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“Restore Not Reform!” Jeremiah 6:16.

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Presentation on theme: "“Restore Not Reform!” Jeremiah 6:16."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Restore Not Reform!” Jeremiah 6:16

2 A young boy was working diligently at his arithmetic
A young boy was working diligently at his arithmetic. He was soliciting his dad’s help when he asked…

3 L. Edsil Dale (teacher, preacher, author)
He made it clear, we must have strong local congregations led by those who are coming back out of denominationalism rather than going back into it… L. Edsil Dale (teacher, preacher, author)

4 “Edith, the reason you don’t understand me is because…”

5 These and others sought to break away from Roman Catholicism and were part of what was and is today called the Protestant Reformation…

6 These men and others began another movement that became known as The Restoration Movement. Their intent was not to just reform, but to RESTORE… Thomas Campbell Alexander Campbell Walter Scott Barton W. Stone

7 Tom Ellsworth and I purchased two cars together: Nash Metropolitan and 1956 Hudson Metropolitan…

8 In working on these cars our purpose was clear…

9 Let’s modify, customize and really make these things run… There was a time in my life when that may have been, but with maturity, rather than modify, customize and turn these into “rods” our intent was…

10 …was to RESTORE the cars to their original condition…

11 Purpose: to show The Restoration Movement IS all about unity on the basis of Biblical authority

12 I It is a RETURN Movement
A. A Return to the Past

13 The Campells, Stone, and Scott had purpose – to restore not reform the Church!

14 I It is a RETURN Movement
A. A Return to the Past B. A Return to the Beginning

A. “Interdenominational”

16 Dictionary: “cooperation occurring between or among denominations…”

A. “Interdenominational” B. “Nondenominational”

18 By definition nondenominational means a person or group not restricted to one denomination…

A. “Interdenominational” B. “Nondenominational” C. “Undenominational”

20 The Bible reveals nothing of the Lord’s Church being involved with headquarters, organizations, and conventions determining policy…

21 III It is a DOCTRINAL Movement
A. Doctrine is Teaching

22 The Restoration Movement was/is all about teaching/doctrine… It’s about appealing to people on the basis of God’s Word alone!

23 III It is a DOCTRINAL Movement
A. Doctrine is Teaching B. Doctrine is Most Practical


25 III It is a DOCTRINAL Movement
A. Doctrine is Teaching B. Doctrine is Most Practical C. Doctrine is Key

26 Was reading of a noted preacher of whom a biographer wrote, “Prick him anywhere and he bleeds the Bible.”

27 Conclusion and Summary:
L. Edsil Dale’s assessment of the past, present and future of The Restoration Movement is spot on. How we need to get back to the basics and re-establish strong Biblical local churches. It’s not going to happen through post-modern thought; nor will it happen through the emergent church. We’re going to have to bleed the Bible anywhere we get pricked…

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