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DTN Training Welcome to: The session will begin shortly. SAY

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1 DTN Training Welcome to: The session will begin shortly. SAY
Welcome to this DTN Training Webinar. The session will begin shortly.

2 SAY We are implementing a new and streamlined process for card transaction processing, settlement and payment at all Esso and Mobil retail sites, by upgrading the front-end processing and settlement systems. This training focuses on the DTN Portal, the application that you will use to retrieve reports and manage reports that are sent to Esso and Mobil Retailers. introduction

3 Additional Information
SAY There are a few icons that are used during the training that let you know that there is more information to consider: NOTE: Indicates that there is additional information provided. WARNING: Indicates that special attention is required. Note Warning

4 BW support ACE Support 1-800-265-0060
DTN Support Issues with reports or the delivery of reports Settlement Information Portal: BW Resources: DTN Virtual Training DTN User Guide DTN Quick Reference Guide Retailer Resources: Retailer Reports Guide Retailer Quick Reference Guide SAY There is support for the ACE application, through which the DTN Portal is accessed. ACE Support can cover account and login issues. If there are any issues with reports or their delivery, refer to DTN Support. There is a Settlement Information Portal, where you can find the DTN Virtual Training, which is a recording of this training. DTN User Guide DTN Quick Reference Guide There are also resources available for Retailers: Retailer Reports Guide Retailer Quick Reference Guide

5 DTN USER and QRG GUIDEs Settlement Information Portal:
SAY This learning is based upon the Data Transmission Network (DTN) User Guide. There is also a Quick Reference Guide that you can use as a reference Both of these guides can be found on the Settlement Information Portal. Settlement Information Portal:

6 ? DTN activity DTN Activity SAY
After each module, there will be an opportunity to pause and consider questions. After each module, there will be an opportunity for participants to ask questions and take breaks so the Facilitator can demonstrate, or have participant use, the DTN Portal to reinforce learning. DTN Activity

7 agenda DTN Portal Manage Retailers View Reports Use Reports SAY
Today’s session is divided into 4 modules: First, we will start with an overview of the DTN Portal Then we will explore how to Manage the reports that are sent to Retailers This training will also show you how to View Reports The final section provides you with some tips on Using the reports, especially for reconciliation with payments from Imperial. A recording of these 4 modules is available online, through the Settlement Information Portal. Information about how to access the Settlement Information Portal is in your DTN User Guide. View Reports Use Reports

Now let’s have a look at the DTN reports and how they can be used for reconciliation.

9 Credit card reports Code Report Name Description  Credit Card Reports
BW R CCM Card Settlement Report Day/Shift summary totals and adjustments DFM Daily Card Sales Fee Report Daily summary of total sales and card fees by card type FMM Monthly Card Sales Fee Report Monthly summary of the daily card sales fee reports PCR PRICE PRIVILEGES/Car Wash Redemption Report PRICE PRIVILEGES/Car Wash dollar amounts for loyalty points redeemed. RTV Ticket Requests Ticket retrieval request MSR Multiple Sales Report Daily report identifying multiple inside sales (credit only; no debit or Fleet) by truncated card number, to help detect possible fraud SAY The DTN Portal separates reports into Credit Card reports and Loyalty reports. Looking at the Credit Card reports, and you can see that both BWs and Retailers receive many of the same reports, but only Retailers get the Multiple Sales Report. Let’s look at the Loyalty reports.

10 Loyalty reports Code Report Name Description  Loyalty Reports BW R
LRD Daily Loyalty Detail Report BW Loyalty Detail Report (LRD): LRDa: Transaction level dollar amounts for loyalty points issued/redeemed for all BW Dealers LRDb: Transaction level details for loyalty points issued/redeemed for all BW Dealers Dealer Loyalty Detail Report (LDD): LDDa: Transaction level dollar amounts for loyalty points issued/redeemed LDDb: Transaction level details for loyalty points issued/redeemed LPF Daily Loyalty Potential Fraud Periodic report – Summary of cards that were used multiple times at a site in one day LRS Daily Loyalty Summary Report Loyalty program summary data by Dealer with BW totals LMS Monthly Loyalty Summary Report Monthly roll up of loyalty activity for all BW Dealers SAY This screen displays the Loyalty reports. The main difference between the reports the BW and the Retailer receive is the naming of a Loyalty Detail Report: BWs have the codes LRDa and LRDb Retailers’ versions have the codes LDDa and LDDb The (a) reports focus on the conversion of loyalty points into currency, and the (b) reports track the issue and redemption of loyalty points. As well, there are two summary reports that BWs receive that are not sent to Retailers. And, finally, there is a report designed to detect fraud that is sent to BWs and Retailers. Both the Credit Card and Loyalty reports are generated by the Day-End Close Process. For the most part, BWs receive the same reports that are delivered to the Retailers. The difference is that the BWs receive reports for all their Retailers, while Retailers only receive reports that reflect their own sales. We are going to look specifically at the reports that BWs receive. However, there is a Reports Guide that provides an overview of the reports that Retailers receive. Let’s first look at what the BW Reports all have in common.

