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HRMT20028 – Organisational Change Management

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1 HRMT20028 – Organisational Change Management
Assessment Item 3 – Organisational Analysis Report

2 Specifics Written assessment 2000 words (+ - 10%) Report format
Due 11:45 pm, Monday, 9 October, 2017 Weight 40% (40 marks) Uploaded through the unit Moodle site Submitted through TurnItIn Submit as a word document or pdf only Spell check and proof read prior to submission

3 Aim The primary purpose of this assessment is to assist you to develop skills in the use of change processes and management theories and models in the analysis of a business situation that has organisation and structural change and development concerns. The assignment requires you to analyse the current situation, and suggest practical and probable solutions. The secondary purpose of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to apply your research, analysis, critical thinking and written communication skills, particularly the ability to write an organisational analysis report.

4 Task A organisation for analysis will be provided on Moodle.
You cannot analyse any other organisation than the one provide. There will be several questions to answer in relation to the organisation. The focus of the organisational analysis will be relevant to Topic/ weeks Six to 12. You must use a minimum of academic resources.

5 Assessment criteria and rubric = 40 marks
Application of theory and literature into the discussion, analysis, solutions and recommendation for the presenting issues in the organisation (8 marks). Analysis of the problems/organisational issues; including a critical analysis and clear argument supported by evidence (8 marks). Identification of alternative solution/s in the body of the report (6 marks). Justification of the chosen recommendation/s to the problem/ organisational issues (6 marks). Actions undertaken in order to implement the solution to the problem/organisational issues (6 marks). A structure with a clear introduction, well organised material, and a strong conclusion and standard use of written communication (2 marks). Correct APA referencing of a minimum of academic sources in-text and in the reference list (2 marks).

6 Meanings of words Application: show evidence of use of the research and literature when answering the questions to analyse the organisation. Argument: to take a stance and show the reason or set of reasons given in support of your answer to the questions. Alternative: show that there are one or more choices or possibilities available to the organisation. Justification of the chosen recommendation: illustrate why the solution/s your have offered are right or reasonable. Actions: the practical tasks that the organisation should undertake to implement the recommendations. Structure: the report structure is discussed on the next slides. APA referencing system: you must only use this referencing system in the body of the essay and in the reference list at the end. Ensure you familiarise yourself with it!

7 Reports You should have a Letter of Transmittal at the beginning of the report. Have appropriate headings and sub-headings for sections which are numbered. May include material such as tables and figures. If the tables/figures are not too large (less than ½ of a page) they can be included in the body of the report. Alternatively if tables and figures are large, include them in the appendices at the end of the report. However, they must be briefly discussed in the body of the report.

8 Report structure Body of the report (only this is included in the word count) Introduction (10-15%) Background Aims/ objectives Scope Discussion (60-70%) Conclusion (10-15%) Recommendations (10%) The title page Letter of Transmittal Executive summary Table of contents List of tables and figures Body of the report Reference List Appendices

9 Appropriate writing conventions
Must be within the word limit (first word of introduction to last word of the conclusion). Write in paragraph form with full sentences. A paragraph is more than one sentence. Introduce a new topic in a new paragraph, don’t write overly long paragraphs. Make the first or last sentence the topic sentence. Write using formal academic language and specific Management and Business Context words, theories, concepts and terms. Avoid using casual conversational language. For example, instead of writing “it’s a good idea to think about . . .” write “an important consideration is . . ” Write in the third person not using “I”, “we”, “one”, “he/she”.

10 APA citation author prominent
Direct quote example: Unterhalter (2007, p. 5) argues that “gender equality in schooling is an aspiration of global social justice.” Paraphrase example: Unterhalter (2007) suggests that equal treatment of the genders in education should be an issue of justice for every society. When paraphrasing, providing a page number is optional.

11 APA citation information prominent
Direct quote example: It has been argued that “gender equality in schooling is an aspiration of global social justice” (Unterhalter, 2007, p. 5). Paraphrase example: Equal treatment of gender in education should be an aim of every society (Unterhalter 2007).

12 APA page numbers Always give the page number for a direct quotation, or when referring to a specific diagram, table or chart. Again, when paraphrasing, providing a page number is optional. The word “page” is abbreviated to p. If there are two or more pages, use pp. For example: (Smith, 2012, p. 6), or (Smith, 2012, pp ). Always write the beginning and end page of the document in the reference list. But note that in the reference list this is written 12-15; there is no pp.

13 APA use of et al. For references with two authors, give both authors’ names in every in-text reference. For references with three, four or five authors, list all the authors’ names in your first in-text reference. In second and subsequent references to the same work, give only the first author’s name followed by ‘et al.’ For references with six or more authors, give only the first author’s name followed by ‘et al.’ in every in-text reference. Use “&” inside the brackets and “and” outside the brackets in a citation.

14 APA Journal article in reference list

15 APA books in reference list
Russell-Bowie, D. (2005). MMADD about the arts! An introduction to primary arts education. South Melbourne, Vic: Pearson Education Australia. Wyn, J., & White, R. (2008). Youth and society (2nd ed.). Sydney, NSW: Oxford University Press. or more authors Carmona, M., Heath, T., Oc, T., & Tiesdell, S. (2003). Public spaces - urban spaces: The dimensions of urban design. Oxford, UK: Architectural Press. Note all capitals, font styles, punctuation and brackets in the format of the references.

16 Plagiarism Plagiarism is the intentional use of someone else’s ideas, words or concepts in your assignment work without appropriate acknowledgment. It is considered serious misconduct at university and should be avoided at all times. Committing plagiarism can carry very serious penalties for students, including expulsion from the university. Past penalties include zero marks or a reduction of marks for an assignment. This reduction of marks on one assessment item has even lead to failure of the entire unit! TurnItIn is the first place that we look for when assessing plagiarism. This score may increase even after you submit your assignment as more comparisons are made between your work and other students’ work, journal articles or information on the www.

17 Plagiarism CQUniversity has a policy on plagiarism and you are strongly encouraged to familiarise yourself with it. Not having read the policy is no excuse when you are reported for plagiarism. The following URL will lead you to CQUniversity’s Plagiarism Procedures.

18 Uploading your assignment
Please ensure you upload the correct assignment to Moodle. You will not have the opportunity to remove and replace your assignment because you: received a high TurnItIn score or accidently uploaded an assignment from another unit or student or have submitted the wrong copy of your assignment.

19 Extensions Only the unit coordinator can approve extensions on assignments; but, do not the unit coordinator directly. All extensions must be applied for via the AES on Moodle. Criteria for deciding assessment extension requests: a) the extension request is in writing and includes sufficient details, such as relevant grounds and supporting documents, to enable an informed decision; b) when the extension request was received . . . c) any other relevant circumstances. The act of applying for an extension is no guarantee that it will be granted. Late penalties apply when an extension is not granted.

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