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What is a Thesis Statement?

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1 What is a Thesis Statement?

2 -Learning Target- Today I will learn how to write a thesis statement so that I can clearly communicate my argument and support it with evidence.

3 Definition: Thesis Statement
A thesis statement is ONE sentence that tells claim/argument of a piece of writing A thesis statement is based on research of a topic THESIS = YOUR CLAIM/ARGUMENT

4 Topic Sentence vs. Thesis statement
A topic sentence is a DESCRIPTION of what the piece of writing will discuss or inform the reader of VS. A thesis statement is a CLAIM/ARGUMENT that you will SUPPORT/PROVE in a writing piece

5 Can you identify it? Sample PROMPT: Should junk food be taken out of schools?
Which sentence is the thesis statement? It’s Time to Junk Junk Food! Tired, crabby, or unfocused in class? It could be the food you are eating. The lack of healthy and tasty school lunch selections has recently become a problem in almost every elementary, middle and high school across the nation. There are many good reasons to remove junk food from school lunch menus, and creating a healthier student body is number one. Although many types of junk food are pleasing to one’s appetite, junk foods should be taken out of school lunch menus because they harm the development of kids’ bodies, impact the mind in negative ways, and are expensive for schools to buy.

6 Can you Identify it? Sample Prompt: Should junk food be taken out of schools?
It’s Time to Junk Junk Food! Tired, crabby, or unfocused in class? It could be the food you are eating. The lack of healthy and tasty school lunch selections has recently become a problem in almost every elementary, middle and high school across the nation. There are many good reasons to remove junk food from school lunch menus, and creating a healthier student body is number one. Although many types of junk food are pleasing to one’s appetite, junk foods should be taken out of school lunch menus because they harm the development of kids’ bodies, impact the mind in negative ways, and are expensive for schools to buy.

7 Think about: A good thesis statement… does what?
..Talk about it.. Although many types of junk food are pleasing to one’s appetite, junk foods should be taken out of school lunch menus because they harm the development of kids’ bodies, impact the mind in negative ways, and are expensive for schools to buy. With your partner, talk about why this sentence is the thesis statement. Come up with at least 2 reasons. Think about: A good thesis statement… does what?

8 KEY FEATURE #1: Answers Prompt Completely
*Thesis should address prompt by using key words from the prompt and listing supporting points Prompt: What caused the United States to enter into World War I? POOR: There were many causes for the United States to enter into World War I. BETTER: Though there were many causes for the United States to enter into World War I, the most influential were allied propaganda, Woodrow Wilson's goals as president, and aggressive German naval policy.

9 KEY FEATURE #2: States the CLAIM AND what YOU WILL prove
*Thesis should state claim + 3 key reasons POOR: There were many causes for U.S. entry into World War I. *Too broad, no evidence/reasons of what will be proven BETTER: Though there were many causes for U.S. entry into World War I, the most influential (CLAIM) were allied propaganda, Woodrow Wilson's idealism and aggressive German naval policy. (3 REASONS)

10 KEY FEATURE #2: Main idea + What you’re going prove
*Should express an opinion or attitude about the topic (this is what makes it an argument) What is a past-time in your childhood that has influenced your life today? I learned to play many musical instruments when I was young. STRONG OR WEAK THESIS? This would not be considered a good thesis statement because it is only expressing a fact. It doesn’t give the writer’s opinion or attitude on playing musical instruments.

Learning to play many musical instruments when I was young helped me to become a more intelligent and well-rounded person by practicing daily, being responsible for the instruments, and learning how to read music. WHY IS THIS A BETTER THESIS?

12 KEY FEATURE #3: Thesis is One sentence, NEVER a question
*A thesis is asserting an opinion or claim, so it should not be a question. Why is writing the best subject? THIS IS A QUESTION, NOT A STATEMENT. Writing is a very challenging subject, yet rewarding because one can express himself on paper to convince others, it allows one to be creative, and it helps communities document different happenings in the world. NOW, THAT IS A THESIS STATEMENT!!

13 KEY FEATURE #4: A Thesis Does not state the obvious
You should avoid using phrases like, “I’m going to write about…” or “This essay will discuss…” in your thesis statement. This is POOR writing!!! Also do not use first person language – NO “me” “my” “my opinion” “I” “I think” “I believe”

14 KEY FEATURE #4: Does not state the obvious
In this essay, I’m going to talk about why students shouldn’t have to wear uniforms. A dress code should not be mandatory at school because requiring students to wear uniforms can inhibit student expression, smother creativity, and deter students from enjoying school. Again, 3 key points!

15 KEY FEATURE #5: Usually at THE end of intro paragraph
Your reader likes to know what your writing is going to be about early on, so it should typically be the last sentence of your introduction paragraph – if you are writing multiple paragraphs. It’s Time to Junk Junk Food! Tired, crabby, or unfocused in class? It could be the food you are eating. The lack of healthy and tasty school lunch selections has recently become a problem in almost every elementary, middle and high school across the nation. There are many good reasons to remove junk food from school lunch menus, and creating a healthier student body is number one. Although many types of junk food are pleasing to one’s appetite, junk foods should be taken out of school lunch menus because they harm the development of kids’ bodies, impact the mind in negative ways, and are expensive for schools to buy.

16 Key Features of a Thesis
PROMPT: Should junk foods be taken out of schools? Although many types of junk food are pleasing to one’s appetite, junk foods should be taken out of school lunch menus because they harm the development of kids’ bodies, impact the mind in negative ways, and are expensive for schools to buy. Does it meet the 5 key features?

17 Proper Social Studies Thesis Format
BASIC THESIS STATEMENT (Answer the prompt here with your viewpoint) because (reason/key idea #1), (reason/key idea #2), and (reason/key idea #3). Make sure it: 1) Answers the prompt 2) Includes content knowledge (reasons) 3) Organizes your writing

18 Proper Social Studies Thesis Format
ADVANCED THESIS STATEMENT Although (insert opposing view here), (answer the prompt here with your viewpoint) because (reason/key idea #1), (reason/key idea #2), and (reason/key idea #3). Make sure it: 1) Answers the prompt 2) Includes content knowledge (reasons) 3) Organizes your writing 4) Acknowledges the opposing viewpoint

19 Key Features of a Thesis
Although many types of junk food are pleasing to one’s appetite, junk foods should be taken out of school lunch menus because they harm the development of kids’ bodies, impact the mind in negative ways, and are expensive for schools to buy. Basic or advanced thesis?

20 You try it! Choose one of the Social Studies thesis “formulas” to write a practice thesis statement to the following prompt: Which pharaoh was the most effective as a leader in Ancient Egypt and why?

Use your 2 colors (your choice) to color code your thesis… If you can do it easily, you have a strong thesis! 1st Color: underline your claim (argument) 2nd Color: underline your 3 points (key reasons) FOR ADVANCED THESIS… Use your 3 colors (your choice) to color code your thesis… If you can do it easily, you have a strong thesis! 1st Color: underline the opposing viewpoint 2nd Color: underline your claim (argument) 3rd Color: underline your 3 points (key reasons)

22 YOU TRY IT! Swap with your table partner On your partner’s paper:
1. Write your name at the bottom 2. Give them a grade: 4 = All 2-3 parts of formula 3 = Missing 1 part 2 = Missing 2 parts 1 = Did not write a thesis

23 …Editing… You can ALWAYS go back and edit your thesis as you are writing. In fact, you SHOULD edit your thesis as you are writing. The first thesis statement you write probably will not be your final. Make sure that your final thesis matches the rest of your paper.

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