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Vocabulary Words World Literature

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1 Vocabulary Words World Literature
Night Week 7

2 Indifference As political aides, we are going door-to-door in hopes of ending indifference and getting voters to come out to the polls.

3 Indifference Definition: n.—lack of interest, concern, or sympathy.
Synonyms: apathy Antonyms: eagerness

4 Laden Although the suitcase appears laden, I think I can squeeze in one more pair of shoes.

5 Laden Definition: adj.—burdened; loaded down.
Synonyms: encumbered, taxed Antonyms: light, empty

6 Dregs Some people cruelly think homeless people are the dregs of society and do not realize that one day they too could be down-and-out. totter

7 Dregs Definition: n—sediment that has settled at the bottom of a liquid; the least wanted part of anything (usually people) Synonyms: residue, deposits, riffraff Antonyms: n/a

8 Ensue After Greg insulted Larry, everyone thought a fight would ensue in the schoolyard.

9 Ensue Definition: v.—to follow as a consequence; start to happen; come to pass Synonym: result, occur, befall Antonym: cease, repress

10 Maul I would never go near a bear, even in captivity, for fear that it would maul me with its huge teeth and claws

11 Maul Definition: v.—to injure by a rough beating, shoving, or the like; bruise: Synonyms: mangle, abuse Antonyms: protect, help

12 Vitality The fitness trainer was a perfect picture of health and vitality.

13 Vitality Definition: n.— physical strength or mental vigor
Synonyms: energy, spirit Antonyms: lethargy, enervation

14 Prostrate Kevin’s snow angel did not come out well because he laid prostrate on the ground instead of on his back

15 Prostrate Definition: v.—lying face downward
Synonyms: reclining, prone Antonyms: upright,

16 Feeble My mom didn't want to hear my feeble excuses about why I was late.

17 Feeble Definition: adj.—pathetically lacking in force or effectiveness
Synonyms: lame, frail, decrepit Antonyms: fit, capable

18 Unprecedented The Internet has erased distance and given people unprecedented access to each other.

19 Unprecedented Definition: adj.—without previous instance; never before known or experienced Synonyms: novel, unique, remarkable Antonyms: common, ordinary

20 Contemplate Before making a bad decision, take some time and contemplate the consequences of your actions.

21 Contemplate Definition: v.—to consider thoroughly; think fully or deeply about Synonyms: meditate, study, ponder Antonyms: forget, disregard

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