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Phil Harker & Norman Green

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1 Phil Harker & Norman Green
Choose Software Phil Harker & Norman Green

2 Software Suites Most of us need a word processor simply to write the odd letter. In the past many PC owners obtained software by illegitimate means such as “borrowing a disc from work”. You have a number of ways to obtain the main tools necessary to be productive. This is not a complete list. WordPad (The free basic word processor in Windows 10) Google Documents (Free suite of programs available with a Google Account) Microsoft Online Office (Free suite of programs available with a Microsoft Account) LibreOffice (A suite of programs created by volunteers which is Free to download) Apache Open Office (A suite of programs with a complex history) Microsoft Office 365 (A suite of programs which you need to buy if you want to use them) If you search for free office suite or free word processor you will find there are numerous alternative. Just beware – do your research, check what you are downloading and ask yourself how are these companies providing a free product.

3 Google Documents If you have a free “gmail” account then you have a Google Account. This allows you access to a range of online programs. Mine is . We are going to concentrate on the suite type programs. From you can sign in.

4 Google Account A Google Account comes with 15GB of space on Drive. This is enough space to save thousands of word processed documents and a 100 or so photos. In the corner you can select the online applications. All documents must be saved on the Drive

5 Google Account The applications are accessed from Docs, but who can also create spreadsheets and presentations.

6 Google Account All your documents are saved to your 5GB of cloud space and can be downloaded to your PC. Why do they give you this for free? - They want you to buy more space and show you adverts.

7 Microsoft Office Online
If you have a free “Microsoft” account then you have a Microsoft Account. This allows you access to a range of online programs. Mine is . When creating a new Microsoft you have the choice between or . We are going to concentrate on the suite type programs. Enter or will take you to where you can sign in.

8 Microsoft Sign In

9 Outlook

10 Microsoft Account A Microsoft Account comes with 5GB of space on OneDrive. This is enough space to save thousands of word processed documents and a few photos. In the corner you can select the online applications. All documents must be saved on the OneDrive

11 Word Online

12 Do you pay for Microsoft Office 365?
This depends! Microsoft Office is the most used suite of programs. Most workplaces and education establishments will use this. But you have to decide whether you would use it. You can buy a one-off license and then use it for ever. You will receive security updates. You can pay a monthly or annual fees and you will always have the latest version. The subscription version comes with a 1 terabyte of online storage space which is sufficient to store all your backed-up files.

13 Office 365 Choices

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