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Aim: Let’s get a job! We have done research on a career, but we still need to get a job. Question – What is the difference between a job and a career?

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: Let’s get a job! We have done research on a career, but we still need to get a job. Question – What is the difference between a job and a career?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: Let’s get a job! We have done research on a career, but we still need to get a job. Question – What is the difference between a job and a career?

2 Finding Job Positions Sources:
Networking – friends and relatives, or by word of mouth On Line – there are sites now dedicated to helping you find a job. But….you can go right to the establishments website to find it as well. Classified Advertisements (older way but still valid)– ads in newspapers or magazines (check their website as well) Newsday - (go to menu) New York Times Employment Agencies – companies who find jobs for a fee (this could be great for part-time work or career ready) Look for help wanted signs, walk into an establishment and ask, are you hiring? You neve know – make a good first impression.

3 Sources (continued): Guidance Counselors
Outside the Counseling Center– Job Opportunities Bulletin Board High School Website – go to student section, then view part time jobs. (same jobs here as in hallway) Letters or Personal Visits – contact companies on your own

4 Prior to Applying for a Job
Obtain a Social Security Number 9 digit number that is given to each citizen by the government ( ) You are required to have a Social Security number to work as a U.S. Citizen

5 Prior to Applying for a Job
Obtain Working Papers Grant people under the age of 16 permission to work All employees are legally required to have them. From Student handbook - WORKING PAPERS A working paper application may be obtained in the Counseling Center Office. Students may apply for a working card upon deciding to seek employment. They should not wait until the first day of employment. A physical examination is free of charge if one of the school doctors is used. After the required forms have been filled out and the nurses have signed off regarding medical records, the student will be issued a working card immediately during the school year. During the summer, however, working papers are available, but we do not have access to the nurses’ records, therefore, a physical examination from a private doctor is necessary. All students need their parent/guardian’s signature when applying for working papers.

6 Prior to Applying for a Job
Prepare a Résumé A written summary of your education, qualifications, and employment history Purpose is to impress a potential employer and get an interview

7 Check out this website for some helpful information for teens

8 Let’s get that job In each of my CCC classes, someone will be hired for the job. This will be based on: Job application Cover Letter Resume Interview Skills

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