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8/27/2015 Agenda Science Starter Rehearse class procedures

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Presentation on theme: "8/27/2015 Agenda Science Starter Rehearse class procedures"— Presentation transcript:

1 8/27/2015 Agenda Science Starter Rehearse class procedures
Introduce Observation vs. Inference Homework Assignment

2 What do you observe?

3 Fossil Footprints What did you learn from Fossil Footprints?
What is the difference between an observation and an inference? Can you write a definition for observation and a definition for inference.

4 Observation An act of viewing or noting a fact or occurrence for some scientific purpose.

5 Inference The process of arriving at some conclusion based on assumed premises.

6 Observation in Practice
Practice with observation in the scientific process.

7 Fossil Footprints What do you observe? What do you infer?



10 Let’s try one more! T-P-S Activity as an exit ticket

11 Homework Your homework for tonight is to complete the worksheet.
Homework is due TOMORROW

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