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Harry Potter.

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Presentation on theme: "Harry Potter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Harry Potter

2 Vernon Dusley

3 Petunia Dusley

4 Dudley Dusley

5 Rubeus Hagrid

6 Professor Albus Dumbledore

7 Professor Minerva McGonagall

8 Professor Severus Snape

9 Professor Filius Flitwick

10 Professor Pomona Sprout

11 Professor Quirinus Quirrell

12 Professor Cuthbert Binns

13 Madam Rolanda Hooch

14 Argus Filch & Mrs Norris

15 Madam Poppy Pomfrey

16 Ron Weasley

17 Hermione Granger

18 Fred & George Weasley

19 Percy Weasley

20 Neville Longbottom

21 Draco Malfoy

22 Vincent Crabbe

23 Gregory Goyle

24 Seamus Funnigan

25 Parvati Patil

26 Lee Jordan

27 Oliver Wood

28 Nearly Headless Nick

29 The Bloody Baron

30 The Fat Flair

31 Peeves

32 The Fat Lady

33 James Potter

34 Lily Potter

35 Arthur Weasley

36 Molly Weasley

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