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Homomorphic Secret Sharing Yuval Ishai Technion
Crypto Innovation School, November 2018
Primitives Assumptions 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 PKE Factoring
Discrete Log Signatures ZK OT Secure Computation We heard about Glorious 1980s, which for personal reasons I’d like to think of them as the glorious 20th century Lucky streak CRYPTO
Minimize communication? Minimize interaction?
Primitives Assumptions PKE Factoring Discrete Log Signatures ZK OT Secure Computation These are qualitative questions, not quantitative ones. Minimize communication? Minimize interaction? Minimize local computation?
Primitives Assumptions 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 PKE Factoring
Discrete Log Signatures ZK OT Secure Computation Lattices: initially motivated by avg-case to worst case and post-quantum, then led to FHE that both as a primitive and the underlying technique led to an explosive growth of the field. IO FE IBE ABE Bilinear Maps FHE Lattices
Fully Homomorphic Encryption [RAD79,Gen09]
Dec P(x) sk Function Privacy Eval [P(x)] P Compactness: |Dec|<< |P| [x] Enc x pk sk
State of the FHE The good The not so good Huge impact on the field
Solid foundations [BV11,GSW13,…] Major progress on efficiency [BGV12,HS15,DM15,CGGI16,…] The not so good Narrow set of assumptions and underlying structures, all related to lattices Susceptible to lattice reduction attacks and other attacks Concrete efficiency still leaves much to be desired Given a generic group G: Unconditionally secure PKE and even secure computation Not known to be helpful for FHE
Better => different => in some sense better => an
Recall: FHE Dec P(x) sk Eval [P(x)] P [x] Enc x pk
“1/2 FHE” Dec Eval Enc P(x) sk [x]1 x pk [P(x)]1 P [P(x)]2 [x]2
Only problem is that Vinos likes this name so much that he starts applying the one-half modifiers to other primitives. computationally hides x computationally hides x
(2-Party) Homomorphic Secret Sharing
P(x) Dec Eval [P(x)]1 P Eval [P(x)]2 P We can view these ciphertexts as shares like a standard secret sharing scheme, and we no longer need keys. (Let’s get rid of the bloody keys) [x]1 [x]2 Share x
(2-Party) Homomorphic Secret Sharing
P(x) Dec + Eval [P(x)]1 P Eval [P(x)]2 P More generally, we can view the output as living in some abelian group and use addition. [x]1 [x]2 Share x
Other HSS Variants More than 2 shares: (m,t)-HSS
Non-trivial information-theoretic HSS when m>2t Implicit in best known information theoretic PIR and locally decodable codes [Yek07,Efr09,BIKO12] General compact output Compact HSS for low-degree polynomials [BI01,WY05,CF15,LMS18] Multiple inputs Public/secret key HSS HSS taxonomy in [Boyle-Gilboa-I-Lin-Tessaro18] IT HSS for rich class of functions implies good LDC
HSS vs. FHE HSS is generally weaker… … but has some advantages
2 (or more) shares vs. single ciphertext Non-collusion assumption … but has some advantages Ultimate output compactness Efficient and public decoding Can aggregate many outputs Add up outputs of many different computations, on inputs that come from different sources who don’t share a key and don’t trust each other.
Delegating Computations to the Cloud
Applications Delegating Computations to the Cloud FHE HSS [x]1 [x]2 [x] Bonus features: Multiple clients Useful also for small P P(x) [P(x)]2 [P(x)]1 [P(x)] sk P(x)
Communication complexity of securely computing C?
Applications Communication complexity of securely computing C? (a,b) C C(a,b) Classically: > |C| [Yao86,GMW87,BGW88,CCD88,…] … even for restricted classes, such as formulas Using FHE: ~ |input|+|output|
Succinct Secure Computation
Applications Succinct Secure Computation FHE HSS [a] sk a b a b HSS can do better when the outputs are long, e.g., generating correlated randomness from a short seed. [Cb(a)] [(a,b)]1 [(a,b)]2 C(a,b) Eval Bonus features: Beats FHE for long outputs Useful for generating correlations [BCGIO17,BCGI18] [C(a,b)]1 [C(a,b)]2 C(a,b)
Worst-case to average-case reductions
Applications Worst-case to average-case reductions Goal: reduce f(x) to g(x1), g(x2) where: if f is boolean then so is g x1,x2 are individually “random” Complexity of g comparable to that of f HSS-based solution: g=Evalf Weaker solutions via FHE, or even unconditionally Useful for “Fine-grained” average-case hardness Verifiable computation
Worst-case to average-case reductions
Applications Worst-case to average-case reductions f(x)? x f(x)=y! f(x)?!
