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Chemical and Physical Changes

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Presentation on theme: "Chemical and Physical Changes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chemical and Physical Changes

2 Physical Changes A change in the size, shape, state, or form of matter. No new substance is made. Ex Crumpling paper Dissolving Ice melting Cutting something in half Blowing up a balloon

3 Chemical Changes A change in matter where one or more substances change into new substances with different chemical and physical properties. Ex: Fire After a log is set on fire, it is not a log anymore, it is ash and gas.

4 How to Spot a Chemical Change
A NEW gas is made When a new gas is formed, it is a new substance that has been made. If a substance changes into its gas form, that is a physical change. A precipitate forms When two or more substances are combined and a new solid forms. Color change Color changes indicate chemical change.

5 Energy and Chemical Change
Chemical changes require energy changes. Energy is taken in Baking food Baking soda and vinegar Energy is released Fireworks bombs

6 Reversing a Change Most chemical changes cannot be reversed
Fireworks cannot change back You can’t remake an Alka-Seltzer tablet Some physical changes can be reversed You can flatten out a piece of paper You cannot un-grate a carrot You can separate salt from water it was dissolved in.

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