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What do you think is the possible theme of the short story

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Presentation on theme: "What do you think is the possible theme of the short story"— Presentation transcript:

1 Based on the short story that we read about the rich man going to a poor neighbourhood.
What do you think is the possible theme of the short story? [2 possible answers] Identity can lead to tragic results. People usually identify themselves based on their appearance that can often be deceptive and dangerous. Identity is not important in the present day as people can easily adapt to their new environments. People should always try to change their identity so they can avoid trouble. *Be prepared to justify your answer. Decide the answer in your groups. Notice how all the options are written in a simple sentence.

2 What do you think was the conflict in the short story?
Based on the short story that we read about the rich man going to a poor neighbourhood. What do you think was the conflict in the short story? a) Person vs Nature b) Person vs Self c) Person vs Supernatural d) Person vs Technology *Be prepared to justify your answer. Decide the answer in your groups. *Can you identify another type of conflict in the story?

3 How do I analyze a short story?
To know the expectations of the short story test. To understand the literary devices employed in the short story. (Read the instructions carefully.) To be able to analyze the diction, symbols and motifs used in the short story. Diction; Theme; Motif; Conflict; Symbol

4 Motif; Conflict; Symbol
To understand the literary devices employed in the short story. (Read the instructions carefully.) To be able to analyze the diction, symbols and motifs used in the short story. Symbolism- The practice of representing things by means of symbols or of attributing symbolic meanings or significance to objects, events, or relationships. a person, place, thing, or idea that stands for something else. They are used deliberately to reinforce meaning. For example, a sword may be a sword and also symbolize justice. A symbol may be said to embody an idea. Diction; Theme; Motif; Conflict; Symbol

5 Motif; Conflict; Symbol
To understand the literary devices employed in the short story. (Read the instructions carefully.) To be able to analyze the diction, symbols and motifs used in the short story. A symbol may have more than one meaning, or its meaning may change from the beginning to the end of a literary work. Personal: a meaning uniquely associated with our experiences (e.g., Canadian flag, etc.) Contextual: a private meaning created by an author Cultural: a meaning uniquely influenced by our culture (ex/ dogs represent faithfulness in China, but impurity in Indian/South Asian cultures Universal: a meaning that is given to a thing by most people and cultures (ex/ lions represent deity, power and courage in many cultures) Diction; Theme; Motif; Conflict; Symbol

6 How many symbols can you associate these images with
How many symbols can you associate these images with? (Don’t limit yourself to just objects. Think about shapes, colors, and parts of each image as well)

7 Motif; Conflict; Symbol
To understand the literary devices employed in the short story. (Read the instructions carefully.) To be able to analyze the diction, symbols and motifs used in the short story. MOTIF A recurring image, word, phrase, or action that tend to create unity within a literary work. Sometimes the motif helps to create the theme in literature A motif differs from a theme in that it can be expressed as a single word or fragmentary phrase, while a theme usually must be expressed as a complete sentence. Diction; Theme; Motif; Conflict; Symbol

8 Motif; Conflict; Symbol
Motif Examples A recurring motif in George Orwell's "1984" is urban decay. Winston Smith's run-down home, London's crumbling buildings, and the overall disintigration of the city all support Orwell's theme of the miserable results of total government control. Diction; Theme; Motif; Conflict; Symbol

9 Below is a short list of common literary motifs…there are sooo many more!
Clothing Seasons Colors Death Supernatural Adversaries Extraordinary Animals Wishes Magical Objects Magical Powers Deep Sleeps Witches Trickery Illness Consequences of Greed Flowers/plants Beautiful Princess  Foolish or Dimwitted Hero

10 Motif; Conflict; Symbol
To know the expectations of the short story test. To understand the literary devices employed in the reading. (Read the instructions carefully.) To be able to analyze the diction, symbols and motifs used in the short story. Let’s go through the story now. Do you have any questions about the story? Raise your hand if you liked the story? This story is a good example of personification? What is being personified? Diction; Theme; Motif; Conflict; Symbol

11 Speaker; Leader; Writer; Manager; Supporter
To understand the literary devices employed in the short story. (Read the instructions carefully.) To be able to analyze the diction, symbols and motifs used in the short story. I’m going to separate you into groups. You will be answering 1 out of the 3 questions. This will be a good time for you to check over your answers with a partner if you completed the practice test over the weekend. Speaker; Leader; Writer; Manager; Supporter Diction; Theme; Motif; Conflict; Symbol

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