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Scurta istorie a IFN-urilor in Romania

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Presentation on theme: "Scurta istorie a IFN-urilor in Romania"— Presentation transcript:

1 Scurta istorie a IFN-urilor in Romania
Brief History of NBFIs in Romania 21/11/2013 ALB IXth Edition of Annual Conference Issued by Diplomat Consult

2 Calendar de reglementare Regulation Calendar
2006 February - OG 28 offers 6 month of transition towards new authorization rules ( minimum share capital, organizational chart, credit activity as unique object of main activity) 2006 August – NBFIs REGISTERS (Special, General, Evidence, Radiated) 2009, Law 93 – NBFI = ONE STOP SHOP ( multi-credit activity) Issued by Diplomat Consult

3 Dinamica registrelor IFN
Dynamics of the NBIFs Registers – Issued by Diplomat Consult

4 Registrul General dupa codul CAEN General register by CAEN code
Issued by Diplomat Consult

5 Registrul Special dupa codul CAEN Special Register by CAEN Code
Issued by Diplomat Consult

6 Registrul General dupa produs Special register by product
Issued by Diplomat Consult

7 Registrul Special dupa produs Special register by product
Issued by Diplomat Consult

8 Numar clienti Number of Clients -37% 78% Issued by Diplomat Consult

9 Evolutie credit neperformant NPL Evolution
Issued by Diplomat Consult

10 Conclusions Concluzii
2006 – 2013 = 7 years of NBR regulation, 5 of them being under crises! Time has proven that the more regulated business was the more protected one during the financial crises; The 5 years of crises show: Need to concentrate on protecting the future Need to stop the present political and fiscal decisions that induce disruptions in business environment for the sake of “anti crises solutions” Need for unity of players Implementation of best practices as a benchmark for one single supervision standard!

11 Conclusion Concluzie Capital for finance is like soil for food. Both industries are passing through the same disease: confidence crises. Each provides a base from which production growths. Each depends on confidence and morality. The quantity and quality must be sufficient to deal with natural (economic and weather) cycles. In disaster scenario it can be supplemented for a period from external sources (governments in finance and synthetic fertilizers in food)! Ultimately it must be a self-sustaining and a self regulated system.

Conclusion Concluzie Confidence is the ingredient that can play the role of mediator today and of a sustainable system’s integrator tomorrow. LET US BELIEVE AND BRING THE CONFIDENCE BACK !!!

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