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Frequency Bin Quantum Photonics

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1 Frequency Bin Quantum Photonics
Andrew M. Weiner Purdue University with thanks to P. Imany, J. Jaramillo, O. Odele, M. Alshaykh, H.H. Lu,, N. Lingaraju, A.J. Moore, D.E. Leaird, Minghao Qi [Purdue] J.M. Lukens and P. Lougovski [ORNL] Photonics for Quantum Workshop, Rochester Institute of Technology, Jan. 25, 2019

2 Time-Frequency Entangled Photons (Biphotons)
Spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) Broadband, continuous spectrum (>5 THz) – but can be filtered to form a discrete spectrum Frequency correlations Time correlations Spontaneous four-wave mixing (SFWM), in a microresonator Biphoton frequency comb May be broadband, but made of narrow (discrete) frequency modes Frequency bin entanglement: analogies to classical WDM?

3 Entanglement in the Optical Frequency Domain
Motivation Frequencies are robust and compatible with transmission over fibers Potential for high dimensionality – processing with qudits – more information per photon Ability to perform routing based on optical frequency Manipulation in parallel in frequency domain Chip-scale microresonator sources and potential for further integration Can be combined with other photon degrees of freedom Outline Introduction to frequency-bin entangled photons (biphoton frequency combs) How to test frequency bin entanglement? - Some simple applications Time-frequency hyperentanglement - Deterministic two-qudit gates in a single photon Integration potential and conclusion

4 Biphoton comb carved from a continuous spectrum generated via SPDC
Biphoton Frequency Combs Biphoton comb carved from a continuous spectrum generated via SPDC Based on chip-scale microresonators, but emphasis on one line pair at a time Z. Xie, et al. Nature Photonics 9, 536 (2015) C. Reimer, et al. Science 351 ,1176 (2016)

5 Biphoton Frequency Combs (via microring resonators)
Potential for very high dimensional entanglement Small microring (~380 GHZ FSR) Larger microring (~50 GHZ FSR) Strong correlations out to 40th line pair! Imany, et al, Opt. Exp. 26, 1825 (2018) Jaramillo, et al, Optica 4, 655 (2017)

6 Nonlocal Dispersion Compensation
Demonstrates frequency-to-time mapping of biphoton combs ~380 GHz Biphoton Frequency Comb – 4 line pairs Both dispersed: compensation Undispersed Signal dispersed Idler dispersed Jaramillo, et al, Optica 4, 655 (2017)

7 Biphoton Frequency Comb Entangled State
(frequency basis) Biphoton wavepacket (delay basis) Phase coherence across frequency modes? Structure too fast for single photon detectors Complex amplitude (both magnitude and phase) How to prove the phase coherence for frequency- bin entangled photons? Sum over frequency bins Lineshape function

8 Tools for Measuring Frequency Bin Entanglement
Pulse shapers (select frequencies, manipulate spectral phase) Application to quantum optics Commercial implementation Pe’er, Dayan, Friesem, and Silberberg, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, (2005) A.M. Weiner, Rev. Sci. Instr. 71, 1929 (2000) Phase modulators (mix frequencies) No modulation Modulate one photon Modulate both, in phase Modulate both, out of phase Manipulating frequency correlations Weiner is recognized as the pioneer of this field and has been numerous external prizes for this work. Sensarn, Yin, and Harris, PRL 103, (2009) 8

9 How to Prove Frequency Bin Entanglement?
Use a phase modulator to project a single frequency into multiple sidebands A phase modulator acts as a frequency mixer, bringing about coherent superpositions of frequency bins for two photon interference Analogous to wave plates and polarizers used to mix polarization states for studies of polarization entangled photons Analogous to delay-imbalanced interferometers used to mix time bins for studies of time-bin entangled photons

10 An Interesting Duality
Same components, different order for characterization of entanglement and for state manipulation THIS TALK Imany, et al, Opt. Exp. 26, 1825 (2018); ibid, Phys. Rev. A 97, (2018) [Purdue] Kues et al, Nature 546 (2017) [INRS] Lukens and Lougovski, Optica 4, 8 (2017) [ORNL] UPCOMING TALK (Joe Lukens) H.-H. Lu, J.M. Lukens, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, (2018); ibid, Optica 5, 1455 (2018) [Purdue and ORNL]

