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SHAC Student Health Advisory Counsel

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1 SHAC Student Health Advisory Counsel
Monthly Meeting Minutes

2 SHAC Members Co-Chairs Secretary Council Members District Liason
SHAC Members Co-Chairs Tonya Eckert and Arlo Chavira Secretary Jeff Russell Council Members Arlo Chavira, Diana Edmiston, Tonya Eckert, Rhonda Spykes, Gracie Flores, Kathy Siepak, Karen Olson, Christin Abbott-Timmons, Jeff Russell, Jane Boles, Suzanne Rathbun, Maria Cole, Beth Meyerson, Diana Ruiz District Liason Michael Neiman

3 October 2014 I. Updated Board Recommendations * Asthma Action Plan – Blackshear Pilot Program * Each District Campus has assigned Nursing personnel * Faculty Health Fair on hold * New SHAC District Website * Athletic Trainer/HGD Teacher – PHS (hired), OHS (posted)

4 October 2014 Cont. II. Elections
* Co-Chairs: Tonya Eckert and Arlo Chavira * Secretary: Jeff Russell III. ECISD Health Curriculum * HealthTeacher – Online Lessons * Active Learning – Get out of the Room and Do It * Health Projects – Applied Life Health Situations

5 November 2014 I. Campus Traffic Control and Street Safety –
Master Sargent Alexander * Milam - Blackshear - Carver: Under Study for Light Control * District Employees 25 Police Officers * Crossing Guards: Paid by the District, Hired by the City of OPD * Freshman and Sophomore may have Closed Lunches

6 November 2014 Cont. II. District Bus Operations – David Morris * Operates 175 Buses / Moves over 8000 Students Daily * District Logs Over 2.5 Million Miles Annually * Transportation Employees 200 Staff * District is Currently 30 Drivers Short * Nine Bus Accidents Reported Last Year

7 December 2014 I. ECISD Drop Out Prevention - Scott Randolph * Approximately 30% of 9th grade students do not go on to graduate high school. * There are student, school and home conflicts that contribute to the drop out percentage.

8 December 2014 Cont. II. Programs Helping the District
* Community Outreach Center * Immediate Credit Recovery * New Tech Odessa/Alternative Center-Phoenix Challenge * Counselors/Drop Out Specialists * AVID/Communities in School/Teen Pregnancy Related Services/Career and Technical Educations * HB 5 Drop Out Prevention Subcommittee

9 January 2015 I. Changing Family Structure * 10% Raised by Grandparents * 8% Raised by Single Dads * 33% Raised by Single Moms * 15% in Blended Families

10 January 2015 cont. II. Educational Challenges * Developmental - social
* Behavioral - emotional * Learning - intellectual

11 February 2015 I. Child Abuse and Neglect * One in Four Girls / One in Six Boys * 50% of Abuse Referrals Reported by Teachers

12 February 2015 cont. II. Teacher Training * All Staff Trained in Safe Schools - Online * Many Staff Members Undergone “Darkness to Light” Training III. Specific Needs * Sexual Abuse Curriculum * Sexual Abuse Courses

13 March 2015 I. Teen Parent Coalition / SHAC Partnership
* Evidence Based Curriculum * Grant Opportunity

14 March 2015 cont. II. Medical Center Hospital – GoNoodle
* April Report: 36 Campuses 387 Instructors 10, 987 Students 754,848 Minutes * Year to date: 4,344,770 Minutes of Physical Activity for ECISD Students

15 March 2015 cont. II. Medical Center Hospital – HealthTeacher
* Online Interactive Health Lessons * Identified Core Curriculum TEKS * Teacher Friendly * Year to Date: Lessons Presented to ECISD Students (Every Student One Lesson a Week – 28,800)

16 March 2015 cont. III. Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act * Smart Snacks in School * Recess Before Lunch Benefits * School Breakfast Benefits * OHS / PHS Lunch Menus

17 April 2015 I. Researched Based Human Growth and Development Curriculum * Explore Programs II. Establish Teen Pregnancy Prevention Coalition * SHAC Supports Grant Application

18 April 2015 cont. III. Texas Tech University Health Science Center and The Life Center * Medically Based Curriculum * Goals, Values and Integrity * Compliment Each Other HGD Campus Administrator to Champion TTUHSC & TLC

19 Board Recommendation Traffic Safety SHAC recommends increasing public awareness of traffic dangers that exist around our campuses: 1) Each District Campus be required to prepare a traffic flow diagram and include this diagram in each registration and welcome package provided to students and/or parents. Administration should consistently establish the expectation that parents and staff adhere to the published traffic flow diagram. 2) Driver safety messages and programs be regularly promoted to high school students.

20 Board Recommendation Traffic Safety cont.
3) The District work with local media and on a regular basis utilize social media. Use the District website and any other available media to publicize the need to exercise extreme care in school zones and follow all traffic laws. 4) The District, on a regular basis, conduct well publicized targeted campaigns at campuses, which would involve increased police presence, to deliver a strong and consistent message to the community regarding student/traffic safety.

21 Board Recommendation Drop Out Prevention
SHAC recommends the use of a “Campus Atmosphere Survey” to measure how comfortable students and parents are with faculty, facility and curriculum.

22 Board Recommendation Social Emotional Health Because most bullying and abuse incidence are reported by District employees, SHAC recommends increasing the “Darkness to Light” training to include all administrators, teachers and support staff. SHAC also recommends continued District trainings that address anti Bullying.

23 Board Recommendation School Nutrition SHAC supports the District’s decision to close Campus for Freshman and Sophomore lunch periods. SHAC would support closed campus lunch for all Secondary students when appropriate schedules and facilities are available.

24 Board Recommendation School Nutrition cont.
SHAC recommends “Recess before Lunch” at Elementary Campuses.

25 Board Recommendation Heath Curriculum Due to the increasing health challenges of Ector County’s Youth, SHAC recommends a HealthTeacher pilot program. MCH’s donated online health lessons would be incorporated into core academic curriculum. SHAC believes our students desperately need access to health information.

26 Board Recommendation Heath Curriculum cont. SHAC recommends each School select an Administrator to liaison between the HGD Agencies (TTUHSC and TLC) and the District Campuses.

27 Board Recommendation Heath Curriculum cont.
SHAC continues to recommend the Human Growth and Development collaboration between TTUHSC’s medically based program and TLC’s concentration on personal goals, values and integrity. SHAC applauds their continued efforts to move toward researched based curriculum.

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