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HRIS Training Hiring Managers Canada

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1 HRIS Training Hiring Managers Canada

2 Agenda System Overview Key Changes for the Field
Major Milestones & Timeline Look into the system Recruiting On-boarding Core HRIS Implementation timeline Thanks for attending this system overview. Today we will give you a brief understanding of our new Ulti-Pro system. Think of this session not as a full training but an introduction. The best way to learn the system is through hands on practice. It will be important for you to set aside time to spend poking around the system. We have set you up in our training “sandbox” so you can go in, follow the different processes- and even make mistakes without effecting our data integrity. Let’s get started.

3 HRIS Systems before… Some of the challenges we encountered was that information didn’t flow well between systems, sometimes this caused data accuracy errors and managing multiple systems caused a lot of extra work for our HR and Payroll teams. These challenges were emphasized in Canada as we had some platforms using ADP and others using Ceridian. The HRIS is our company associate data system of record. We are moving from multi systems to one system. This will help us keep our data current. The HR team has been working on this for over a year and a half and are excited to share this new system and it’s additional functionality with you.

4 System Overview System includes the following modules: Recruiting
On-boarding Core HRIS Payroll Compensation We looked at many different systems (including Ceridian) and selected UltiPro. All Recruiting will now be done through UltiPro. Onboarding new emplolyees is often disjointed- will make this smoother. This onboarding is just to enter the candidate into our system of employee data. We still continue with Hop on Board to do orientation at the platform. CORE HRIS Payroll- this won’t be something that you will touch or effect but by having Payroll in one system rather than 3- or 4, it will allow our payroll team more time to focus on customer service rather than just ensuring that payroll gets done on time. We will be implementing the Compensation module for UltiPro next year so we can manage merit in a more secure way that is directly connected to the system. (No more spreadsheets!)

5 Manager’s Functions for Associates Job Aid
Core HRIS Ongoing Management Recruiting Onboarding Associate Self-Service Step 1: Clone an Opportunity Step 2: Post the Job Step 3: Candidates Apply Step 4: Review Applications Step 5: Hire Step 6: Close Step 1: Initial Review Step 2: Launched - New Hires Tasks Step 3: Final Review Step 4: Pending Updates Search for employee records Process Hires /Rehires Update employee records( Pay rate, Promotions, Phone or Address changes) Terminate employee Personal Information Job Information Compensation/Pay Benefits & Open Enrollment This takes them through the full employee lifecycle. Our goal is for new hires to walk in the door with all of this done. Information that new hires have will flow into the HRIS system, so you don’t have to enter in new hires. Every platform will get this as a 1 pager – can be laminated and shared with the manager. Recruiter/Onboarding Owner/Hiring Manager Functions Employee Functions

6 Key Changes for the Field
Intuitive look and feel Simplified hiring process Easier process for applicants Process background checks in the system Information flows from recruiting to HRIS Mobile capabilities Still HRIS system Far more easier to navigate Today it takes 40 minutes to fill out an application should take 5-10 minutes. Our hope is that since the associate is adding in the info that it will be more accurate. Mobile capability is much more robust.

7 Key Changes for the Field: Mindset
Shift to more of a Self Service culture Video “how tos” built inside system Opportunities for associates to see and change their information themselves Fast and intuitive New Hire paperwork and application will be stored electronically. 90% of people pay bills online, order items online, or have accessed the internet. Help drive the self-service culture. It might seem overwhelming at first, but once you are in the system and do the entire process yourself, you will not need the job aides. The system is smart and intuitive. It will guide you at every step. At any point you get stuck, you can always refer to the user guides or the embedded videos in UltiPro to find your way out. There will still be some documents and policies which you will be maintaining in the employee’s personal file.