Start Report Message IOL DFM-0008 START MSG Definition IOL1 BW ID Report Code – Sequence ID Date sent: Month-day-year Start of report message SAY Because some reports can run over multiple pages, each report has a standard START message at the beginning and END message to ensure you are viewing the entire report. CLICK These START and END messages contain: BW ID Number Report Code and Sequence ID The date the report was sent in this format: Month-day-year End Report Message IOL DFM-0008 END MSG Definition IOL1 BW ID Report Code – Sequence ID Date sent: Month- day-year End of report message

12 CARD COdes CODE Card Type MC Mastercard Mastercard Fleet VI Visa DI
Discover EB Citi ExxonMobil Consumer Citi ExxonMobil Commercial Fleet AX American Express DE Interac Debit GA Esso and Mobil Gift Card Activation GR Esso and Mobil Gift Card Redemption CA Esso and Mobil Carwash Card Activate CW Esso and Mobil Carwash Card Redeem CP PRICE PRIVILEGES Card Activate CD PRICE PRIVILEGES Card Redeem WX WEX Esso and Mobil Fleet WEX Universal and Other Fleet EF WEX ExxonMobil Fleet SAY As well, the following codes are used in the reports to represent cards used for transactions. This table is in the DTN Quick Reference Guide. Most of these codes are fairly intuitive, such as MC for Mastercard, and VI for Visa Others might not be familiar to you, such as CP for PRICE PRIVILEGES Activated, and CD for PRICE PRIVILEGES Redeemed.

13 reconciliation Card Settlement Report (CCM)
Indicates IOL payment to be received. TOTAL SALES / NET SALES AMT MINUS DE (Debit Card Sales) ADD TOTAL CD (PRICE PRIVILEGES Card Redemptions) ADD TOTAL CW (Esso and Mobil Car Wash Redemptions) ADD ALL Sites Total (NET of $$ Value of Points Redeemed MINUS Total Issued Value) SAY The reports received through the DTN portal provide a wealth of information for a variety of purposes. Let’s focus on the reports that provide key information for reconciling Point of Sale (POS) reports with IOL payments: First, the Card Settlement Report (CCM) indicates the IOL payment to be received. There are a few key reports that can provide you with the information to reconcile IOL payments with Point of Sale (POS) transactions. Here is a summary of those reports: CLICK First, we would take the NET SALES AMT from the TOTAL SALES line in the Daily Card Sales Fee Report (DFM) and subtract DE the Debit Card Sales. We subtract Debit Sales because DTN Portal Reports do not include reconciliation of Interac Debit. 2. Then we would ADD the Redemptions from PRICE PRIVILEGES/Car Wash Redemption Report (PCR). 3. Finally we would take the NET Dollar Value of Points Redeemed MINUS Total Issued Value from Daily Loyalty Detail Report version A (LRDa). We will look at these steps and reports in more detail. Please keep in mind that, when reconciling reports, totals from POS may vary slightly with DTN Report totals due to rounding. Let’s start with the Card Settlement Report first. DFM Daily Card Sales Fee Report PCR – PRICE PRIVILEGES/Car Wash Redemption Report LRDa Daily Loyalty Detail Report Note: Totals from POS may vary slightly with DTN Report totals due to rounding.

