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ITELab – Innovating ITE curricula Key Action 2 - Knowledge Alliance project PROJECT PARTNER MEETING 20th SEPTEMBER 2018

2 agenda Update by work-package Summary AOB

3 WP1: Project management
Interim Report submission end July – awaiting feedback/approval PST (project support team) monitoring, follow-up Deliverables on track Ongoing and further engagement in second-half of project Contributions across all WPs e.g.: monitoring research, inputs to surveys, reviews Module and MOOC development, inputs, reviews, piloting Dissemination and exploitation: support in reaching out to wider stakeholders

4 2) Design and development
ITELAB overview 2017 2018 2019 Targets Universities, Industry, MoE. Adding student voice. 60 ITE, 15 MoE, 20 Industry 3) ITE Forum 1) Information gathering: case studies and monitoring of ICT within ITE; COMPETENCES 2) Design and development MODULE A F2F CYCLE 2 MODULE A,B, C 30 ITE 3,000 tbc students Student teacher MOOCv1 Student teacher MOOCv2 2018 PILOT 2 Module A BETA pilot Student FG Design 2 (June) OPEN INVITATION

EUN Project Coordination Project partner inputs all WP Steering: Pedagogical Board WP1 Project Management WP2 Case studies & monitoring of ICT within ITE WP3 Developing innovative resources and curricula WP4 Development & delivery of MOOC for student teachers WP5 Piloting & evaluation of ITE course modules & MOOC WP6 Quality Assurance WP7 Dissemination and Exploitation Lead-EUN Coordination Co-Lead-UoA Student teacher and teacher educator competences Co-Lead-EUN Lit review, q/aires, case studies, reports Lead-UCD Design framework and protocols, F2F modules, Student voice ITE Forum Lead-EUN Student MOOC Content Lead-UWü Evaluation instruments and reporting Uni pilot protocols and briefing Student focus group Lead-IRIS Ped Board Ind Evaluator Lead-EUN Dissemination, website and social media, Associate Partners, Workshops

6 WP2: Case studies & monitoring of ICT within ITE
Deliverables: ITE Monitoring Report 2 – sign off, publish ITELab Case studies 2 – final input, sign off, publish Dissemination: ITE Forum-October, supporting communications activities to engage more stakeholders

7 Self-assessment tools as TET-SAT
Identify key competences Interviews Case studies Litterature review Publications and reports (eg. OECD) Frameworks defining ICT competence Survey Self-assessment tools as TET-SAT Survey of Teacher Educator competences (T2.5) Simple questions (UoA pilot survey, plus DigCompEdu and TET-SAT) Translation? google translate, plus local check (EN, NO, PT, IT) Online survey- October (SurveyMonkey), discuss EMINENT workshop

8 WP3: Developing innovative resources and curricula

9 Course module action-line
Task 3.1 Course module action-line Module A; Mk2: Tuesday, 18 Sept - Tuesday, 27 Nov. Module A; Full Pilot: W/B 21 Jan- w/b Mon 4 March / w/b Mon 25 Mar- Mon 22 Apr 2019 Module B beta; Mon 21 Jan- Mon 4 March Module C beta; Mon 25 Mar- Mon 22 Apr 2019 Ref. 5th September briefing and documents circulated Quick recap

10 Teaching, Learning, & Professional Development for Beginning Teachers
UNIT 1 : Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR),

11 Teaching, Learning, & Professional Development for Beginning Teachers
UNIT 2 : Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR),

12 Teaching, Learning, & Professional Development for Beginning Teachers
UNIT 3 : Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR),

13 Teaching, Learning, & Professional Development for Beginning Teachers
A partners’ site : [ Live over the weekend.] Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR),

14 Teaching, Learning, & Professional Development for Beginning Teachers
Live to Air: Module A ‘Live-to-Air’ Sessions Autumn 2018 Tuesday 16 OCT h CET [ h Dublin] Technology for international collaboration 20 NOV h CET [11-12:30h Dublin] Drawing the Learning Together; sharing the gains Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR),

