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Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)

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Presentation on theme: "Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)

2 pathogenesis Extensive vessels and tissues damage ?
Release of thromboplasetins Utilization of fibrinogen and other clotting factors in an aimless coagulation process . Fibrin Stimulate fibrinolitic system Breaks fibrin and fibrinogen Into FDP which have an anticoagulant effect Aggravates hemorrhage and shock Ischemia more tissue damage Vicious circle.

3 Clinical manifestations
The Hypercoagulability of DIC manifest as the occlusion of vessels in microcirculation and resulting organ failure. Thrombosis of large vessels and cerebral embolism also occurs . Hemodynamic complications and shock are common among patients with acute DIC.

4 Bleeding from at 3 unrelated sites is particularly suggestive of DIC
Brain: altered state of consciousness , seizures. Lung :respiratory distress. Heart: hypotension ,cardiac arrest. Kidney :Oliguria, anuria ,acidosis.

5 Anticoagulant effect of FDP
Inhibition of platelet function . Interference with myometrial contraction .

6 Predisposing factors Placenta accreta . Rupture uterus .
Abruptio placenta . Amniotic fluid embolism. Endotoxic shock . Eclampsia and pre-eclampsia. Hydatidiform mole. IUFD and missed abortion. Intra amniotic hypertonic saline for induction abortion. Massive transfusion and incompatible blood . Dextran infusion Trauma particularly to the brain .. Prolonged shock of whatever cause. Placenta accreta . Rupture uterus .

7 Clinical feature Oozing of blood . Bruising . Epistaxis Hematuria .
Hematoma formation especially at wound and venepuncture site . Postpartum hemorrhage .

8 Investigations Clot observation test .
5-10 cc blood in a test tube will be clotted in 10 minutes .in DIC no clot will be formed . Fibrindex test : 0.5 CC fibindex +0.5CC plasma in a test tube ,normally normally clot will be formed within 5-10 seconds .

9 Laboratory tests Fibrinogen level drops. FDP increased.
Platelet count decreased . Presence of schistocytes in blood smear. D-dimer test is more specific of detection of fibrin.

10 Management Elimination of the underlying cause .
Fresh blood transfusion .contain F II ,V ,VIII. Platelet concentrate at a dose of 1-2 U/10 kg body weight. FFP: contain 3 gr fibrinogen /L and F V and VIII. Fibrinogen 4-6 gr IV . Heparin : Antifibrinolytic agents :EACA, trasylol or tranexamic acid . V,


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