14 Card Settlement Report (CCM)
Indicates IOL payment to be received. Report Start Message Retailer #1 Information Shift Totals Total Fees Total POS Sales and NET Retailer #2 Information Shift Totals Total Fees Total POS Sales and NET SAY The Card Settlement Report (CCM) provides Summary information for each Retailer and a Summary for all Retailers. CLICK As with all reports, this report has the Report Start Message that gives you the BW ID number, the report code and sequence number, and the date the report was created. The totals for the first Retailer (the Dealer Number is highlighted) are listed by Shift Number and include a summary of Card Processing Fees, Total POS Sales and a NET amount (The net amount does not include DEBIT transactions). The totals for the second Retailer (the Dealer Number is highlighted) are listed as well. The information at the bottom of the report presents consolidated totals for all Retailers. In this example, there are only two Retailers. The summarized totals provide the Total processing fees and Total POS Sales for all Retailers. The GRAND TOTAL indicates the Net IOL payment amount. It is important to remember that this amount does not contain DEBIT Transactions. And, of course, the report has a Report END Message. Let’s now let’s look at which DTN reports can show you how that IOL payment was calculated. BW Summary Information TOTAL PROCESSING FEES GRAND TOTAL = IOL Payment Debit Transactions not included End Report Message

15 Activity COdes Code Description O-OUT Outside Sales I-IN Inside Sales
O-OUT,I-IN,E-CREDIT/DEBIT CARD,S-SPEEDPASS,P-PAPER,M-MOBILE,X-MCX Code Description O-OUT Outside Sales I-IN Inside Sales E-CREDIT/DEBIT CARD Credit or Debit Card S-SPEEDPASS Speedpass P-PAPER Not used in Canada M-MOBILE Speedpass+ Mobile Application X-MCX SAY In addition to the codes relating to the types of cards used, there are additional codes that describe the sales activities. The Daily Card Sales Fee Report (DFM) report provides a simple legend for these codes. CLICK This table provides a fuller description of these codes. Notice there are a few codes that are not used in Canada. This table is in the DTN Quick Reference Guide. For example, O-Out is Outside Sales, M-Mobile is the Speedpass plus Mobile Application, and P-Paper and X-MCX are not used in Canada.

16 Daily Cards Sales Fee Report – page 1
Sale and Process Dates Retailer #1 Information Retailer #1 Number Retailer #1 Transaction Information SAY Here is the first page of the Daily Cards Sales Fee Report. Let’s have a look at what’s in it. CLICK This line provides the information about the sale date and processing date for the report, as well as the BW Name. The next section contains the information about the first Retailer, including the First Retailer Number. It also contains the detailed transaction information for the first Retailer. There also is Summary information. Total Sales information is provided in a couple of ways: first by transaction type, and then separated into inside and outside sales. Notice at the end of the page the note that indicates that the report is continued on the next page. Let’s go to page 2… Retailer #1 Summary Information Continued message

17 Daily Cards Sales Fee Report – page 2
Retailer #2 Information Dealer Number BW ID Number Retailer #2 Transaction and Summary Information BW Summary Information Distributor Summary for all Retailers Tran Fee vs. % Fee CLICK Here is the second page of the Daily Cards Sales Fee Report. The first line gives us a sense of what we are looking at. In this case we are still looking at the information from Retailer #2. Specifically, this section contains Summary information for the Retailer. The consolidated information for all Retailers is presented for the BW in the same format: by Transaction and then in Summary form. These reports contain a wealth of information. The first 4 columns describe the transactions in detail: The first column indicates how many transactions for each card type and the second indicates whether the transactions were Inside or Outside transactions. The third shows transaction type, according to the legend at the top of the table and the fourth column presents the specific Card Type (the legend is in the Quick Reference Guide). The remaining columns present the Gross Sales Amounts, Fees and Net Sales. For Fees, there are 3 columns: TRAN FEE, Percentage FEE and TOTAL FEE If the Transaction Fee is a set amount, it is contained in the TRAN FEE column. If the Fee is a percentage of sales, the %FEE column calculates the percentage to 4 decimals. The TOTAL FEE contains the total fee amount that is used to calculate the NET SALES. I want to call attention to the DEBIT CARD line in the Summary information. The DEBIT CARD information contains more than just INTERAC Debit Card information. We will look at what this means in the next slide. Because this is the last page of the report, there is an End Report Message. DEBIT CARD Summary Not just INTERAC END MSG

18 Debit card summary DEBIT CARD Summary Not just INTERAC
Includes the following transactions: DE INTERAC Debit Card Transactions GA Esso and Mobil Gift Card Activations GR Esso and Mobil Gift Card Redemptions CA Esso and Mobil Car Wash Activations CP PRICE PRIVILEGES Activations SAY It is important to note that the DEBIT CARD information contains more than just INTERAC Debit Card information; not just for BWs but in Retailer Reports as well. In the Daily Cards Sales Fee Report, the DEBIT CARD line in the Summary information includes the following transactions: DE – INTERAC Debit Card Transactions GA – Esso and Mobil Gift Card Activations GR – Esso and Mobil Gift Card Redemptions CA – Esso and Mobil Car Wash Activations CP – PRICE PRIVILEGES Activations Let’s look at how the Daily Cards Sales Fee Report can be used to reconciliation POS information with the IOL payment.

