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Be the first group to unscramble this quote correctly:

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1 Be the first group to unscramble this quote correctly:
is time Failure again this the intelligently begin to more opportunity (Shout your table # when you get it!)



4 Why space? End of WW2 German Rocket Technology up for grabs
Power Struggle/Bragging Rights Between USA and the then Soviet Union Beginning of Cold War Fight against beliefs Capitalism vs. Communism Kennedy pressured Cuba


6 Why the Moon? The Soviet Union launched the first satellite months before the US said it would.

7 Why the moon? Not because it is easy, because it is hard.
President John F Kennedy- Sept. 12, 1962 Kennedy Speech

8 How can the US beat the Soviet Union?
“Really means” How can the US beat the Soviet Union?

9 Timeline of the Space Race
10/4/57 Soviet Union launches Sputnik 1 1st Satellite of Earth


11 Timeline of the Space Race
11/3/57 Soviet Union Dog, Laika 1st living thing to orbit Earth

12 Timeline of the Space Race
1/31/58 US launches Explorer 1 Satellite Orbited 12 years

13 Timeline of the Space Race
10/1/58 NASA created National Aeronautics Space Administration

14 Timeline of the Space Race
1959 US Luna 1 goes outside Earth’s orbit towards the moon

15 Timeline of the Space Race
1961 Yuri Gagarin 1st Human to orbit Earth

16 Timeline of the Space Race
Mercury 7 Astronauts 1st US Astronauts John Glenn Alan Shepard

17 Timeline of the Space Race
5/16/63 Soviet civilian Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman in space

18 Timeline of the Space Race
1963 Kennedy suggests joint program with the Soviet Union He was assassinated before they could agree

19 Timeline of the Space Race
1965 1st spacewalk Soviet Alexi Leonov 12 minutes

20 Timeline of the Space Race
1966 US’s Luna 9 Lands on the moon

21 Timeline of the Space Race
1967 4 Astronauts/Cosmonauts die

22 Timeline of the Space Race
7/20/69 Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walk on the moon Michael Collins orbits the moon solo No communication

23 Timeline of the Space Race
12/14/72 Eugene Cernan is the last man to touch the moon


25 Timeline of the Space Race
1998 International Space Station Most expensive thing EVER build 100 BILLION dollars

26 Timeline of the Space Race
2016 Scott Kelly A Year on the Space Station Retired 2017 Twin Study repot out May 2017

27 Timeline of the Space Race
2017 Patty Whitson Current Commander of the ISS Biochemist from Iowa Most days in space of any NASA astronaut ~560 days 3rd highest # of spacewalks

28 Timeline of the Space Race
Fall 2033 Mission to Mars

29 Space Race Review: 1. What country’s rocket technology was ‘stolen’ to get into space? 2. What single event was the main reason the US decided to go to the moon. 3. Who was the first person in space? Which country were they from? 4. What was Mercury 7? 5. When did the US first land on the moon? 6. How many years after the formation of NASA was the International Space Station launched?

30 When We Left Earth When we Left Earth

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