Applications Worst-case to average-case reductions r1 f(r1)
Test on random inputs? rn x will not be one of them… f(rn)
Worst-case to average-case reductions
Applications Worst-case to average-case reductions x1 g(x1)=y1 f(x)? x2 f(x) g(x2)=y2
HSS for Circuits from LWE via FHE
From multi-key FHE [LTV12,CM15,MW16,DHRW16,BGILT18] “Additive-spooky” encryption [Dodis-Halevi-Rothblum-Wichs16] From threshold FHE [AJLTVW12,BGI15,DHRW16]
20th century assumptions?
HSS without FHE? 20th century assumptions?
Example: Additive Secret Sharing
Let (G,+) be a finite Abelian group (e.g., G=Zp) Additive secret sharing of x ∈ G: split x into (y,z) where y,z are random subject to x=y+z. Each of y and z (separately) is uniform over G More generally, we can view the output as living in some abelian group and use addition. x y z +
Additive Secret Sharing is Homomorphic!
x y z = + x’ y’ z’ Similarly: scalar multiplication More generally, we can view the output as living in some abelian group and use addition. + x+x’ y+y’ z+z’ =
HSS for linear functions [Benaloh86]
L(x) Dec + Eval L(y) L(X)= c1X1+c2X2+…+cnXn Eval L(z) More generally, we can view the output as living in some abelian group and use addition. y z Add-Share x=(x1,…,xn)
HSS for linear functions [Benaloh86]
L(x) Can we go beyond linear functions? Trivially: share all possible functions of x Not efficient! Inherent limitation of information-theoretic HSS Dec + Eval L(y) L(X)= c1X1+c2X2+…+cnXn Eval L(z) More generally, we can view the output as living in some abelian group and use addition. y z Share x=(x1,…,xn)
Coming Up HSS for “simple” functions from one-way functions
HSS for branching programs from DDH Many open questions
Low-End HSS from OWF
Function Secret Sharing [Boyle-Gilboa-Ishai15]
Reverse roles of function/program and input Share size can grow with program size P(x) [P(x)]1 [P(x)]2 Looks like a cosmetic change, but is actually more natural in the context of some applications, and also allow broader feasibility results: for instance, decision trees from OWF, where the share size grows with the DT size. x Eval Eval x [P]1 [P]2 Share P
Function Secret Sharing [Boyle-Gilboa-Ishai15]
Reverse roles of function/program and input Share size can grow with program size Very efficient constructions for “simple” classes from one-way functions [GI14,BGI15,BGI16] - Point functions - Intervals - Decision trees Applications to privacy-preserving data access - Reading (e.g., PIR [CGKS95,CG97] “Splinter” [WYGVZ17]) - Writing (e.g., private storage [OS98], “Riposte” [CBM15]) - Reading+writing (e.g., distributed ORAM [Ds17,GKY18,BKKO18]) P(x) [P(x)]1 [P(x)]2 Looks like a cosmetic change, but is actually more natural in the context of some applications, and also allow broader feasibility results: for instance, decision trees from OWF, where the share size grows with the DT size. x Eval Eval x [P]1 [P]2 Share P
Distributed Point Functions
Point function fα,β:{0,1}nG fα,β(α)=β fα,β(x)=0 for x≠α DPF = FSS for class of point functions Simple solution: share truth-table of fα,β Goal: poly(n) share size Implies OWF Super-poly DPF implicit in PIR protocols [CGKS95,CG97]
Applications: Reading
Keyword search [CGN96,FIPR05,OS05,HL08, …] X= {x1,…,xN} xi {0,1}n Server 1 Server 2 y1=i f1(xi) y2= if2(xi) f1 f2 fx,1:{0,1}nZ2 Client Is x in X? 1-bit answers! No data structures, no error Works well on streaming data y1y2
Applications: Reading
Keyword search with payloads X= {(x1,p1),…,(xN,pN)} xi {0,1}n Server 1 Server 2 y1=i pi.f1(xi) y2= i pi.f2(xi) f1 f2 fx,1:{0,1}nZ2 Client Get payload of keyword x y1y2
Applications: Reading
Generalized keyword search X= {x1, …, xN} xi {0,1}n Server 1 Server 2 y1=Σi f1(xi) y2=Σi f2(xi) f1 f2 f:{0,1}nZu Client How many xi satisfy f(xi)=1? y1+y2
Applications: Reading
Generalized keyword search with payloads? X= {(x1,p1),…,(xN,pN)} xi {0,1}n Server 1 Server 2 y1=Σi E(pi). f1(xi) y2=Σi E(pi). f2(xi) f1 f2 f:{0,1}nZu Client Return (some) pi with f(xi)=1 y1+y2
