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Remember to make your own notes when you take this copy.

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1 Remember to make your own notes when you take this copy.
Notes for Quiz 12 (Ch. 3, Lesson 3) I. Islam After Muhammad A. Successors 1. No one chosen by Muhammad to replace him 2. Abu Bakr selected to be first caliph (successor) a. Muhammad’s father-in-law and devoted Muslim b. used military force to 1) reunited Muslim community in Arabia 2) started conquests in Iraq and Syria to the north 3) rule called caliphate c. three more caliphs chosen 1) knew Muhammad and supported his efforts to spread Islam 2) continued to expand Islam outside of Arabia to make an empire 3. Reasons for success in expansion a. willing to fight to spread Islam b. Byzantine and Persian empires 1) armies weakened from war between each other 2) religious persecution led people in empires welcome Muslim invaders as liberators B. Split in Islam 1. Umayyad family created dynasty to rule and choose who would be the caliph 2. Most Muslims accepted Umayyad rule: called Sunnis 3. minority of Muslims resisted Umayyads: called Shi’a a. wanted caliph to be a relative of Muhammad

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