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7th Grade Choir – 11/1,2 Bring to your seat: Both music folders
A pencil Written Warm-Up: Begin Immediately! On a piece of notebook paper write the following. The Date Write the following. My MusicFirst Username is my CBSD login My MusicFirst password is music
7th Grade – 11/1 and 2 Objectives: Log-in
Students will learn how to log in to music first and use Noteflight Log-in Watch demonstration on Noteflight Complete assignment
Open up Chrome as your web browser.
Go to Mrs. Roger’s teacher site. Click on the Music First link at the bottom of the home page. Log – in to Music First Username: cbsd log-in Password: music (all lowercase)
Take the Quiz Once you are logged in, under “My Tasks” click on “Copying Mary Had A Little Lamb” We will complete this task together.
8th Grade Choir – 11/1 and 2 Bring to your seat: Both music folders
A pencil Written Warm-Up: Begin Immediately! Write – The Date Write down the most difficult measures in “Kyrie”
8th Grade Choir 11/1 & 2 Objective: Procedure:
Focus on “Kyrie” using MusicFirst Procedure: Complete singing test on MusicFirst
Open up Chrome as your web browser.
Go to Mrs. Roger’s teacher site. Click on the Music First link at the bottom of the home page. Log – in to Music First Username: cbsd log-in Password: music (all lowercase)
Take the Quiz Once you are logged in, under “My Tasks” click on “Kyrie Singing Test” 2. Use the recording to practice. 3. By the end of today’s class you must record yourself singing your part, with the piano accompaniment and submit to Mrs. Rogers
9th Grade Choir – 10/31, 11/1 Bring to your seat:
Your two pocket music folder Your sheet music folder Take a Music Literacy Packet from the music stand in the front of the room. Written Warm-Up: Begin Immediately! Write- The Date Write… Explain everything that you know about time signatures.
9th Grade Choir – 10/27, 30 Objective: Procedure: Repertoire:
Students will describe how numbers are used to create times signature. Students will label notes with rhythm numbers. Procedure: Written Warm-Up Music Literacy Packet – page 1 Repertoire: “The Stories of My Life” “Everywhere that you Are” Review – “Double Trouble” – memorization
9th Grade Choir – 11/2,3 Bring to your seat:
Your two pocket music folder Your sheet music folder Written Warm-Up: Begin Immediately! Write- The Date Write… Explain the following time signatures. 3 7 5 2 4 8
9th Grade Choir – 10/27, 30 Objective: Procedure: Repertoire:
Students will describe how numbers are used to create times signature. Students will label notes with rhythm numbers. Procedure: Written Warm-Up Music Literacy Packet – page 2 Repertoire: “Everywhere that you Are” “The Stories of My Life” “When I Grow Up”
7th Grade Choir – 11/3 & 6 Bring to your seat: Both music folders
A pencil Written Warm-Up: Begin Immediately! On a piece of notebook paper write the following. The Date Copy the following pitch pattern onto your paper. Then audiate the pattern so that you can sing it if asked to. Do Re Do Re Mi Re Mi Fa Mi Re Mi Fa So Fa Mi Re Do Mi Do
7th Grade – 10/31 Objectives: Audiation –Segment 6 – Dictation Quiz
Complete MusicFirst – “Mary Had A Little Lamb” Assignment.
8th Grade Choir – 11/3 & 4 Bring to your seat: Both music folders
A pencil Written Warm-Up: Begin Immediately! Write – The Date What are the positives and negatives of using MusicFirst for practice and assessments on choir music?
8th Grade Choir 10/30 Objective: Procedure: Repertoire:
Focus on Repertoire Procedure: Written Warm-Up Music Literacy Packet, Pg. 2, Ex. 2 Repertoire: “Kyrie” – ALL, begin working on memorization “God Help the Outcasts” “Lost Boy”
7th Grade Choir – 11/7 & 8 Bring to your seat: Both music folders Take a warm-up sheet from the music stand in the front of the room A pencil Written Warm-Up: Begin Immediately! No warm-ups for the rest of the week! We start fresh next week. REMINDER – 1ST AFTER SCHOOL REHEARSAL MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13 2:45-4 PM
7th Grade – 11/7 & 8 Objectives: Students will keep a steady beat while clapping eighth notes and quarter notes/rests Students will continue to polish concert repertoire Procedure: Audiation Packet – Clapping Eighth Notes & Quarter Notes/Rest Repertoire: “Consider Yourself” SOLO AUDITIONS DURING CLASS NEXT WEEK.