Applications: Writing
Secure aggregation X1 X2 Server 1 α1 α2 α3 α4 α5 α6 α7 α8 α9 α10 Server 2 Xi1Xi1+f1 (αi) f1 f2 fα, 1:{0,1}nZu Client doesn’t need to know which items are being tracked Server work proportional to number of items being tracked α = “” Xα+=1
Applications: Writing
Anonymous messaging [CBM15] m X1 X2 Server 1 Server 2 f1 f2 Client Anonymously post m
Applications: Writing
Anonymous messaging [CBM15] m’ m m’’ X1 X2 Server 1 Server 2 f1 f2 Anonymously post m’’ Client Client Anonymously post m’ Client Client
PRG-based DPF Let <x> denote additive secret sharing
<x>=(x1,x2) s.t. x1-x2=x Exploit two simple types of homomorphism Additive: <x> , <y> <x+y> by local addition Weak expansion: <x> <X> by locally applying PRG x=0λ X=02λ x = random X = pseudo-random X looks p.r. even if you know one of the two shares
PRG-based DPF share1 share2
α1 α1 α2 α2 α3 α3 α4 α4 β β Shares define two correlated “GGM-like” trees [GGM84] “How to Construct Random Functions”
PRG-based DPF share1 share2 Invariant for Eval:
λ-bit 1-bit For each node v on evaluation path we have <S>|<b>
PRG-based DPF share1 share2 <$>|<1> Invariant for Eval:
For each node v on evaluation path we have <S>|<b> v on special path: S is pseudorandom, b=1 v off special path: S=0, b=0
PRG-based DPF share1 share2 <$>|<1> Invariant for Eval:
For each node v on evaluation path we have <S>|<b> v on special path: S is pseudorandom, b=1 v off special path: S=0, b=0
Gadget: Conditional Correction
R1{0,1}k <R> R2=R1R b1{0,1} <b> b2=b1b Δ{0,1}k <Rb.Δ> R1b1.Δ R2b2.Δ Shared control bit t and secret string E, and a public correction Delta, we can conditionally add delta to
Correct to <β>,<0>
PRG-based DPF share1 share2 [$],[1] Δ1 Δ2 Δn Just need to correct to the fixed values, the remaining seed will be pseudorandom Correct to <β>,<0>
Concrete Efficiency of DPF
Share size n.λ, for PRG:{0,1}λ{0,1}2(λ+1) Slightly better for binary output Concrete cost of Eval n x PRG, Gen 2 x Eval Evaluating on the entire domain [N] N/λ x PRG (N/64 x AES) Example: 2-server PIR on 225 records of length d Communication: 2578 bits to each server, d bits in return Computation: dominated by reading + XORing all records 2^25 = 33 million
Extensions m-party DPF from PRG [BGI15]
Near-quadratic improvement over naive solution … with 2m overhead FSS for intervals, decision trees (leaking topology), d-dimensional intervals [BGI16] Barrier (?): FSS for class F containing decryption Succinct 2PC for F from OT (w/reusable preprocessing) Meaningful even for F=AC0 May lead to positive results!
Recent Applications to MPC
MPC for RAM programs [Ds17,GKY18,BKKO18] Competitive with ORAM despite linear-time computation! Compressing correlations [BCGI18]
Secure Computation with Correlated Randomness
[Beaver 1995] 𝑥 𝐴 𝑥 𝐵 … interactive preprocessing Trusted Dealer 𝑦 𝐴 = 𝑓 𝐴 (𝑥 𝐴 , 𝑥 𝐵 ) 𝑦 𝐵 = 𝑓 𝐵 (𝑥 𝐴 , 𝑥 𝐵 ) rA rB Information-Theoretic Security Constant Computational Overhead [Bea95, Bea97, IPS09, BDOZ11, BIKW12, NNOB12, DPSZ12, IKMOP13, DZ13, DLT14, BIKK14, LOS14, FKOS15, DZ16, KOS16, DNNR17, C18, … ]
Pseudorandom Correlation Generator (PCG)
𝑥 𝐴 𝑥 𝐵 … 𝑦 𝐴 = 𝑓 𝐴 (𝑥 𝐴 , 𝑥 𝐵 ) 𝑦 𝐵 = 𝑓 𝐵 (𝑥 𝐴 , 𝑥 𝐵 ) KA KB rA=PCGA(KA) rB=PCGB(KB)
PCGs in Secure Computation
Phase 1: “tiny” interactive protocol Phase 2: local expansion procedure Phase 3: fast “non-cryptographic” MPC with “silent preprocessing” Improved overall communication Near-optimal online computation preprocessing online Short setup s0 s1 HSS0(s) Let s=s0+s1 HSS1(s) LOCAL Decompression Eval [correlated-randomness]0 [correlated-randomness]1 Online protocol
Oblivious Linear Evaluation (OLE) [NP99]
a, b x OLE 𝔽 ax + b Generalizes Oblivious Transfer Enables secure computation of arithmetic circuits over 𝔽
Vector Oblivious Linear Evaluation (VOLE)
x b VOLE 𝔽 ax + b Analog of string OT for larger fields Easy to implement from random VOLE correlation Useful for arithmetic secure computation, NIZK, and more.
