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Petty and Ruthless Brooklynn Rose.

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Presentation on theme: "Petty and Ruthless Brooklynn Rose."— Presentation transcript:

1 Petty and Ruthless Brooklynn Rose

2 Petty- (adj) of little or no importance or consequence
of lesser or secondary importance, merit, ect; minor

3 example sentences There is a very clear relation between the use of illegal drugs and petty crime in this city. The girl was very petty for cheating on her boyfriend and not considering his feelings. The meeting ended in a petty argument between a couple of secretaries over who does the most work.

4 ruthless-(adj) without pity or compassion; cruel; merciless

5 example sentences The leader of the party is ruthless, and will do anything to stay in power. The girl fighting the other student was ruthless, not stopping until she was pulled off. The triumphant army were ruthless about thier strategies aiming only to kill.

6 QUIZ 1)What part of speech is petty? 2)Give the definition for ruthless. 3)True or False? An irrelevant fight is an example of petty. 4)Is cruel a synonym of ruthless?

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