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The Dismantling of America’s Christian Heritage

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1 The Dismantling of America’s Christian Heritage
Silencing of God The Dismantling of America’s Christian Heritage

2 What can the righteous to do? Psalm 11:3
Remember, all nations, including the U.S., are governed by God (Job 12:23; Psa. 9:17-20; 33:10-12; 79:6; Dan. 4:25,32) Remember, national morality is dependent upon religion (Prov. 14:34) Pray for national leaders (1 Tim. 2:1-3) Pray for yourself (Psa. 43:1)

3 What can the righteous to do? Psalm 11:3
Pass on God to the next generation (Judges 2:10) When civil law conflicts with God’s law, obey God (Acts 5:29) Participate when possible in civil authority (Gen. 41; Dan. 6; Neh. 1; Esth. 4) Be willing to be persecuted at the hands of your own government (Rev. 6:9)

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