11 How to Prove Frequency Bin Entanglement?
Use a phase modulator to project a single frequency into multiple sidebands Creates sidebands (mixes frequencies) Selects desired signal and idlers, manipulates phases Selects sidebands, routes to detectors How to prove stable (coherent) phase? Biphoton frequency comb & sweep spectral phase φ1 φ2 φ3 Complex amplitude (both magnitude and phase) Imany, et al, Opt. Exp. 26, 1825 (2018), Phys. Rev. A 97, (2018)

12 We use two different sources of biphoton frequency combs

13 Testing Frequency Bin Entanglement
Adjusting the RF frequency to achieve sideband overlap (50 GHz microring data) S6I6 S7I7 Indistinguishability here! (projection onto a superposition state) Output of Pulse Shaper 1 S6 S7 I6 I7 ω π/2 π/2 Coincidences Phase ω Output of Pulse Shaper 2 SPD1 SPD2 ω Imany, et al, “Demonstration of Frequency-Bin Entanglement in an Integrated Optical Microresonator,” CLEO (2017) [postdeadline] Imany, et al, Opt. Exp. 26, 1825 (2018)

14 Confirming Frequency Bin Entanglement
Phase-dependent two photon interference Spontaneous parametric down-conversion 𝜓 = 𝑆𝐼 𝑒 𝑖𝜙 𝑆𝐼 𝑒 𝑖2𝜙 𝑆𝐼 3 𝜓 = 𝑆𝐼 𝑒 𝑖 𝜙 𝑆𝐼 2 3 dimensional 2 dimensional Imany, Odele, et al, Phys. Rev. A 97, (2018) Spontaneous four-wave mixing Quantum state tomography: estimating the density matrix S6I6 S7I7 𝑉= 93%±13% 2 dimensional Re (𝜌) Im (𝜌) Imany, et al, Opt. Exp. 26, 1825 (2018) Fidelity: 0.83

15 Extending to Three Frequency Pairs
Imany, et al, Opt. Exp. 26, 1825 (2018) Biphoton comb from microring CGLMP inequality (3D Bell inequality) 𝐼 3 =3 𝑃 11 0,0 + 𝑃 21 0,1 + 𝑃 22 0,0 + 𝑃 12 0,0 − 3 𝑃 11 0,1 + 𝑃 21 0,0 + 𝑃 22 0,1 + 𝑃 12 1,0 ≤2 𝑃 𝑎,𝑏 𝑥,𝑦 = 𝐶𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑐. 𝑀𝑎𝑥 𝑐𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑐. Term Coincidences 𝑃 11 (0,0) 150±10 𝑃 21 (0,1) 141±23 𝑃 22 (0,0) 152±21 𝑃 12 (0,0) 146±16 Term Coincidences 𝑃 11 (0,1) 54±4 𝑃 21 (0,0) 33±6 𝑃 22 (0,1) 49±12 𝑃 12 (1,0) 32±10 𝑀𝑎𝑥 𝑐𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑐. =160±18 I3 = 2.63±0.2 (sufficient to establish entanglement for our entangled qutrits) R. Thew, et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, (2004); C. Bernhard, et al, J. Phys. A. Math. Theor. 47, (2014).

16 Dispersion Measurement with Biphoton Frequency Comb
Comb sliced from broadband SPDC spectrum Imany, Odele, et al, Phys. Rev. A 97, (2018) Spectral Intensity Phase shift due to fiber dispersion 𝜙 𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑓𝑡 =− 2𝜋 2 𝛽 2 𝐿Δ𝑓 2 𝑓 𝑜𝑠 +Δ𝑓 fos fos fos Δf Freq. Coincidences vs. frequency for fixed phase Coincidences vs. phase for fixed frequency bin pair Slope gives 𝛽 2 =−2.03× 10 −2 p s 2 /m Expected value of 𝛽 2 =−2.06× 10 −2 p s 2 /m

