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Midlife Meal Planning & Fitness

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1 Midlife Meal Planning & Fitness

2 Nutrition & Fitness at Midlife
Changes in metabolic rate Results of dieting Calorie needs Review of servings 10 ways to speed up your metabolism

3 Changes in Metabolic Rate
As we age, our metabolic rate decreases 3-5% per decade after the age of 20 years Meaning: At the age of 50, our metabolic rate has slowed down by 15% Thus, our caloric needs decrease by 15% Problem: Studies show that over the past decade, our caloric intake has INCREASED by 200 calories per day Result: Slow and progressive weight gain Metabolic Rate: The amount of calories you burn just to keep your body going 200 extra calories per day will equal a 20.8 pound increase per year That’s an extra 2 slices of bread A large apple or whole banana 2 cookies Handful of popcorn 3 oz of lean meat Can of regular coke, or 2 cups of skim milk

4 The Effects of Yo-Yo Dieting
Research has shown that the yo-yo dieting phenomenon has dire health consequences. In many cases, these extreme weight fluctuations can cause higher cholesterol values (both total and LDL), higher blood pressure, increased risk for cancers, heart disease and diabetes and heart abnormalities. In other words, it would be more healthy for an individual to maintain a high weight than to lose pounds over and over again. This change really takes a toll of the body…mentally and physically. Slow and steady wins the race in this case!

5 The Effects of Yo-Yo Dieting
Lowers levels of HDL, the “good” cholesterol 25-100% greater chance of developing heart disease and overall higher death rate More excess fat around the waist 8 times as likely to have high blood pressure as those at a consistent weight Losing muscle and fat, and regaining fat in the abdomen—harder to lose again. We become “fatter”


7 Meal Planning Serving sizes Calculate your calorie needs
Determine number of servings from each food group

8 Speeding Up Your Metabolism
Quit Starving Yourself Get Exercise Exercise Longer…Not Harder Exercise Large Muscle Groups Vary Your Workout Eat a Good Breakfast Avoid Alcohol and Smoking Resist PMS Cravings Eat Less Fat Eat Three Meals

9 Quit Starving Yourself
When you deprive yourself of food, your body reacts protectively against an ancient threat: FAMINE Your RMR – the calories you burn just to keep your body going – drops to a lower level to conserve energy Your body works harder to preserve the food it gets by storing it as fat It takes calories to burn calories!!

10 Quit Starving Yourself

11 Get Exercise Exercises raises your RMR, helping you burn more calories
Increases the amount of muscle you have Muscle is calorie burning tissue Enables you to burn more fat because it requires more energy

12 Exercise Longer…Not Harder
After 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise, your body begins to burn stored fat for energy Keep exercise moderate to maintain fat-burning efficiency

13 Exercise Large Muscle Groups
Enables you to burn more calories by needing more fuel for energy Walking Bicycling Cross country skiing Swimming Step aerobics Weight training

14 Vary Your Work Principal of Adaptation – body becomes accustomed to workout after 4-6 weeks Vary Frequency – 3-5 days Intensity – increase incline or speed Time – increase duration Type – add a different exercise

15 Eat a Good Breakfast People who skip breakfast burn 5% fewer calories than those who eat a healthy morning meal REMEMBER: It takes calories to burn calories Breakfast literally means “breaking the fast”. Important to maintain metabolism.

16 Avoid Alcohol and Smoking
Both inhibit the burning of abdominal fat Alcohol adds additional calories Smoking prevents smell and taste of food

17 Resist PMS Cravings Evidence shows that women’s bodies burn more calories between ovulation and menstruation Reason why sugary snacks are appealing Don’t starve yourself, but resist the cravings so your body will burn fat stores for energy during this time

18 Eat Less Fat Your body is efficient at turning the fat you eat into body fat It takes a lot of energy to turn carbohydrates into fat Cutting back to 30% of calories from fat can help reduce your body fat more than just cutting calories

19 Eat Three Meals a Day Studies show both frequent small snacks combined with 2-3 larger meals helps raise RMR

20 Calories at a Meal In order to achieve more stability and balance, spread your calorie intake out throughout the day. Breakfast calories AM Snack calories Lunch calories PM Snack calories Dinner calories HS Snack calories

21 Size of Cups and Plates 8 ounces 2 fruit servings 1.5 slices of bread
Food for thought… Think about the size of your cups and plates when trying to control calories. Larger cups and plates can lead to an increased consumption of calories. When eating out at a restaurant, it is inevitable that you will have a HUGE plate placed in front of you. If you ask for a box when your meal is first received, you can scoop half of the meal into the take-home box. What’s left is a well portioned meal and lunch for tomorrow. This alleviates any temptations to continue snacking while you wait for service. 8 ounces 2 fruit servings 1.5 slices of bread 16 ounces 4 fruit servings 3 slices of bread 32 ounces 8 fruit servings 6 slices of bread

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