Compressing Sparse VOLE
(note: a’ can be represented succinctly) a’ x Wanted: b’ a’x+b’ Secret shares of a’x Function Secret Sharing for Multi-Point Functions Convert “sparse” to “pseudorandom” via public linear mapping Secure assuming “Learning Parity with Noise” over 𝔽
Open Problems: HSS from OWF
3-party DPF o(N1/2) key size from OWF? Limits of 2-party HSS from OWF HSS for conjunctions / partial match? Stronger barriers Power of information-theoretic (m,t)-HSS Negative results for multi-input case [BGILT18] Single-input case wide open even for (2,1)-HSS Efficiency of 2-party DPF from OWF Beat n.λ key size? Amortizing cost of multi-point DPF?
HSS for Branching Programs
from DDH
Recall: Homomorphic Secret Sharing
EvalP x1 x2 x Share y1 = P(x) + y2 EvalP Security: xi hides x Correctness: EvalP(x1) + EvalP(x2) = P(x) Compactness vs additive Emphasize: (1) share size ~input, (2) output share size = output size eg SINGLE BIT
δ-HSS x = P(x) Security: xi hides x
EvalP x1 x2 x Share y1 = P(x) + y2 EvalP Security: xi hides x δ-Correctness: Except with prob. δ, EvalP(x1) + EvalP(x2) = P(x) Compactness vs additive Emphasize: (1) share size ~input, (2) output share size = output size eg SINGLE BIT
Main Theorem 2-party δ-HSS for branching programs under Decisional Diffie-Hellman Share: runtime (& share size) = |x|poly(λ) Eval: runtime = poly(λ,|P|,1/δ) for error probability δ Compactness vs additive Emphasize: (1) share size ~input, (2) output share size = output size eg SINGLE BIT
Living in a log-space world
Multiplication of n n-bit numbers Streaming algorithms Min L2-distance from list of length-n vectors Many numerical / statistical calculations approx Finite automata Undirected graph connectivity FHE Decryption …
The HSS Construction
(More generally: ReachFewL)
RMS Programs Restricted-Multiplication Straight-line programs: vi xj Load an input into memory. vi vj+vk Add values in memory. vi vj*xk Multiply value in memory by an input. Output vi (mod m) ReachFewL (nondet counting apps where all intermediate counts poly bounded) Emphasize concrete efficiency benefits of small Z We will support homomorphic evaluation of RMS programs over Z s.t. all intermediate values are “small” (e.g., {0,1}) Captures branching programs and log-space computations (More generally: ReachFewL)
3 Ways to Share a Number Let G be a DDH group of size q with generator g 3 levels of encoding Zq elements [u] : (gu, gu) G x G “encryption” <v> : (v1,v2) Zq x Zq s.t. v1=v2+v additive {w} : (w1,w2) G x G s.t. w1=w2gw multiplicative Each level is additively homomorphic <v>,<v’><v+v’> {w},{w’}{w+w’} Natural pairing: pair([u],<v>) {uv} ((gu)^v1,(gu)^v2)=(guv2guv,guv2)
Need Convert : {w} <w>
Toy Version Let’s pretend gx is a secure encryption of x Emulating an RMS program – first attempt: Share: for each input xi Encrypt as [xi] Additively secret-share as <xi> Eval: // maintain the invariant: Vi = <vi> vi xj : Vi <xj> vi vj+vk : Vi Vj+Vk // Vi= <vj+vk> Output vi (mod m): Output Vi +(r,r) (mod m) vi xk*vj : Wi pair([xk],Vj) // Wi= {w} for w=xkvj [u]=(gu,gu) <v>=(v2+v,v2) {w}=(w2gw,w2) Need Convert : {w} <w> Solved by discrete log Stuck?