RECONCILIATION 1 – DFM Reconciliation 1: DFM TOTAL SALES / NET SALES AMT MINUS DE (Debit Card Sales) SAY There are two key pieces of information in the Daily Cards Sales Fee Report (DFM) for completing the first step in reconciling the Point of Sale (POS) data with IOL payments: CLICK 1. First, we take the NET SALES AMT in the TOTAL SALES line and then we SUBTRACT 2. DE (Interact Debit transactions) We subtract the INTERAC Debit amount from the NET SALES Amount of Total Sales because DTN Portal Reports do not include reconciliation of Interac Debit (Moneris). As we have noted, there are no changes to the existing Retailer settlement process related to Interac Debit transactions. Let’s look at the second report that is used for reconciliation. Note: The existing Retailer settlement process related to Interac Debit transactions has not changed.

20 PRICE PRIVILEGES/Car Wash Redemption Report (PCR)
Retailer # 1 PRICE PRIVILEGES Redemptions Esso and Mobil Carwash Card Redemptions Retailer #2 PRICE PRIVILEGES Redemptions Esso and Mobil Carwash Card Redemptions SAY The PRICE PRIVILEGES/Car Wash Redemption Report (PCR) is the second report used for reconciling Point of Sale (POS) data with IOL payments. As its name suggests, this report contains the redemptions for PRICE PRIVILEGES and Car Washes. CLICK The report presents the redemptions from each Retailer. This shows the first retailer’s redemption information: gross sales, fees and net sales, as well as the total redemptions for both PRICE PRIVILEGES (CD) and Esso and Mobil Carwash Card Redemptions. The same information is provided for the second retailer. The Distributor Summary provides the BW with a summary for all retailers. In this example, there were no Carwash Card Redemptions. To continue with the second step of the reconciliation process, redemptions from PRICE PRIVILEGES (TOTAL CD) and Car Washes (TOTAL CW) are added to the net amount from the Daily Cards Sales Fee Report. Now let’s look at the third report that is used for reconciliation. Distributor Summary All Retailers Redemptions Reconciliation 2: PCR ADD TOTAL CD (PRICE PRIVILEGES Redemptions) ADD TOTAL CW (Esso and Mobil Carwash Card Redemptions)

21 Daily Loyalty Detail Report – LRDa
Retailer #1 Information $ amounts for points Fuel & non-Fuel sub-totals Retailer #2 Information BW Summary Information SAY The Daily Loyalty Detail Report – LRDa is the third step when reconciling Point of Sale (POS) data with IOL payments. This report contains the detailed dollar amounts for loyalty points,. CLICK The first part of the report contains the detailed information for Retailer #1. Notice the sub-totals include Fuel and non-Fuel purchases. The Site Total is the NET of Dollar Value of Points Redeemed MINUS Total Issued Value for this particular Retailer. In this case, there were no points redeemed. The next part of the report contains the detailed information for Retailer #2. The Summary information for BWs of all Retailers is contained in the bottom of the report. The ALL Site Total is the NET of Dollar Value of Points Redeemed MINUS Total Issued Value. Because this particular report did not contain any redeemed points, the ALL Site Total contains only the value of the loyalty points issued. The last step in the reconciliation process is to ADD the ALL Site Total from the LRDa to the totals collected from the Daily Cards Sales Fee Report and the PRICE PRIVILEGES/Car Wash Redemption Report. The calculations from these 3 reports should reconcile the IOL payment with the POS transactions. Let’s look at some of the other reports that you can access from the DTN Portal. ALL Site Total: NET of $S Value of Points Redeemed MINUS $ Total Issued Value ADD ALL Site Total Reconciliation 3: LRDa

22 Summary reports Credit Card Reports
Monthly Card Sales Fee Report (FMM) Ticket Requests (RTV) Loyalty Reports Daily Loyalty Detail Report (LRDb) Daily Loyalty Potential Fraud (LPF) BW Only Reports Daily Loyalty Summary Report (LRS) Monthly Loyalty Summary (LMS) SAY In addition to the reports that we have just highlighted for reconciliation, there are a number of reports that provide you with useful Summary information. They arrive either daily or monthly: The Credit Card Reports include The Monthly Card Sales Fee Report and Ticket Requests. The Loyalty Reports include The second Daily Loyalty Detail Report (LRDb) and Daily Loyalty Potential Fraud There are 2 reports that only BWs receive: Daily Loyalty Summary Report Monthly Loyalty Summary Let’s have a look at these reports in more detail.