8th Grade Choir – 11/7 & 8 Bring to your seat: Both music folders Take a warm-up sheet from the music stand in the front of the room A pencil Written Warm-Up: Begin Immediately! No warm-ups for the rest of the week! We start fresh next week. REMINDER – 1ST AFTER SCHOOL REHEARSAL FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17 2:45-4 PM
8th Grade Choir 11/7 & 8 Objective: Focus on Repertoire Repertoire: “Lost Boy” – Work on memorization Review solo “Kyrie” – Work on memorization “God Help the Outcasts” SOLO AUDITIONS DURING CLASS NEXT WEEK.
9th Grade Choir – 11/6 & 7 Bring to your seat: Both music folders Take a warm-up sheet from the music stand in the front of the room A pencil Written Warm-Up: Begin Immediately! No warm-ups for the rest of the week! We start fresh next week. REMINDER – 1ST AFTER SCHOOL REHEARSAL FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17 4/5:15 PM
9th Grade Choir 11/7 & 8 Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of time signatures by explaining time signatures and performing rhythms correctly in different time signatures Procedure: Time Signatures Packet – Practice Drills A & B Repertoire: “When I Grow Up” – begin memorizing “Wherever You Are” “Double Trouble” SOLO AUDITIONS DURING CLASS NEXT WEEK.
7th Grade Choir – 11/9 & 10 Bring to your seat: Both music folders A pencil Written Warm-Up: Begin Immediately! No warm-ups for the rest of the week! We start fresh next week. REMINDER – 1ST AFTER SCHOOL REHEARSAL MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13 2:45-4 PM
7th Grade – 11/7 & 8 Objectives: Students will keep a steady beat while clapping eighth notes and quarter notes/rests Students will continue to polish concert repertoire Procedure: Audiation Packet – Clapping Eighth Notes & Quarter Notes/Rest Repertoire: “Consider Yourself” “Pure Imagination” SOLO AUDITIONS DURING CLASS NEXT WEEK.
8th Grade Choir – 11/9 & 10 Bring to your seat: Both music folders A pencil Written Warm-Up: Begin Immediately! No warm-ups for the rest of the week! We start fresh next week. REMINDER – 1ST AFTER SCHOOL REHEARSAL FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17 2:45-4 PM
8th Grade Choir 11/9 & 10 Objective: Focus on Repertoire Repertoire: “God Help the Outcasts” – work on memorization “Lost Boy” – Work on memorization Review solo “Kyrie” – Work on memorization SOLO AUDITIONS DURING CLASS NEXT WEEK.
7th Grade Choir – 11/13 & 14 Bring to your seat: Both music folders
A pencil Written Warm-Up: Begin Immediately! Use the warm-up template that you received last week to write your warm-up. Write, the date. Answer the following questions: On a scale of =bad and 10=great. How prepared do you feel the choir is to sing each of the following songs in the winter concert. Rate each song. Pure Imagination Jabberwocky Consider Yourself The Stories of My Life
7th Grade Choir – 11/13 & 14 11/14 – Hearing Tests – 7:40 & 8:25
Objective – Prepare Concert Repertoire Procedure: Review concert repertoire in the order that we learned the songs. 10 minutes per song. Reminder – After School Rehearsal, 2:45-4 on Monday, Nov. 13th. Solo Auditions will be on Wednesday and Thursday this week.
8th Grade Choir – 11/13 & 14 Bring to your seat: Both music folders
A pencil Written Warm-Up: Begin Immediately! Use the warm-up template that you received last week to write your warm-up. Write, the date. Answer the following questions: On a scale of =bad and 10=great. How prepared do you feel the choir is to sing each of the following songs in the winter concert. Rate each song. Kyrie God Help the Outcasts Lost Boy The Stories of My Life
8th Grade Choir – 11/13 & 14 Objective – Prepare Concert Repertoire and Solo Auditions Procedure: Solo Auditions Kyrie Review concert repertoire in the order that we learned the songs. 10 minutes per song. Reminder – After School Rehearsal, 2:45-4 on Friday, Nov. 17th.
