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1 RESEARCH PROFILE Hannah Spurling

2 Critically Compare- Unit 2 1.1
I looked into Official and unofficial research along with primary and secondary research. The research sources I looked at were all focused around Discrimination in Sport.  PRIMARY RESEARCH SECONDARY RESEARCH Primary research is usually a diary, journal, document, recording, interview or video that is not edited. It was created at a specific time and remains the same and it is spoken by a person involved or close to the topic. Secondary research is information on a similar form as an official source, it is usually posted as a news report or article. For my secondary research I found an article by BBC news. The article had no named author but was published on 21 September This article included more specific details such as the date Eto'o joined AntalyaSpor and the social media platform he posted his comment on. The article is available at;  For my primary research I found an interview with Eto'o. The interview however was from 8 years ago but was still focused on his problem with racism; this informed me that Samuel Eto'o has been struggling with racism for a long period of time. The interview was for a French sports programme called TFI. The interview was in French but had English subtitled throughout. The interview focused on racism, Eto'o wanting to leave the pitch during a game and solidarity. The interview is available at;  OFFICIAL RESEARCH UNOFFICIAL RESEARCH Official Source- An official source is an official announcement about something that's happened. It is usually available for everyone to read and is published by a major publication or released as a public speech or talk etc. Unofficial Source- An unofficial source is someone making an unofficial statement. This is usually on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and son on. Unofficial sources are usually not one hundred percent true. My Official source for my subject is an article by The Mirror. The article was written by Liam Prenderville and was published on 22 September It is available at My unofficial source is a Facebook comment posted by a man on a post by Soccer Laduma (an African sporting magazine).  The comment is available at on the Samuel Eto'o article.

Pros and Cons of Vox Pops Pros; Cons; Easy way to gain information. Can be brief, people do not want to waste their time answering questions. Provides a wide range of views to a specific topic. They are un-official; this means the information being provided is not 100% accurate or reliable. Allow a public opinion to be interpreted into an article. They can be biased. EVALUATION OF VOX POPS - For my Vox Pops, I interviewed four people to ask their opinion on racism and discrimination. The question I asked was 'What is your overall opinion on racism and discrimination?'. The transcripts and recordings of the questions are below. My transcriptions are available on WordPress. - I went around the college campus and asked people if they had a few minutes to answer some questions. I then used my phone to record peoples response to the question; later I turned this recording into a transcript.  - I think the answers were not as good as I had wished because the answer I asked was very versatile and brief this meant people could get away with only answering with a very short and impersonal response.  - Next time, I think I would come up with a more detailed question that will prompt people to answer with a longer response in order to gain more information for my research.

QUALITATIVE RESEARCH  QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH Qualitative research is a form of research in which you ask someone an open question that has an open ended answer. Qualitative research aims to collect opinions and interests. Results are usually descriptive, long and do not come in the form of statistics. PROS AND CONS- Quantitative research is a form of research in which you ask closed questions that only have a yes or no answer. Quantitative research is usually used to gather statistics and measure the quantity of something. This form of research is usually used to gather information from a large population. PROS AND CONS-  PROS CONS More detailed Biased Do not limit choice of questions Take longer to transcribe etc Less expensive  Can be difficult to get answers when based on a sensitive topic PROS CONS Clear Can be costly Quick and Instant Have little detail Can be anonymous Non emotive

5 QUESTIONAIRE- UNIT 2 3.1 . For this task I created a survey that consisted of ten questions.  . The survey was based on discrimination in Sport.  . I posted the survey on Survey Monkey. Overall, I think my survey was quite effective. I gathered all the information I needed to and the information provides me with a range of varied opinions. However in the future I think I would use open questions in order to get more detailed, specific opinions in order to get a broader range of information for my work.

6 Questionnaire Findings- Unit 2 3.1

7 Target Audience- Unit 2 3.1 My survey was based on Discrimination in Sport. I chose my questions by brainstorming the different concepts and areas of the issue and then by coming up with appropriate questions. In the future I think I would come up with questions that are easier to follow, I think my questions needed to be shorter and simpler; they take too long to read and understand. I did not target a specific audience in my survey. However I used survey monkey which means I am  unable to determine my audiences average age. In the future, I think I would ask a question that provides age ranges in order to determine what type of audience are answering my questions.

8 Effectiveness and Limitations- Unit 2 3.2
Overall I am happy with a majority of my questions- they provided me with the information I needed in order to write my article. However in the future I would like to use a question that asks the ages of my audience so I can determine the average age group of my responses. I would also shorten my questions in future surveys; I think my questions are too long. I distributed my survey on Survey Monkey. Survey Monkey is fast and easily accessible but in the future I think I would use a different platform or ask different questions in order to establish an audience age and gain more information.

9 Referencing Vox Pops photo- Student Media Hub(2016) Vox Pops. Available at: studentc3ntral.jpg?resize=620%2C350   (Downloaded: 19th October 2016) Survey photo- UC San Diego (2013) Faculty and TAs: Help Shape the Future of Ted and Win an iPad or iPod! Available at: (Downloaded: 19th October 2016)  Survey Monkey photo- International Business Times (2014) SurveyMonkey CEO Talks London Tech City, Going Public and 'Having a Funny Name' Available at: October 2016) Survey Monkey photo 2- 5CS(2015) Port Pirie Council Survey. Available at:   (Downloaded: 19th October 2016) Horse Photo- Getty Images (2009) London International Horse Show aims to end bleak show jumping year on a high. Available at:  October 2016) Football photo- Getty Images(no date) Southampton England Soccer. Available at:  (Downloaded: 19th October 2016) Black and White Sports photo- Health Aim (2016) First Modern Day Olympics: How Brazil Can Learn From The History Of Olympics. Available at: (Downloaded: 19th October 2016)  

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