17 Time Resolution Beyond That From Single-Photon Detectors
Previous work using electro-optic intensity modulators Lukens, et al, Opt. Lett. 40, 5331 (2015) Measuring the coincidence rate vs. intensity modulator relative delay PPLN Pump Filters SMF 1x2 Coupler M1 M2 τ Coincidence counter AWG Coincidences Improved resolution from ~350 ps to ~70 ps, but lossy Resolution down to ~1 ps should be possible using phase modulators and frequency bin entanglement Potential applications Range-resolved imaging Stand-off vibrometry Precision timing acquisition Large alphabet QKD

18 Time-Frequency Hyper-entanglement
Deterministic optical quantum logic with multiple high-dimensional degrees of freedom in a single photon Two-qudit Single-photon Deterministic quantum gates High-dimensional optical quantum logic in large operational spaces [PURDUE] Enables construction of deterministic photonic gates, scalable in dimension Experiments in 3×3 and 16×16 dimensions with a single photon Readily extended to two photons Imany, Jaramillo-Villegas , Lukens, Odele, Leaird, Qi, and Weiner, arXiv: High-dimensional one-way quantum processing implemented on d-level cluster states [INRS] Realization and characterization of four-partite, 3 dimensional cluster states via time-frequency encoding of signal-idler pair Reimer, et al, Nature Physics (2018),

19 Deterministic 2-Qudit Time-Frequency Gates: Experiments
Currently d=3; should scale to higher dimensions X-gate for 3 time bins (operation of which conditioned on frequency) Results in biphoton freq. comb × 3 time bins Carves d=3 time bins from pump CINC SUM Frequency as control, time as target Control + target, modulo d Controlled X-gate Imany, Jaramillo-Villegas , Lukens, Alshaykh, Odele, Leaird, Qi, and Weiner, arXiv:

20 New: Scaling the Sum Gate to 16 × 16
16 frequency bins, 16 time bins Equivalent to 8 qubits in a single photon Frequency as control, time as target 16 ×16 diagonal blocks corresponding to individual frequencies Control + target, modulo d Imany, Jaramillo-Villegas , Lukens, Alshaykh, Odele, Leaird, Qi, and Weiner, arXiv:

21 Testing the Coherence of the 2-Qudit SUM Gate
3 frequency bins, 3 time bins Start with Frequency bin phase control Mix frequency bins Joint spectral intensity after SUM gate Idler Time bin phase control Signal Sum gate Mix time bins State projection 0-1 Interference 1-2 Interference 0-2 Interference Imany, Jaramillo, Lukens, Alshaykh, Odele, Moore, Leaird, Qi and Weiner, unpublished

22 Potential Application: Qudit Teleportation
Early (1998) qubit teleportation using two degrees of freedom in each photon (polarization and momentum) Qudit teleportation using time and frequency DoFs of a photon Only two photons (not three) required! Poolad Imany (unpublished) Qudit DFT Preparer 2-qudit gate (XOR or SUM) Proposed experimental realization of the theory from Roa et al, Phys. Rev. A 68, (2003) Boschi, De Martini, Hardy, and S. Popescu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 1121 (1998)

23 Integrated Frequency Bin Quantum Processor Concept
Beginning to explore thin film LN with SiN (with Prof. Minghao Qi, NSF Quantum RAISE program) Also exploring Si photonics solutions via AIM Photonics (collaboration with AFRL, RIT, ORNL) Potential to reduce the loss of bulk optics implementations (~15 dB) to the few dB level Applicable to both entanglement characterization and quantum frequency processing

24 Programmable Multi-channel Ring Resonator Filters
Simple integrated pulse shapers for photonic RF arbitrary waveform generation Khan, Shen, Xuan, Zhao, Xiao, Leaird, Weiner, and Qi, Nature Photonics 4, 117 (2010) Femtosecond pulse J. Wang, H. Shen, … Weiner, and Qi, Nat. Comm. 6, 5957 (2015)

25 Thanks to many students, collaborators, & sponsors!
Navin Lingaraju Poolad Imany Peach Lu Ogaga Odele Jose Jaramillo Minghao Qi

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