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Diversified enterprise that carries out the business development in the international market for heavy industry Innovative approach Advanced technologies.

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Presentation on theme: "Diversified enterprise that carries out the business development in the international market for heavy industry Innovative approach Advanced technologies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diversified enterprise that carries out the business development in the international market for heavy industry Innovative approach Advanced technologies and «Know-how» Effective proccess optimization

2 Moscow Berlin Foundation year: 1998 More than 100 employees Partners in big cities of Russia and CIS countries Clients: 5 000 industrial enterprises and non-commercial organizations Representative offices

3 In all big industrial centres of Russia and CIS countries 28 enterprises – 4.500 employees Republik of Belarus Ukraine Kyrgyzstan St.Petersburg Wolgograd Krasnojarsk Irkutsk Perm Stawropol Jekaterinburg Tomsk Partner network

4 Direct marketing of the project Accounting Finance planning Purchases & logistics Storage & assembly Analysis Marketing Advertisement & PR WEB-Design Physical protection Object monitoring Information security Programming Software & setup support Project engineering Assembly Sales of services Project management Legal department Legal profession department Personal management Personnel recruitment Trainings Service Integration Department Commercial Department Technics Department Finance Department Personnel Department Law Department Security Department IT Department Business Development DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL DIRECTOR Administrative structure of GIT Sales of services GAZPROM Petrochemistry Metallurgy Seaports Nuclear and Industrial Energy Regional sales Transport Non-industrial objects Direct marketing of non-project Pre-sales (product managers)

5 High customer value based on wide coverage of Russian market Complex projects for international business development Complex projects in different industrial sectors Business development department Energy Metallurgy Oil\Gas Transport Non-industrial objects Energy Metallurgy Oil\Gas Transport Non-industrial objects Commercial department 5.000 clients: Enterprises in Russia and CIS countries

6 Success of your business in Russia INDUSTRONIC MEDC FUNKWERK TESLA Telecom BEHNKE ММК Gazprom Lukoil Tatneft Wankorneft Severstal Nuclear power station Kalinin Volzhsky Orgsintez Norilsk Nickel Nuclear power station Rostov International Airport Kazan Viksunsky Iron and Steel Works International Airport Domodedovo International Airport Sheremetyevo Iron and Steel Works Nowolipetsk West Siberian Iron and Steel Works Oskol Iron and Steel Works HOERMANN INFRATEC

7 Selection of marketing strategy Export Joint Venturing Own business Market Analysis Distribution Analysis Analysis of possible chances and costs Detailed elaboration, creation of a concept Sequence of necessary measures for market entry Measures for support of your business on the Russian market Marketing / Market entry Legal support Personnel consultation Financial and economical control Logistic service IT-service Review of possible measures of support of your business on the Russian market Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Analysis Strategy Planning Realisation Competitor Analysis Consumer Analysis

8 Support of your business development at all stages Your advantages Work with Russia according to german legislation Attractive and flexible pricing Contact person for all stages of project Conclusion of general agreements Complex projects in business development Long experience in implementing of industrial projects

9 Thank you for your attention Nonnendammallee 42, D-13599 Berlin Tel. : 030/7552-1390, Fax: 030/7552-1391

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