15 B A C Task 3.1 Modules in Development 5 ECTS
Designing Learning Designing technology enriched learning Finding and (re) purposing teaching & Learning materials 3.5 ECTS B Designed to introduce & develop practice relating to networks that connect the beginning / student teacher to people and sources of pedagogical ideas / materials and personalised initial PD. Finding and participating in learning networks. Initial Professional engagement; communication, collaboration and development. Classroom work All Partners 5 ECTS A Working with Young Learners Using technology to inform and improve teaching practices 3.5 ECTS C Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR),

16 Comments & Questions…

17 ITE Forum Schedule of ITE Forum webinars: Oct 18th : Monitoring report and case studies + blog post Nov 22nd: Students Voice – launch of students MOOC campaign Joint workshop with Scientix and Future Classroom Lab 18 October: Monitoring report and case studies (FCL) produced in the WP2 in collaboration with the partner univeresities - Roger + 4 universities - post for the blog by Dorothy 22 November: Students voice - launch of students voice and communication campaign for the MOOC. - post for the blog by Adri and Maité Joint ITE Forum workshop with Scientix and Future Classroom + launch of Students Voice

18 WP4: Development & delivery of MOOC for student teachers

19 Moving on to MOOC 2019 Bart Verswijvel @BartVerswijvel #ITELAB_eu

20 MOOC Pilot (2018) MOOC (2019) Listen to Stakeholders (e.g. surveys, June workshop) Take the Best Parts from the Past to the Future Add and Modify for the Best

21 ITElab MOOC 2019 EXTRA WEEK Week 1: UNIT 1 Enter the Job
Duration 5 weeks Week 1: UNIT 1 Enter the Job Week : UNIT 2 Unlock the Classroom Week 4: UNIT 3 The second staffroom Week 5: extra week to finish tasks

22 + ++ Pilot (2018) MOOC (2019) CONTENT
Closer links to classroom practice Concept of Active Learning (pedagogy, technology, space) must be covered more in depth practical use of technology, links to subjects Ideas for POORLY EQUIPPED SCHOOLS Improvement Section ‘Further Reading’ Suggestion: topic of INCLUSION Input of Industry partners

23 + ++ Pilot (2018) MOOC (2019) PARTICIPANTS Learning together
Better Tracking of finished tasks Better Badge system More creative input from participants More interaction/collaboration between participants Language support

24 WP5: Piloting & evaluation of ITE course modules & MOOC
Engagement in pilots and plans Partners plan Associate partners Open invitation – reaching out to your networks

25 Evaluation ∙ Recent Activities
WP5: Evaluation ∙ Jennifer Tiede & Prof. Dr. Silke Grafe, University of Würzburg Evaluation ∙ Recent Activities Evaluation activities of pilot 1: completed Module: posttest, focus groups with student teachers and teacher educators, online survey feedback by IRIS MOOC: pre- and posttest, focus groups with student teachers and teacher educators Summary and highlights reports: Presentation with evaluation highlights from pre- and posttests: introduced at Brussels meeting in June Internal « evaluation highlights » document published end June. Scope: preliminary recommendations for further development of module A and MOOC based on focus groups and pre- and posttests.

26 Evaluation ∙ Current Activities
WP5: Evaluation ∙ Jennifer Tiede & Prof. Dr. Silke Grafe, University of Würzburg Evaluation ∙ Current Activities Data analysis of pilot 1: ongoing Analysis of focus group recordings Analysis of MOOC interim surveys Presentation of the ITELab project and evaluation at a national conference for educational researchers (Conference of the division « Media Education » of the German Association of Educational Research), Title: « ITELab: A European Research Project for Fostering Media-Related Educational Competencies in Initial Teacher Education. First Findings and Results »

27 Evaluation ∙ upcoming Activities
WP5: Evaluation ∙ Jennifer Tiede & Prof. Dr. Silke Grafe, University of Würzburg Evaluation ∙ upcoming Activities Deliverables: D5.2 and D5.3, evaluation reports for module and MOOC in pilot 1, due in December Preparation of evaluation instruments for autumn and Spring pilots We will use the same online surveys as in pilot 1, i.e. a posttest for the module, including our questions and our adapted version of TET-SAT, and pre- and posttest for the MOOC as before. (no focus groups this time) Do you have feedback/questions/suggestions about this? Please feel free to contact me:

