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Presentation by the Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture

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1 Presentation by the Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture
African Common Strategy on Combatting Illegal Exploitation and Illegal Trade in Wild Flora and Fauna in Africa Presentation by the Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture 22 March 2016, AUC HQ.

2 Background The AU Decision EX.CL/ Dec.832 (XXV) June 2014, Malabo, Equatorial Guinea International Conference on Illegal Exploitation and Illegal Trade of Wild Fauna and Flora in Africa, Brazzaville, Republic of Congo Prepare an African Common Strategy on Combatting Illegal Trade in Wild Flora and Fauna to be reported in the June 2015 Summit

3 1. Brazzaville Conference
Highlighted: Economic, security, social, and environmental implications of illegal trade in wild flora and fauna Calls for: AU and its Member States to act together to bring IWT to an end Coordinated efforts to safeguard Africa’s biodiversity for future generations Practical homegrown solutions towards decisively eliminating poaching and illegal wildlife trade. High level segment deliberated on: Draft African Common Strategy of Combatting Illegal Exploitation and Illegal Trade in Wild Flora and Fauna Brazzaville Declaration

4 2. The African Common Strategy on Combatting Illegal Exploitation and Illegal Trade in Wild Fauna and Flora Formulated to guide a common, coordinated response by countries in Africa to combat the illegal trade in wild fauna and flora Objective: to prevent, reduce and eventually eliminate the illegal trade in wild fauna and flora in Africa through the implementation of an Africa wide strategic framework, endorsed and acted upon by the African Union and its member states Builds upon and supports actions taken by AU MS to implement their obligations and commitments under international agreements, including under CITES as well as high-level events that have generated significant momentum to enhance efforts to combat the illegal wildlife trade more effectively, to raise the profile of illegal wildlife trade and to secure political support for these efforts.

5 3. Implementation of the Strategy
AU Decision EX.CL/Dec.879 (XXVII), June 2015, South Africa Endorses the Strategy and the Brazzaville Declaration Calls upon Member States and AU Partners to support the popularization of the common strategy and facilitate the implementation of the action plan

6 Next steps Review the Implementation to include a timeline and cost estimate Agree on a coordination mechanism Financing instrument

7 Thank you

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