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LTC Quality & Safety Data

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1 LTC Quality & Safety Data
Nicole Stockert, MPH| Policy Analyst November 26, 2018

2 MDH Website Survey and complaint investigation results available
Results are not searchable No way to export the data, must go through each one individually and manually Only a subset of surveys and complaints are currently posted 2/4/2019

3 Nursing Home Report Card Sort list by location and quality measures most important to you Can drill-down into specific categories Purpose is to help consumers compare nursing homes Because different people have different priorities about what quality means to them, the report card allows you to select up to three measures that are important to you. The report card then ranks facilities in your selected geographic region. About 37 states have nursing home report cards. Minnesota’s is the most comprehensive in that it includes resident quality of life and family satisfaction information for nearly every nursing home. You can export into excel, and look at one provider compared to the state on certain categories. This was made available for non-researcher type people (consumers) to help them make decisions 2/4/2019

4 Quality, Certification & Oversight Reports (QCOR)
New data reporting tool - QCOR data and reports are free and open to the public Survey and deficiency-related reports are available for all federally-certified providers Interactive query tool hosted by CMS, very user-friendly The nursing home section has more reports available, such as a abuse reports and a menu of enforcement reports Downfall is that the reports don’t contain any data for licensed-only providers (such as licensed-only home care providers/assisted living)

5 QCOR, cont. – Interactive Search
Queries are highly interactive and allow for a wide variety of filters Data can be easily exported for use in reports or as part of separate analysis Provides data at a national and regional levels, but also allows you to drill down into state-specific data Other deficiency-related reports include: Deficiency Counts, Average number of deficiencies, Citation Frequency

6 QCOR, cont. – Citation Frequency Reports
Citation Frequency Report example: Displays information such as the number and percent of providers cited, and percent of surveys resulting in a citation for each condition

7 QCOR, cont. – Report Examples
Allows you to drill down to the providers cited for specific deficiencies Can also access a survey and complaint history Will also give you a list of all providers cited for a specific deficiency during your selected time period. And from there, if you click on the provider number it will provide you with a relatively thorough survey and complaint history, including scope and severity of each tag cited and whether follow-ups occurred. 2/4/2019

8 Ideas for Public Use Files? What would you like to know?
LTC-related data requests are common. How can we make this information more accessible to the public? What kinds of information would you find useful? Main goals: Enable external stakeholders to answer LTC-related questions Make public MDH data on investigation outcomes easier to access Make it simple for individuals or organizations to find information to analyze trends and identify improvement opportunities Provide trending reports that are useful to providers and stakeholders and drive improvement efforts 2/4/2019

9 Thank you! Nicole Stockert 651-201-5956

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