28 WP6: Quality Assurance

Strategic overview Light touch The aim of the Pedagogical Board is to: Ensure that the course modules and MOOC are well aligned with requirements from a wider group of ITE providers in universities and companies providing CPD resources for teachers. Quality assure and review the course modules and MOOC (M11, M23). Contribute to recommendations for innovating ITE curricula and the operations of the ITELab University- ICT industry ITE Forum. Vesna slide

30 Pedagogical Board members
Karianne Helland, Senior Adviser, Norwegian Centre for ICT in Education Minna Koskinen, E-learning Designer, Teacher Training College, JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland Dr. Patick Camilieri, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Education, University of Malta Stefania Bocconi, PhD, Researcher in Technology Enhanced Learning, National Research Council of Italy (CNR) Institute for Educational Technology (ITD) Vesna slide

31 Independent evaluator (IE)
Aim: To carry out an independent evaluation of both project operations and final deliverables. To what extent the feedback from the wider group of stakeholders has impacted upon and influenced the course development process Have the protocols for evaluation been applied consistently by all piloting universities To what extent has the project dissemination met its targets for expanding the ITE Forum Autumn IE activities (Mark Delmartino) October: call with UWU; November: survey – partners and associate partners; December: discussions around project meeting/EMINENT

32 WP7: Dissemination and Exploitation
Communications update Videos – key messages Updated ITELab brochure, Charter for Assoc Partners, website redesign October project partner meeting - Communications Autumn campaign: recruitment for Forum; participation in Modules, MOOC December: launch of student voice ; EMINENT workshops (2) Initial Exploitation Plan (deliverable) Internal EUN discussions Follow-up with all partners Videos – we will follow-up after the meeting sharing the series of interviews we have recording during the June workshop. The video will be used as promotional material for the MOOC, the Module, the ITE Forum and the Students Voice. Key messages – Key words for each target group. Key messages that have been co-developed with representatives from these target groups at the workshop we had in June in Brussels. Updated ITELab brochure,  e.g. something similar to ITE Forum, that can be used by our partners/associate partners to encourage them to sign up to ITELab modules, promote student teacher MOOC to their students Charter for Assoc Partners, website redesign October project partner meeting - Communications Autumn campaign: recruitment for Forum; participation in Modules, MOOC December: launch of student voice ; EMINENT workshops (2)

33 Any other business FCL survey – short online survey, post meeting
December arrangements: 12th December – joint project meeting and PAB, independent evaluator Start time Location EMINENT 13th-14th Invitations Two workshops

34 Summary of activities To end 2018 Summary of activities September
Piloting of Module A – wider engagement; student and staff hub FCL online survey Final input/approval case studies October Piloting of Module A – wider engagement Developing of Module B and C , Student teacher MOOCv2 (OER resources, review) UoA teacher competences online survey ITE Forum – Monitoring report and case studies October project meeting: Communications campaign and support November Developing of Module B and C , Student teacher MOOCv2 Independent Evaluator online survey ITE Forum – student voice December Piloting of Module A – evaluation survey Finalise Module B and C , Student teacher MOOCv2. Translation? F2F project meeting/PAB (12th) and EMINENT/workshops ( th)

35 MODULE and MOOC – flexible implementation options
AUTUMN 2018 SPRING 2019 Module A ‘anchor’ – 10 wks Unit Activity Module A ‘anchor’ – 10 wks Unit Activity options options MOOC ref only Module B ‘shorter’ Unit Activity options Help us reach our targets! PLEASE use your networks to encourage further engagement in the pilots and the ITE Forum Module C ‘shorter’ Unit Activity options MOOC Units option

36 Any final questions?

37 #ITELab_eu
ITELab (Initial Teachers Education Lab) is a Knowledge Alliance project between higher education institutions and industry to foster innovation and knowledge exchange in initial teacher education (ITE). Project number: EPP BE- EPPKA2-KA. It is co-funded under the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Programme from January 2017 to December This publication was created with the financial support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. This publication reflects the views only of the authors and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein. #ITELab_eu


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