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My History Coach Mike Arsenault.

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1 My History Coach Mike Arsenault

2 October 25th 1956  Hungarian revolution of 1956; Spontaneous revolt against Soviet-installed government in Hungary; Soviets crush rebellion military. I was born in San Angelo, Texas to Betty and Joe Arsenault.

3 Parents divorced, placed in St. Charles Orphanage
1959 Parents divorced, placed in St. Charles Orphanage in New Hampshire. US recognizes Fidel Castro's Cuban government

4 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, the United States blockade of Cuba.
Missed my 6th birthday, all the children at the Orphanage had to sleep under the beds.

5 1967 Leave Orphanage and get to live with my aunt and uncle in Sanford, Maine. China enters the nuclear age.

6 High School, joined the United States Marines.
1976 Graduate from Sanford High School, joined the United States Marines. North and South Vietnam reunite to form the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

7 1982 Got married to Julie. Falklands War

8 My daughter, Gretchen is born.
1984 USSR performs nuclear test at Eastern Kazakh/Semipalitinsk USSR My daughter, Gretchen is born. Crater at the Semipalatinsk Test Site

9 1991 My son, Talon is born. Soviet Union breaks up. The Cold War ended.

10 2000 Starting teaching at USS Cole Attacked in Aden
Harris County High. USS Cole Attacked in Aden

11 China launches the spacecraft Shenzhou 7..
2008 China launches the spacecraft Shenzhou 7.. Helped coached Girls Soccer Team to third round of state play-off.

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