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Residential Period Style

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Presentation on theme: "Residential Period Style"— Presentation transcript:

1 Residential Period Style
Identify that Style

2 Can you spot the differences Go to and compare and contrast the different types of period housing in the link named building styles Take note of the features that differentiate a style from the rest Form Elements of Architecture Shapes Materials used Trimmings etc. Can you spot the differences



5 In Search of a style Create groups of 2 - 3 Within 20 minutes!
Search for old county villages or maybe in your neighborhood within Ontario province for a building which features an architectural period style as can be see in the Ontario Architecture website. Use google maps Streetview features Screen capture the house you discovered and paste it in a PowerPoint slide Get the address and url of the house Make a research on the style to give clues to the class. You will make the class guess the style Add descriptive features that defines the house as one belonging to a certain style Reveal the style Interesting Video: Victorian & Edwardian Residential Architecture in San Francisco

6 Get the address of the house 12964 Keele St. King City, ON
Step 1 Find a House and its address in Streetview and screen capture the image. Step 2 Get the address of the house 12964 Keele St. King City, ON Step 3 Copy and paste the URL as well

7 Place Research Here to give clues to the class
Step 4 Place Research Here to give clues to the class ( ) Direct translation of medieval details and building practices to the Ontario climate. Details such as vergeboarding, finials, scalloping, lancet windows, hood molds, and carved label stops Other times, specifically the churches, the layout is asymmetrical and picturesque as well.

8 Do a research on the feature of the house style to confirm your guess
Step 5 Add further research on the style Do a research on the feature of the house style to confirm your guess

9 Lancet Arch with window with bargeboard finishes
Step 6 Add the descriptive features of the house, place an arrow pointing to the specific feature Lancet Arch with window with bargeboard finishes Double Gable Roof Crossed-overhang Shingled Roof Square base with side garage 1 ½ story single family style. Brick Finishing Rectangular Columns 12923 Regional Road 6, King City, ON

10 The Architectural Style is…?
Step 7 The Architectural Style is…? Gothic Revival Before revealing the style, ask the class what architectural style has all this features (hide the features and the style by animating each so that you build your slide as you introduce the style)

11 “You cannot not know history” Philip Johnson

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