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Next-Generation UC Libraries; Next-Generation UC Librarians Ginny Steel, UCSC.

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Presentation on theme: "Next-Generation UC Libraries; Next-Generation UC Librarians Ginny Steel, UCSC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Next-Generation UC Libraries; Next-Generation UC Librarians Ginny Steel, UCSC


3 Interlibrary Loan Activity

4 Circulation Statistics



7 Current UC library collaborations Integrated services (Melvyl, NGTS) Shared facilities (NRLF, SRLF) Shared licensed collections Digital collections (OAC, Calisphere) Scholarly communication (eScholarship) Applied research and expertise (EAD, METS, HathiTrust)

8 New initiatives UC digital collection: digital asset management; discovery and display; aggregation; preservation; long-term curation, support, and management E-books Shelf-ready services Good enough record standard Elimination of backlogs in processing of archival and manuscript collections

9 New initiatives, continued Systemwide Collections Service Centers Transformed collection development practices Shared print in place

10 Toward a financial model and process in support of UC library collaboration To sustain ongoing services and long-term initiatives To enable the effective use of budgetary resources To ensure effective governance and organization

11 Next-gen UC librarians Collaborators Creative Curious Data- and evidence-driven Experimental Flexible


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