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Stage 28 Derivatives

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1 Stage 28 Derivatives

2 centum - one hundred centenarian - a person who is at least 100 years old: Is it true that the President sends a birthday card to every centenarian in the United States? centenary (of or pertaining to a century/to a period of 100 years). Century, cent, percent, percentage, centurion, bicentennial, percentile centennial - a 100th anniversary: CENTI- (as prefix) Centigrade, centimeter, centigram, centiliter, centijoule

3 corpus, corporis, n. - body
corporeal - 1) of or having the nature of a body; bodily; 2) material (tangible): I knew the "ghost" was corporeal when I saw it trip over a chair. corporeality, corporealness, c orporeity (the state or quality of being corporeal), incorporeal, Incorporeality, incorporeity. [corporeus,corporea, corporeum - of or pertaining to the body, corpulence - excessive fatness: Now seriously overweight, corpulent (obese). [corpulentia, corpulentiae, f incorporate - to make something a part of something else: incorporatedness, incorporation, incorporator. Corporation Corporate Corpse Corpuscule corporal

4 solvo, solvere, solvi, solutus - to loosen, pay
absolve - to declare free from guilt or sin:. absolution, absolvable, absolvent (alsolving), absolver. [absolvo, absolvere, absolvi, dissolute - shamelessly immoral; depraved, dissoluteness. [dissolvo, dissolvere, dissolvi, indissoluble - firm, lasting, permanent; unable to be dissolved or undone:. Also: indissolubility, indissolubleness, dissoluble (able to be dissolved or undone), dissolubility, dissolubleness. insoluble - insolubility, insolubilize (to make insoluble), insolubilization, insolubleness, soluble, solubility, solubilize(to make soluble), solubilization, solubleness. insolvent - unable to pay their debts; insolvency. irresolute - uncertain how to act, wavering, irresoluteness, irresolution resolute – resolution. [resolvo, cf. irresolute]

5 mando (1): entrust; commendo: entrust
comandancia (Sp), command, commandable, commandant, commandeer, commander, commander-in-chief, commandingly, commandment, commando, commandry, commend, commendable, commendably, commendation, commendator, commendatory, commender, commodore, countermand, countermandable, countermander, demand, demandable, demander, demandingly, demandingness, discommend, discommendable, discommendation, mandamus, mandate, mandative, mandator, mandatory, mandatum, recommend, recommendation, recommendatory, remand, selfcommand, telecommand, uncommanded, undemanding, wage-demand (A compound of manus + do.)

6 Malus dismal, dismally, maladjustment, malady, malapert, malaria, malarial, malcontent, malediction, malefactor, malevolence, malevolent, malice, malicious, maliciously, malign, malignant, malignity, malnutrition, maltreat, maugre

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