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Presentation on theme: "EAST AFRICAN MARKET DEMAND FOR PROJECT MANAGERS - CONSTRUCTION"— Presentation transcript:

Presenter: Stephen N Kamau Project Manager – Howard Humphreys (EA) ltd an Atkins Co.

2 Introduction: Definition of Terms
Project: A project is temporary in that it has a defined beginning and end in time, and therefore defined scope and resources. And a project is unique in that it is not a routine operation, but a specific set of operations designed to accomplish a singular goal (ref - Project Management Institute) Project Management: This is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements (ref - Project Management Institute) Project Managers: These are individual tasked to spearhead planning and execution of a Project. They manage the following aspects of a project; Time, Scope, Cost , Quality, Integration, Procurement, Human resources, Communications, Risks, Stakeholders (ref - Project Management Institute)

3 History of Project Management
2570 BC: The Great Pyramid of Giza Completed 208 BC: Construction of the Great Wall of China 1917: The Gantt chart Developed by Henry Gantt ( ) 1956: The American Association of Cost Engineers (now AACE International) Formed 1957: The Critical Path Method (CPM) Invented by the Dupont Corporation 1958: The Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) Invented for the U.S. Navy's Polaris Project 1962: United States Department of Defence Mandate the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Approach 1965: The International Project Management Association (IPMA) Founded 1969: Project Management Institute (PMI) Launched to Promote the Project Management Profession 1975: PROMPTII Method Created by Simpact Systems Limited 1975: The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering by Fred Brooks 1984: Theory of Constraints (TOC) Introduced by Dr. Eliyahu M. Goldratt in his Novel "The Goal“ 1986 Scrum Named as a Project Management Style 1987: A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) Published by PMI By Duncan Haughey

4 History of Project Management continued…
1994: CHAOS Report First Published 1996: PRINCE2 Published by CCTA 1997: Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) Invented 1998: PMBOK Becomes a Standard 2001: The Agile Manifesto Written 2006: "Total Cost Management Framework" Release by AACE International 2008: 4th Edition of PMBOK Guide Released 2009: Major PRINCE2 Revision by Office of Government Commerce (OGC) 2012: ISO 21500:2012 Standard for Project Management Released 2012: 5th Edition of PMBOK Guide Released By Duncan Haughey

5 Project Life-cycle Initiation Planning Execution Closure
Project Review Project Definition Monitoring & Control Detailed planning

6 Overview of East African Market
Ref – Deloitte; Africa Construction Trends Report 2016

7 East Africa Projects by sector
Ref – Deloitte; Africa Construction Trends Report 2016

8 Regional average real GDP growth outlook (2016f – 2017f)
Ref – Deloitte; Africa Construction Trends Report 2016

9 Project Management uptake globally
Ref: Pulse of the Profession 2017

10 Project Management uptake globally continued…

11 Global understanding of project management
Ref: Pulse of the Profession 2017

12 Success of project management globally
Ref: Pulse of the Profession 2017

13 Maturity of project management in organisations globally
Ref: Pulse of the Profession 2017

14 Specific Roles and Responsibilities of a Project manager in a project
Planning and Defining Scope Activity Planning and Sequencing Resource Planning Developing Schedules Time Estimating Cost Estimating Developing a Budget Documentation Creating Charts and Schedules Risk Analysis

15 Specific Roles and Responsibilities of a Project manager in a project continued…
Monitoring and Reporting Progress Team Leadership Strategic Influencing Business Partnering Procurements Working with Vendors Scalability, Interoperability and Portability Analysis Controlling Quality Benefits Realisation Managing Risks and Issues Ref-ITTECHEEXEC website

16 Comparison between projects with Project Managers and those without
Projects with a project Manager Projects without a project Manager 1 Project are completed within budgets Projects often require budget adjustments through change/variation orders 2 Projects are completed in the right quality Most of the time projects fall short of quality targets e. g. recently collapsed buildings in Kenya 3 Scopes are well defined minimizing chances of scope creep Scopes are poorly defined leading to many change/orders i.e. increased project duration and budget 4 Project duration is well managed leading to timely completion Often times projects are not completed on time 5 Risks are properly defined and Managed Risks are poorly defined and improperly managed

17 Comparison between projects with Project Managers and those without continued…
Projects with a project Manager Projects without a project Manager 6 Communication is well managed Communication is poorly managed 7 Projects are well documented Documentation is hastily done and most often shallow. No proper document control systems 8 Projects’ stakeholders are well managed Most often stakeholders are poorly managed leading to breakdown of communication and ultimately developing tension within the project teams. This impacts projects negatively

18 Collapsed buildings in Kenya due to lack of proper quality control
Collapsed building in Huruma, Nairobi Kenya (lead to loss of lives) Collapsed building in Zimmerman, Kenya

Garden City Mall, Kenya Grand Ethiopia Renaissance Dam, Ethiopia A number of dramatic shifts are causing organizations to pause and re-evaluate their relevance and their ability to meet current and future market demands. These shifts are creating opportunities for project managers to elevate their value as strategic partners in business success. These project leaders—who possess a combination of technical, leadership, and strategic and business management expertise—are helping to drive optimum project performance when faced with the following trends and issues (Ref: Pulse of the Profession 2017)

20 THANKS Presenter: Stephen Kamau ( ) THE END


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