9th Grade Choir – 11/13 & 14 Bring to your seat: Both music folders
A pencil Written Warm-Up: Begin Immediately! Use the warm-up template that you received last week to write your warm-up. Write, the date. Answer the following questions: On a scale of =bad and 10=great. How prepared do you feel the choir is to sing each of the following songs in the winter concert. Rate each song. Double Trouble Wherever You Are When I Grow Up The Stories of My Life
9th Grade Choir – 11/13 & 14 Objective – Prepare Concert Repertoire and Solo Auditions Procedure: Solo Auditions When I Grow Up Review concert repertoire in the order that we learned the songs. 10 minutes per song. Reminder – After School Rehearsal, 4-5:15PM on Friday, Nov. 17th.
7th Grade Choir – 11/15 & 16 Bring to your seat: Both music folders
A pencil Written Warm-Up: Begin Immediately! Use the warm-up template that you received last week to write your warm-up. Write, the date. Answer the following question: Looking back at the preparedness ratings that you gave each of the songs on Monday. Choose the 2 songs that you feel we are the least prepared to sing. Explain why you feel we are not as prepared on those songs.
7th Grade Choir – 11/15 & 16 Objective – Prepare Concert Repertoire & Solo Auditions Procedure: Solo Auditions: Jabberwocky The Stories of My Life Continue review repertoire – where we left off last class (10 minutes per song)
8th Grade Choir – 11/15 & 16 Bring to your seat: Both music folders
A pencil Written Warm-Up: Begin Immediately! Use the warm-up template that you received last week to write your warm-up. Write, the date. Answer the following question: Looking back at the preparedness ratings that you gave each of the songs on Monday. Choose the 2 songs that you feel we are the least prepared to sing. Explain why you feel we are not as prepared on those songs.
8th Grade Choir – 11/15 & 16 Objective – Prepare Concert Repertoire & Solo Auditions Procedure: Solo Auditions: God Help the Out Casts Continue review repertoire – where we left off last class (10 minutes per song)
9th Grade Choir – 11/15 & 16 Bring to your seat: Both music folders
A pencil Written Warm-Up: Begin Immediately! Use the warm-up template that you received last week to write your warm-up. Write, the date. Answer the following question: Looking back at the preparedness ratings that you gave each of the songs on Monday. Choose the 2 songs that you feel we are the least prepared to sing. Explain why you feel we are not as prepared on those songs.
9th Grade Choir – 11/15 & 16 Objective – Prepare Concert Repertoire & Solo Auditions Procedure: Solo Auditions: The Stories of My Life Continue review repertoire – where we left off last class (10 minutes per song)
7th Grade Choir – 11/17 & 20 Bring to your seat: Both music folders
A pencil Written Warm-Up: Begin Immediately! Use the warm-up template that you received last week to write your warm-up. Write, the date. Answer the following question: Looking back at the preparedness ratings that you gave each of the songs on Monday/Tuesday. Have your concerns regarding these two songs been addressed this week in rehearsal? What can YOU do personally to be more prepared on these songs?
7th Grade Choir – 11/17 & 20 Objective – Prepare Concert Repertoire
Procedure: Continue review repertoire – where we left off last class (10 minutes per song)
8th Grade Choir – 11/17 & 20 Bring to your seat: Both music folders
A pencil Written Warm-Up: Begin Immediately! Use the warm-up template that you received last week to write your warm-up. Write, the date. Answer the following question: Looking back at the preparedness ratings that you gave each of the songs on Monday/Tuesday. Have your concerns regarding these two songs been addressed this week in rehearsal? What can YOU do personally to be more prepared on these songs?
8th Grade Choir – 11/17 & 20 Objective – Prepare Concert Repertoire and Solo Auditions Procedure: Solo Auditions Lost Boy Continue review repertoire – where we left off last class (10 minutes per song) Reminder: After School Rehearsal – 11/17 – 2:45 – 4 PM
9th Grade Choir – 11/17 & 20 Bring to your seat: Both music folders
A pencil Written Warm-Up: Begin Immediately! Use the warm-up template that you received last week to write your warm-up. Write, the date. Answer the following question: Looking back at the preparedness ratings that you gave each of the songs on Monday/Tuesday. Have your concerns regarding these two songs been addressed this week in rehearsal? What can YOU do personally to be more prepared on these songs?