8 Getting Started Username: Your employee number
Default Password: Your birth date ( MM/DD/YEAR) E.g You need to log in using your employee number and your birth date as default password. The system will prompt you to change the password for future use. We are first having you log in to the UltiPro “Training Sandbox” to learn before we launch UltiPro live for Canada on October 28th . On that date, you will receive the “real” Ultipro system link so you can start processing new hires in the production system. Make sure you are always aware of which environment you log into-you can delineate between the two environments because the Sandbox front page is orange when you log in instead of the Ulti-Pro standard green.

9 System Navigation To access all the functions, click on the Menu. You can create your own dashboard.

10 System Navigation

11 Recruiting Recruiting Process Step 1: Clone an Opportunity
Step 2: Post the Job Step 3: Candidates Apply Step 4: Review Applications Step 5: Hire Step 6: Close Every single person you interview needs an application in UltiPro. We will be unable to hire any new person if they don’t go through the process in UltiPro. IMPORTANT: Post July 1- if you want to hire anyone in Open Hire, you can only if they have filled out an application in there. Contact to hire anyone from Open Hire to UltiPro post July 1.

12 Recruiting Process Recruiting in UltiPro, the process begins by cloning an opportunity. You move through the steps to hire a candidate and close an opportunity. We will learn more about each of these steps.

13 Step 1: Clone an opportunity
Job opportunities will already be created for you based on your platform. You DO NOT need to create new opportunities. You will simply select the “APPROVED TEMPLATE” of the job opportunity for the position you are looking to post and clone it. This ensures consistency across platforms and most importantly ‘SAVES YOUR TIME’.

14 Step 2: Post the opportunity
You will need to select the job board(s) where you want the job to be published. To post the opportunity on external job boards like Indeed, Glassdoor and Zip recruiter, click on the drop down and select ‘Post’ on eQuest.

15 Step 2: Post the opportunity
Select the external job board you want to post the opportunity on and complete the process. Use the eQuest advantage network that is free. Use the eQuest advantage network. It’s FREE!

16 Step 3: Candidates Apply
As the candidates are applying, you will see it in ‘Published’ section. Click on the number of applicants to review them.

17 Step 4: Review Applications
You can review at which stage each candidate is at. You want to keep candidates in your requisition up to date in UltiPro with the stage they are in the recruiting process.

18 Step 4: Review Applications
If you like the candidate, move them through the different steps from phone screen to Hire.

19 Step 5: Hire Make changes to the start date and the salary rate. It is important to make sure the start date is entered correctly.

20 Step 6: Close If you have got candidates for the opportunity you had posted, close it.

21 Resources There are supporting documents for Recruiting module in UltiPro. On your recruiting gateway page, click on ‘Help’ to access all the user guides for each of the topics in recruiting.

22 Onboarding Onboarding Process Step 1: Initial Review
Step 2: Launched - New Hires Tasks Step 3: Final Review Step 4: Pending Updates After candidates are moved to the "Hired" step in UltiPro Recruiting, they are considered "new hires." They begin to exist within UltiPro Onboarding and have tasks to complete prior to their first day. Onboarding owner (person who does the new hire verification process at your platform) needs to go through the following steps: Initial Review Launched Final Review Pending Updates

23 Onboarding Process This dashboard will give you a snapshot of where your candidates are in the process. You will click through these steps for each candidate to complete the process. Keep in mind that the I-9 verification is a US only requirement. Requirement in US Only

24 Step 1: Initial Review Before new hires can take action, it is the onboarding owner’s responsibility to review the information passed over from Recruiting, make any corrections, and "launch" new hires.

25 Step 2: Launched Be aware that this phase of the onboarding process is completed by new hires and NOT the hiring manager or recruiter/onboarding owner. New hires receive a welcome with a link to launch their onboarding process. There are tasks they must complete before their first day. The tasks which will be completed by the new hires are: Personal Information Employment Eligibility Pay & Taxes Review & Submit Refer to the ‘Welcome’ portal user guide to learn the details of the new hire tasks.

26 Requirements in US Only
Step 3: Final Review Requirements in US Only You will receive an with once the candidate submits all the new hire tasks. Select the candidate in Final Review.

