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4th Grade ELA Word Study Learning Focus Oct 10-13, 2017

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1 4th Grade ELA Word Study Learning Focus Oct 10-13, 2017
Root (cred – believe) Credential – n. a quality, skill, or experience that makes a person suited to do a job Credible – adj. able to be believed; reasonable to trust Creditor – n. a person, bank, or company that lends money Discredit – v. to refuse to believe; to reject as untrue Incredible – adj. not believable; improbable; unlikely The prefix “de-” and ”dis-” will be the focus next week. Assessment on “cred”, “de-” and “dis-” is Oct 20th Reading RI.4.2: Determining Main Idea. Summarizing informational text. RI.4.4: Using context clues to determine the meaning of unknown words and phrases RL.4.6: Point of View Writing W.4.3: Narrative Writing Language L.4.2d: Recognize words that are not spelled correctly and clarify the correct spelling of the word by using a dictionary Reading Fair Project is due Oct 20th Family Literacy Night is Oct 19th from 5:30-7:00 Please return signed report cards ASAP To schedule a conference, me at Oct 10-13, 2017 Walk To School Day Report Cards Fall Holiday No School

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