9th Grade Choir – 11/17 & 20 Objective – Prepare Concert Repertoire and Solo Auditions Procedure: Continue review repertoire – where we left off last class (10 minutes per song) Reminder: After School Rehearsal – 11/17 – 4-5:15PM
7th – 9th Grade Choir – 11/27 & 28 Bring to your seat:
Both music folders A pencil Written Warm-Up: Begin Immediately! Use your warm-up template to write your warm-up. Write, the date. Answer the following question: What is the date of your next after school rehearsal? What is the date of the winter concert? What are you supposed to wear to the winter concert? (answers will vary based on the choirs that you participate in) What prop(s) do you need to bring with you to the concert?
7th Grad Choir – 11/27 & 11/28 Reminder: After School Rehearsal #2 (7th Grade) – Tuesday, Nov. 28th 2:45-4PM 8th Grade – Friday, Dec. 1st 2:45-4 9th Grade – Friday, Dec. 1st 4-5 PM Vocal Warm-up Complete any remaining solo auditions Review concert rep. – 7 minutes per song.
7th – 9th Grade Choir – 11/29 & 30 Bring to your seat:
Both music folders A pencil Written Warm-Up: Begin Immediately! Use your warm-up template to write your warm-up. Write, the date. Answer the following question: What is the date of your next after school rehearsal? Copy the following schedule: In-School Tech. Rehearsal – Tuesday 12/5 1st Period – 7th Grade Choir 2nd Period – 7/8/9 Grade Choirs 3rd Period – Women’s Ensemble 4th Period – 8th Grade Choir 5th Period - NO REHEARSAL 6th Period – 9th Grade Choir 7th Period – Men’s Ensemble
7th Grade Choir – 11/29 & 30 Reminder: After School Rehearsal #3 – Monday, December 4, 2:45- 4:15 Vocal Warm-up Costume Women’s Ensemble princesses Review concert rep. Memorize last verse of “Pure Imagination” Review ending of “Consider Yourself” Review dynamics in “Jabberwocky” Learn last verse of “The Stories of My Life”
8th Grade Choir – 11/29 & 30 Reminder – After School Rehearsal #2 – Friday, December 1, 2:45-4 PM Vocal Warm-up Costume Women’s Ensemble princesses Review concert rep. Review dynamics in of “God Help the Outcasts” Learn last verse of “The Stories of My Life”
9th Grade Choir – 11/29-30 Reminder – After School Rehearsal #2 – Friday, December 1, 4-5 PM Vocal Warm-up Costume Women’s Ensemble princesses Review concert rep. Review Talto part in “When I Grow Up” Memorize words in “When I Grow UP” Swing quavers Review dynamics and temp changes in “Everywhere That You Are” Review articulations in “Double Trouble”
7th – 9th Grade Choir – 12/1 & 12/4 Bring to your seat:
Both music folders A pencil Written Warm-Up: Begin Immediately! Use your warm-up template to write your warm-up. Write, the date. Answer the following questions: Write one thing that you can do today to ensure a successful concert on 12/6. Write two things that you can do on 12/6 to ensure a successful performance. Write two things that you can do DURING the performance to ensure success.
7th Grade Choir – 12/1 & 12/4 Reminders: Vocal Warm-up
After School Rehearsal #3 – Monday, December 4, 2:45-4:15 Winter Concert – Wednesday, December 6, 7 PM Call – Women’s Ensemble – 6:00 PM Call – Men’s Ensemble – 6:15 PM All other choir members – 6:30 PM Vocal Warm-up Review “The Stories of My Life” Review Sing-a-long pieces Assign costumes, finish dreidl costumes, other concert projects
Walking in a Winter Wonderland
Dreidl, Dreidl, Dreidl
Jingle Bells
7th – 9th Grade Choir – 12/6 & 7 Bring to your seat:
Both music folders A pencil Written Warm-Up: Begin Immediately! Use your warm-up template to write your warm-up. Write, the date. Answer the following questions: What are you/were you looking forward to in the Winter Concert. What are you/were you the most worried about?
7th Grade Choir – 12/6,7 Wednesday Auditorium Set-Up Classroom set-up
Winter Concert – Wednesday, December 6, 7 PM Call – Women’s Ensemble – 6:00 PM Call – Men’s Ensemble – 6:15 PM All other choir members – 6:30 PM Wednesday Auditorium Set-Up Classroom set-up Folding programs Setting props Final touches Thursday Post concert clean-up Post concert discussion
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