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Key Letters I will give you a letter and you have to tell me a word that starts with that letter and relates to Greece – no writing allowed!

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Presentation on theme: "Key Letters I will give you a letter and you have to tell me a word that starts with that letter and relates to Greece – no writing allowed!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Key Letters I will give you a letter and you have to tell me a word that starts with that letter and relates to Greece – no writing allowed!

2 Greece Objective: you will use your imagination and planning skills to create and complete your very own myth. Key words: Mythology Gods Legends Morals

3 Where do you want to be? Level 5
You begin to write in a creative and imaginative style. You describe some of the characters in reasonable detail. You use some technical terms and vocabulary for your story Level 6 Your writing style is very imaginative and creative. You describe and in some cases explain some facts about your story in detail. You use lots of technical terms and vocabulary for your story Level 4 You describe some facts about the characters in your myth and set the scene for your story

4 What is a Myth or Legend? Myths and legends are traditional stories that have been told for thousands of years They were passed on orally – through storytelling – from generation to generation, and many were eventually written down The people telling the stories often believed them to be true. We know that many myths are false, although some can’t be proved one way or the other. They try and show how people should live or behave

5 Mythical Creatures Some myths, like the story of Theseus and the minotaur, use people or animals to tell the story. Most myths tell stories using supernatural creatures. What do we mean by ‘Supernatural Creature’?

6 Here are some examples of mythological creatures...

7 Some famous ancient Greek myths...
The Trojan horse Theseus and the minotaur Jason and the golden fleece The Iliad and the Odyssey Daedalus and Iccarus The 12 labours of Hercules

8 Plenary Hangman – it’s all about Greece! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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