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Material Application (Processes) Processes are Welding Cutting Machining.

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Presentation on theme: "Material Application (Processes) Processes are Welding Cutting Machining."— Presentation transcript:

1 Material Application (Processes) Processes are Welding Cutting Machining

2 Contents Introduction Analysis of Properties and Characteristics of MIG welding Analysis of Properties and Characteristics of Oxyacetylene Fusion welding Testing of MIG and Oxyacetylene Fusion Welding for – Welding Tests Flat Bar – Welding Tests Round Tubing – Welding Test Solid Round to Flat Bar – Welding Round Tubing to Flat Bar Testing the Cutting of – 25mm round bar – 25mm round tubing Testing the Machining of 25mm round bar – Facing and Turning of mild steel 25mm round bar – Drilling and Tapping of 25mm mild steel flat bar – Milling of 25mm mild steel round bar Conclusion Bibliography

3 Introduction Materials Application ( Processes)task I have chosen to analyse MIG welding and Oxyacetylene Fusion Welding as the possible methods of welding my (insert project title). I will test each for its performance in ease of use, penetration, heat distortion and judge each for suitability in relation to my project. In my conclusion I will indicate which process I will chose for welding my insert project name and why.

4 Analysis of Metal Insert Gas Welding Physical Properties Fabrication Characteristics

5 Analysis of Oxyacetylene Fusion Welding Physical Properties Fabrication Characteristics

6 Description I have conducted 3 test welding test MIG and Oxyacetylene, Cutting Test and a Machining test. The welding test is to see if it is possible to weld the material being tested with the equipment I have at school. The cutting test is to see how easily and accurately I can cut each material using the equipment I have at school. The machining test is to see how easily the material is to machine using the lathes we have at school.

7 Testing The purpose of testing each material is to establish which material has the most desirable characteristics and properties for my (insert project title). Testing Procedure Oxyacetylene Welding Test – I will try fusion welding tubing together and flat bar I will compare the distortion and appropriateness of this type of welding for my project. MIG Welding Test – I will try fusion welding tubing together and flat bar I will compare the distortion and appropriateness of this type of welding for my project.

8 Oxyacetylene Welding Test Mild Steel - TubingMild Steel – Flat Bar Insert image Comment:

9 Oxyacetylene Welding Test Mild Steel – 25mm round barMild Steel – Round tubing to flat bar Insert image Comment:

10 MIG Welding Tests Mild Steel - TubingMild Steel – Flat Bar Insert image Comment:

11 MIG Welding Test Mild Steel – 25mm round barMild Steel – Round tubing to flat bar Insert image Comment:

12 Cutting Tests Mild Steel 25mm round bar HacksawPower HacksawCut Off Saw Insert image insert image Comment:

13 Cutting Test Mild Steel 25mm round tubing HacksawPower HacksawCut Off Saw Insert image insert image Comment:

14 Machining Test Mild Steel 25mm round bar Facing & TurningDrilling & TappingMilling Insert image insert image Comment:

15 Conclusion After comparing all the characteristics, properties and testing of both materials I believe that insert material name would be the best choice for my insert project name because ……….. I would not choose insert material name for my project because ……………

16 Bibliography

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