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Sanctuary 1. a sacred or holy place 2. a safe place Definition:

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Presentation on theme: "Sanctuary 1. a sacred or holy place 2. a safe place Definition:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sanctuary 1. a sacred or holy place 2. a safe place Definition:
Synonym: Antonym: Parts of Speech: Noun 1. a sacred or holy place 2. a safe place Church, hideaway 1. The minister told me to light candles in the sanctuary. 2. To Terry, her garden was her sanctuary.

2 Sanctuary

3 The siege on the city of Fallujah lasted nearly 40 days.
Definition: Sounds Like: Synonym: To attack and surround Antonym: support Parts of Speech: Noun a long fight, especially the surrounding of a city The siege on the city of Fallujah lasted nearly 40 days.

4 Siege

5 Subsequent Word used in a sentence following in order; next
Definition: Sounds Like: Synonym: Antonym: Previous Parts of Speech: adjective following in order; next following Subsequent to their arrival at the airport, they rented a car and started to sightsee. Word used in a sentence

6 Subsequent

7 Treacherous Word used in a sentence Definition:
Sounds Like: Synonym: Corrupt Antonym: Parts of Speech: adjective 1. not to be trusted; dishonest 2. dangerous and hazardous Honest Barney’s treacherous friend often lied to him about why he couldn’t hang out with him. Word used in a sentence

8 Treacherous

9 The groom vowed to love his wife for the rest of his life.
Definition: to promise or pledge Sounds Like: Synonym: Pledge, oath Antonym: Break, breach Parts of Speech: Verb Word used in a sentence The groom vowed to love his wife for the rest of his life.

10 Vow

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