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TM - - _. _ t"" "'- -=--=

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3 TM

4 - - _. _ t"" - - - - -- - -"'- -=--=- - - - - -


6 Litecoin - Wallet CJ File Settings HelpHelp a·a· Encrypt Wallet... Receive coins (: J Transactions <::!) Address Book C Export p Change Passphrase... Options... Recent transactions (out of sync) Balance: ? - - Encrypt wallet Unconfirmed: Number of transactior Enter the new passphrase to the wallet. Please use a passphrase of 10 or more random characters,or eight or more words. New passphrase !··!·· I Repeat new passphrase I I I OK 1 1 Cancel I ©..ill. l


8 ::? - :

9 0\__,0\__,

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