23 Monthly Card Sales Fee Report (FMM)
Monthly summary of the daily card sales fee reports Retailer #1 Information Card Type and various Totals information by Transactions Gross Sales Total Fees Net Sales Amt Retailer #2 Information SAY The Monthly Card Sales Fee Report (FMM) provides a monthly summary of the Daily Card Sales Fee reports, by Retailer and consolidated for all Retailers. There are 2 Retailers in this example. CLICK Information is provided for the first Retailer. The information is provided by Card Type and various Totals by Transactions Gross Sales Total Fees Net Sales Amount This is the information for the second Retailer. And, finally, the Distributor Summary totals up the information for all Retailers. Distributor Summary Summary of information from all Retailers

24 Ticket Requests (RTV) Ticket Requests (RTV) SAY
When there is a request for a receipt, a Ticket Request will be sent, with instructions relating to which sales receipt is required as well as instructions for sending it.

25 Daily Loyalty Detail Report (LRDb)
Transaction level details for loyalty points issued or redeemed. Retailer #1 Information Total Points Redeemed Total Points Issued Base Points Issued BW Promo Points Issued (N/A) IOL Promo Points Issued SAY While the LRDa Daily Loyalty Detail Report focuses on the value of the Loyalty points, the LRDb focuses on the transaction-level details for loyalty points issued or redeemed for all BW Retailers. CLICK As with many BW Reports, information is provided by Retailer information and summarized at the end of the report. There are 2 columns that provides the Total Points Redeemed and Total Points Issued for each Retailer and in summary. The other columns present the Base Points Issued BW Promotion Points Issued (which is currently not in use). And Esso Promo Points Issued. There are totals for the points provided for Fuel and non-Fuel purchases, as well a total count of transactions for each Retailer and all Retailers. The information at the bottom of the report presents consolidated totals for all Retailers. Retailer #2 Information BW Summary Information Totals Fuel Non-Fuel Transaction count Points redeemed Points issued

26 Daily Loyalty Potential Fraud (Lpf)
CLICK The Daily Loyalty Potential Fraud report provides a summary of cards that were used multiple times at a site in one day, and is currently under development.

27 Daily Loyalty Summary Report (LRS)
Loyalty program summary data by Retailer with BW totals SAY The Daily Loyalty Summary Report (LRS) is one of two reports that are received only by BWs. This report provides BWs with Loyalty program summary data by Retailer. It provides a summary of points issued and their dollar value both for Fuel and non-Fuel purchases for each site. The summary value of redemptions is also presented. CLICK The information for each Retailer is provided in the top portion of the report. The information at the bottom of the report presents a consolidated summary for all Retailers. The second report received by BWs is the Monthly Loyalty Summary. Summary by Retailer BW Summary Information

28 Monthly Loyalty Summary (LMS)
Monthly roll up of loyalty activity for all BW Retailers. Summary by Retailer SAY The Monthly Loyalty Summary is a monthly roll-up of loyalty activity for all BW Retailers. CLICK Again, we can see that there is summary information provided by Retailer. And there are totals for all Retailers provided for the BW. That is an overview of all the DTN reports received by BWs. BW Summary Information

29 DTN USER and QRG GUIDEs Settlement Information Portal:
SAY For more information about what was covered in this module, you can find the DTN User Guide and Quick Reference Guide on the Settlement Information Portal. There is also a Retailer Reports Guide and Quick Reference Guide also available in the Settlement Information Portal. Settlement Information Portal:

30 BW support ACE Support 1-800-265-0060
DTN Support Issues with reports or the delivery of reports Settlement Information Portal: BW Resources: DTN Virtual Training DTN User Guide DTN Quick Reference Guide Retailer Resources: Retailer Reports Guide Retailer Quick Reference Guide SAY There is support for the ACE application, through which the DTN Portal is accessed. ACE support can cover account and login issues. If there are any issues with reports or their delivery, there is a DTN Support. There are also the Settlement Information Portal where you can find the DTN Virtual Training, which is a recording of this training. DTN User Guide DTN Quick Reference Guide There are also resources available for Retailers: Retailer Reports Guide Retailer Quick Reference Guide

31 ? Q&A Questi ns SAY Let’s take a moment to consider any questions you might have.

32 THANK Thank you! YOU SAY Thank you for attending this session.

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