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Mrs. Keeney/Ms. Sartoris

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Keeney/Ms. Sartoris"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Keeney/Ms. Sartoris
WELCOME TO 3RD GRADE! Mrs. Carr/Ms. Clayborn Mrs. Eason/Ms. Jones Mrs. Keeney/Ms. Sartoris Mrs. Horiates

2 3rd Grade Schedule 8:00-9:50 (switch; team teacher's class)
9:50-10:40 (Specials) 10:40-11:20 (team teacher's class) 11:20-12:00 (homeroom returns) 12:00-1:00 (lunch/recess) 1:00-2:50 (homeroom)

3 Student Handbook The Student Handbook is located on the Castle Hills website under parent resources drop down menu. Please READ! Attendance/absences/make-up work (p. 6) Dress code will be strictly enforced (p ) Grading/Homework policy (p ) Progress reports (two per 9 weeks); report card every 9 weeks Late Work (p. 20) LATE WORK Grades 2nd through 5th: 10 points will be deducted for late work each day (including the day the work is assigned) for 3 days then a zero given after the 3rd day. Although, this policy may vary by grade level.

4 Arrival/Dismissal School hours are from 7:50-2:50. Students may begin arriving between 7:20-7:40 All 3rd Grade students arriving prior to 7:40 will wait in the gym Students arriving at or after 7:50 must report to the office to receive a tardy slip (unless instructed otherwise) Please arrange for your child to be picked up at 2:50. Those students taken to the office at 3:00 must be signed out by a parent/guardian. Rainy day dismissal is the same unless there is torrential rain, thunder, & lightning. Please provide your son or daughter with appropriate rain gear on those days. Student Check Out Procedures (refer to the student handbook)

5 Arrival/Dismissal Any changes should be communicated to your child’s homeroom teacher via . Please call the front office if the change occurs late in the afternoon.

6 Breakfast/Snack/Lunch
Students may purchase breakfast between 7:20-7:40 Stainless, healthy snacks are encouraged (Ex. cut fruit/vegetables, gold fish, etc.) There is no “scheduled” snack time. Parent lunch/peanut-free tables. Please sit at the tables marked for parents. Only your son/daughter may join you.

7 Breakfast/Snack/Lunch
Lunch bins are located across from the front office. Please label your child’s and teacher’s name on it to make sure it reaches the appropriate student. Lunch money should be placed in a sealed envelope with your son’s/daughter’s name and student number. Closed campus days (no visitors): First 4 days of school - August 26th, 27th, 28th, and 29th , STAAR testing days, party days, early dismissal days, and the last week of school (June 2nd-5th)

8 Birthdays Birthday party or other invitations may be sent to be handed out at school only if ALL students are invited OR if all of one gender is invited (all girls/all boys). All snacks must be store bought. Please make sure cakes and cookies are pre-cut. Please provide enough supplies for the class. (Ex. plates, napkins) Refer to page 12 in the student handbook for further information.

9 Field Trips/Volunteers
Background checks ASAP! (must be updated biannually) Allow 3 weeks for background check to be completed. Field trip volunteers (amount) will be determined based on the destination Refer to p for more information on field trip expectations.

10 B.Y.O.T Bring Your Own Technology
Applications must be school appropriate Castle Hills Staff are not responsible for your technology. Teachers will collect technology from students who misuse them. Please refer to p. 13 in the student handbook for more information.

11 Communication Emails (24 hour response window)
Telephone calls (during conference or after school) SchoolWeb Team teachers (please communicate with both teachers) Tuesday Newsday folders will be sent home everyone Tuesday. They contain important papers from our school and graded papers.

12 Expectations/ Love & Logic
We are a Love & Logic campus (refer to p. 15 in the student handbook) You will receive further information from your homeroom/team teachers (posted on their websites and/or handouts during Meet the Teacher).

13 STAAR Math Tuesday April 22, 2014 Reading Wednesday April 23, 2014
New to 3rd grade Don’t stress!

14 Tutoring Mondays and Tuesdays 2:50 – 3:30 (please pick-up your child on time) Dismissal in front of building Invitations will be provided

15 Conferences 3rd Grade Conference time is from 9:50 – 10:40
Conferences can be scheduled during this time or after school. Mandatory meetings may cause conferences to be rescheduled. Please refer to pages in the student handbook for more information.

16 Notes Meet the Teacher, Friday, August 23rd from 5:00-6:00.
Planners are $5.00 PLEASE read the student handbook


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