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The Instigators FRC Team 1596.

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Presentation on theme: "The Instigators FRC Team 1596."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Instigators FRC Team 1596

2 For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology

3 FRC = 9th-12th Grade Students
FTC = 7th-12th Grade Students FLL = 4th-8th Grade Students Jr. FLL = K-3rd Grade Students

4 FLL Competition Video 3:30
Click Picture to enter site

5 District Competitions
Fun Stressful Crazy Intense Traveling Loud Cheering Fierce Professionalism 2:41

6 Statistics of all robots during competition
Game Day SCOUTING Statistics of all robots during competition Assists in game strategy of each Match

7 R3CYCL3 RU$H 3:37 First weekend in January is Kick-Off!

8 DESIGN of Robot Collaboration = Group discussion AND agreement

9 Machining & Welding

10 Programming & Electronics
Runs on the CompactRIO (cRIO) Starting in 2015, the roboRIO Runs the robot and communicates with the Driver’s Station Can also use C++ Currently we are using Labview Design Board Knowledge of components Joy Sticks/Xbox Controls

11 Labview Made by National Instruments Graphical interface (see below)
Example Autonomous code.


13 Public Relations - Spreading information amongst people or organizations - Promoting your team, FIRST, and STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Math)to the community Sault High Football Game 6th Grade Orientation Sault Middle School Assembly Lupine Festival

14 Public Relations -Contacting various members of the community to schedule events -Creating t-shirts, posters, buttons, and brochures -Getting quotes (estimated prices) on robotics merchandise - Opportunity to build communication skills - Use your artistic talents - Creative People - “People Person” - Those who lack an interest in mechanics

15 S P O N R The Instigators Say “Thank You!”

16 TEAMWORK 1596 Teamwork = Awesome Robot!

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