Share Conversion Goal: Locally convert multiplicative sharing of w
Group G g0 g1 gz1 Group G g0 g1 gz2 Goal: Locally convert multiplicative sharing of w to additive sharing of w
Share Conversion Goal: Convert multiplicative sharing of w
gz1 Convert (gzb): Return distance distb from gzb to S. Return distb=0 if distance>(1/δ)log(1/δ) S is a δ-sparse “random” set on G eg S={hG | (h)=0} for suitable PRF gz2 Goal: Convert multiplicative sharing of w to additive sharing of w
Conversion Error Error probability depends on w Bad cases:
Bad Zone gz0 Good Zone Las Vegas version Reminiscent of cryptanalytic gz1 Bad cases: Bad Zone error ~ δw Good Zone error ~ δ Error probability depends on w Case I: ∉ Zone1, Case II: ∈ Zone1 Case III: ∉ (Zone1 ∪ Zone2) ∈ Zone2 dist0-dist1=z Error ~z𝛿
Toy Version Let’s pretend gx is a secure encryption of x
Emulating an RMS program: Share: for each input xi Encrypt as [xi] Additively secret-share as <xi> Eval: // maintain the invariant: Vi = <vi> vi xj : Vi <xj> vi vj+vk : Vi Vj+Vk // Vi= <vj+vk> vi xk*vj : Wi pair([xk],Vj); Vi Convert(Wi) Output vi (mod m): Output Vi mod m [u]=(gu,gu) <v>=(v2+v,v2) {w}=(w2gw,w2)
From Toy Version to Real Version
Pick secret key cZq for ElGamal encryption Encrypt each input xi as [r], [cr+xi] (secret-key ElGamal) Invariant: Each memory value vj shared as <vj>, <cvj> To multiply xivj: pair, subtract and get {xivj} Use conversion to get <xivj> Problem: Need also <cxivj> to maintain invariant Solution? Share cxi in addition to xi Problem: Can’t convert {cxivj} (cxivj too big) Solution: Break c into binary representation, encrypt xick Problem: circular security for ElGamal? Solutions: (1) assume it! (2) leveled version (3) use [BHHO08]
pk = ElGamal public key + encryptions of bits ck of secret key
Public-Key Variant P(x) Dec Eval [P(x)]1 P Eval [P(x)]2 P pk = ElGamal public key + encryptions of bits ck of secret key ek = load 1 to memory Can be viewed as a threshold homomorphic encryption with secret evaluation keys The main thing common to all these variants is that we have two separate local evaluations running, each depending on its own secret information, and we have no central ciphertext that encrypts the output. ek1 ek2 [xi] [xi] [xi] Enc pk xi
Applications to MPC (from DDH)
Succinct 2PC for branching programs / logspace / NC1 Communication |inputs| + |outputs| + poly(λ) bits Slightly sublinear 2PC for “nice” circuits Communication O(|C|/log|C|) + … bits O(|C|)+… bits for general circuits 2-server PIR for branching program queries 2-round MPC in PKI model [BGI17, BGILT18] Worst-case to average-case reductions in P [BGILT18] Pratay Mukherjee and Wichs
Computational Optimizations
“Conversion-friendly” groups: g = 2 is generator & p = 2i - (small) h.g = (shift 1) + small Distinguished points: Index of minimum value of min-wise hash Saves log(1/δ) factor in worst-case runtime Heuristic: sequence 10d Fast implementation via circular buffer * 𝛾 shift 32 hg32 h
Further Optimizations
Assume circular-secure ElGamal Elliptic-curve ElGamal for short ciphertexts “Small exponent” ElGamal for shorter secret key Preprocess for fixed-basis exponentiations Replace binary sk decomposition by base D Bottom line: Orders of magnitude improvement compared to baseline Ciphertexts and keys shorter than in FHE Fast enough for non-trivial applications [BCGIO17] 160 bits small exponent. Heuristic: 1 grp element per ElGamal CT. Base D=2^10. Then 1 sk needs 16 CTs Focus on succinctness: 2.5k-5k bits
Conclusions Group-based HSS Not post-quantum
Supports branching program computation Yields succinct secure computation and other applications of FHE Some applications not implied by standard FHE Good concrete efficiency for “small” computations Not post-quantum I have bigger concerns at this moment
Open Questions (and recent progress)
Beyond branching programs FHE-style bootstrapping? More than 2 parties? Better time/error tradeoff of conversion? Yes! [Dinur-Keller-Klein18] Fault tolerance at the branching program level? Different assumptions? Paillier [Fazio-Gennaro-Jafarikah-Skeith17, Couteau17] Better from LWE? Yes! [Boyle-Kohl-Scholl18] QRA? LPN? Better concrete efficiency Progress in [Boyle-Couteau-Gilboa-I-Orru17]
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under grant agreement no – ERC – NTSC
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