27 Step 4: Pending Updates If you notice that the candidates have not sent the information correctly, you can resend for correction. They will appear in this section till they resend the information. Once the new hire re-sends the information after correction, they will move back to ‘Final Review’ step.

28 Resources There are supporting documents for Onboarding module in UltiPro. On your onboarding gateway page, click on ‘Help’ to access all the user guides for each of the topics in Onboarding.

29 Core HRIS Admin Functions How to search for employee records
Process Hires/Rehires from Onboarding to UltiPro Update employee records Change Name, Address or Telephone Change Status Change an Employee’s pay rate Terminate Employee You don’t have to hire- because they have already been hired in Onboarding.

30 Processing New Hires There is no action required on Personal, Dates, Federal Income Tax, Provincial Taxes. Click on ‘Next’ to move through the sections. Jobs/ Payroll- Select the ‘Pay group’, ‘Employee type’, ‘Earnings group’ and ‘Deductions’ from the drop down. Direct Deposit- [IMPORTANT] Hiring Managers must make sure to ask the associate for a check or letter from their bank confirming Direct Deposit Information as we cannot pay them until this is received in Ultipro. (Currently, ADP and Ceridian issue a paper check if banking is not available but this is not currently an option with Ultipro). If you receive direct deposit information later, click on the add button to enter the details. PTO/Leave Balances- Select the PTO plan based on the position of the new hire.

31 Terminating Employee – Canada
Enter termination date The “Last day worked” and “paid through” will auto-populate with the same date IMPORTANT: You must edit termination date to be one day after last day worked.

32 Resources There are supporting documents and videos available for any function you can do in the system. These resources are available on the right side of any page always. These resources will help you throughout in case you get stuck or are unsure on how to proceed. For e.g.: What functions can you do with your employees in the system? There are two places you need to look into: Things I can do- This tells you what tasks you can perform on that particular page. To get started with any task, click on the specific function to complete the action. Quick Tours and Tips- A tour is a video which will navigate through the system and explain the function you are looking to learn. If a tour is not available, there will be quick tips (user guides) for each function on that page.

33 HRIS Employee Functions
Employee View Your personal information Your job-related information Your Pay Your Benefits Open Enrollment Every associate will now go into UltiPro to review personal information as well as relevant HR, payroll, and benefits data. Here the associates can: View and print current and historical pay information at any time Make changes to your own information (direct deposit, W-4, address) Benefits enrollment and changes View your information (vacation balances, dependents, employer contributions to your benefits) Pay statement modeling (see the impact to your pay statement if changes are pending for your benefit choices, deductions, etc.) Print W-2s

34 What can I do in the system?
Personal Information Job Information Compensation/Pay Benefits View & Update View View View Health Care Eligibility Current Benefits Beneficiaries/ Dependents PTO Balances Employee Summary Name, Address, and Telephone Status Contacts Identification Documents and other personal info Job Summary Compensation Job History Online Pay Statement Pay History YTD Summary Direct Deposit Income Tax T4/Rel1 Every platform will get this as a 1 pager – can be laminated and shared with associate. Update Update PTO Request (Managers only) Open Enrollment Associate Self-Service

35 Download the UltiPro App

36 HRIS –Canada Training Launch Timeline
Megan & Champions do Webinars Inventory Preparation Week Hands on Practice Inventory Week Hands on Practice Follow up calls Paul, Megan & Champions Survey Launch Leigh’s 30 minute webinars – all Canada Managers Go! Hands on Practice Champion Training –TBD

37 October 29th – Canadian GO LIVE!
Your Next Actions: Practice activities for next 3 weeks in the SANDBOX Environment. Use the Practice Activity Guide Gather all your questions and share during the weekly follow up calls Practice Activities for next 2 weeks Gather all your questions and share during weekly follow up calls. October 29th – Canadian GO LIVE!

38 Resources Access TPS HR  Job Aides-UltiPro, Empower, Open Hire  UltiPro  HRIS Canada French versions of all materials are also contained inside the HRIS Canada folder



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