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1 Globalization

2 Terms and People globalization – the process by which national economies, politics, cultures, and societies become integrated with those of other nations around the world interdependence – the dependence of countries on each other for goods, resources, knowledge, and labor from other parts of the world outsourcing – the practice of sending work to the developing world to save money or increase efficiency

3 Terms and People (continued)
multinational corporation – a corporation with branches and assets in many countries that sells its goods and services throughout the world World Trade Organization (WTO) – international organization set up to facilitate global trade protectionism – the use of tariffs and other restrictions that protect a country’s home industries against competition

4 How is globalization affecting economies and societies around the world?
Globalization began 500 years ago, at the time of the Columbian Exchange. By 2000, globalization was taking place at a rapid rate. The rise of free trade, improvements in transportation and communication, and the spread of democratic systems has increased economic interdependence in today’s world.

5 Nations depend on each other for goods, resources, knowledge, and labor.
Financial markets are interconnected. These connections create opportunities and challenges. Interdependence is a major effect of globalization.

6 Rich and poor nations of the world are linked.
Wealthy countries depend on developing nations for low-paid labor through outsourcing. Developing nations depend on wealthier countries for capital, trade, and technology.

7 Globalization led to the growth of multinational corporations.
Huge companies have assets in many countries and sell goods or services worldwide. Defenders of these corporations argue they invest in the developing world, provide jobs, and improve infrastructure and technology. Critics say they take profits out of developing countries and pay workers wages that are too low.

8 Natural resources—especially oil—play a huge role in the global economy.
When OPEC limited oil exports in 1973, economies suffered around the world. People have began to invest in alternative fuels, but the world is still dependent on oil.

9 Interdependence contributed to a debt crisis in developing nations in the 1980s.
Developing nations spent income from exports on payments to foreign lenders. Western banks were stuck with bad debts. To solve the crisis, banks lowered interest rates and cancelled some debts. Lenders also required developing nations to adopt market reforms. Bank interest rates rose in the 1980s. Developing nations could not repay loans they had taken out to modernize.

10 Because the world is connected financially, a crisis in one nation or region can have a global impact. In 2008, a banking crisis in the United States rippled through the world as global stock markets plunged. Wealthy nations shored up their economies with costly stimulus plans and bailouts. Several European nations faced crippling debt. Developing nations felt the impact as prices for their exports fell and international aid decreased.

11 The United Nations was created to keep the peace, but it also deals with political and social issues. The World Bank offers loans and technical advice to developing nations. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) promotes global economic growth and monetary cooperation. International organizations and treaties have greatly expanded since 1945.

12 International treaties promote and set guidelines for global trade.
The World Trade Organization was organized in It opposes protectionism and seeks to keep the flow of world trade smooth and free. The Group of Eight (G-8) is an organization of industrialized nations that meets annually to discuss economic issues. Its members are Canada, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, and the United States.

13 Nations have formed regional blocs, or regional trading agreements such as the European Union, to promote trade. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) links Canada, the United States, and Mexico. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) eases trade among Pacific Rim nations. The African Union deals with both economic and political issues.

14 Global trade has costs and benefits.
Brings consumers variety and low prices Exposes people to new ideas Generates money that can be used to provide services such as education Promotes democracy Costs Can cause poor countries to go into debt and lower their standard of living Disrupts indigenous people’s land and culture Encourages too-rapid development, which compromises sustainability, or ability to defend them selves and provide basic services to their people

15 The invention of the computer created an global information revolution.
Computers run businesses and power plants. They help scientists do their research and enable global communication. The creation of the Internet made e-commerce possible, which led to economic growth. Social networking links people around the world. Approximately two-thirds of the world’s population is online.

16 Research in genetics and genetic engineering has produced new drugs and new strains of fruits and vegetables. GMOs-”genetically modified organisms” It has also made cloning possible. These breakthroughs have brought benefits and debate over the ethics of modified foods and the role of science in creating life.

17 Overall, science and technology have improved the standard of living for many people.
Life expectancies have risen worldwide as a result of increased agricultural production and breakthroughs in treating disease. Though significant challenges remain, people will continue to work toward solving global problems in the decades to come.

18 The anti-globalization movement targets organizations such as the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, and the International Monetary Fund. They oppose the tough changes that such organizations require developing nations to make and accuse developed nations of exploiting poorer countries.

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