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Transformers Answer Q1 and 2

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1 Transformers Answer Q1 and 2

2 Transformers

3 Recap - Changing Voltages
The ratio of the number of turns on the coils equals the ratio of the voltages # of turns = Ns # of turns = Np Vp/Vs = Np/Ns

4 Question

5 Practical Transformers
Most practical transformers have the two coils on top of one another rather than side by side The core is laminated to reduce eddy currents and made of soft iron to allow easy magnetic reversals Often transformers have multiple outputs allowing many voltages to be tapped off Transformers are very efficient but larger ones require cooling (usually with oil) hence we can often assume that: Power in = power out or Vin Iin= Vout Iout or VPIP=VSIS

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