 cm. 83 cm. Week cm. 36 cm. 56 cm. Died 84 cm. Week cm. 37 cm. 57 cm. Died 85 cm. Week cm. 38 cm. 58 cm. Died 86 cm.

7 Organize the following data into a data chart.
Once a week, each Friday, for five consecutive weeks, students in 7th hour biology class assisted in the measurements of three recently hatched chick. “Green Wing”: 20g, 40g, 80g,240g and 720g each week. “Princess”: 70g, 150g, 300g, 600g and 1,500g each week. “Jimmy the Rooster”: 150g, 300g, 700g, 1,250g and 2,430g.

8 Chart 1: Growth of Brasica rappa
N.D.H Chart 1: Growth of Brasica rappa Time in Days Plant 1 Plant 2 Plant 3 Plant 4 Plant 5 Plant 6 Average 0 Day 1st. Day 2nd. Day 3rd. Day 4th. Day 5th. Day 6th. Day 7th. Day 8th. Day 9th. Day 10th. Day 11th. Day 12th. Day 13th. Day 14th. Day 15th. Day


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