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Population: Some things

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Presentation on theme: "Population: Some things"— Presentation transcript:

1 Population: Some things
to think about

2 World Population Distribution Dot Map


4 Satellite Monitoring of Artificial Light
Make note of the “Developed World”


6 World Population Cartogram

7 Populations (thousands) Population Density (sq mi)
International Density Comparisons  Country Populations (thousands) Total Area (sq mi) Population Density (sq mi) UK France Germany Greece Holland Japan Malaysia Philippines Taiwan Thailand United States Java (Indonesia) Wisconsin 55,700 53,800 78,400 9,600 14,200 117,100 13,500 48,098 16,610 46,500 248,709 118,300 5,400 94,201 211,268 137,499 50,944 13,055 143,713 127,317 115,830 13,895 198,250 3,787,425 2,286 54,424 591 255 570 188 1,088 815 106 415 1,195 235 66 2,070 99

8 Select Population Densities in the U.S. (people/mi2)
NJ (densest state) 1134 Ramsey Co, MN Mil. Co., WI Queens Co., ,453 NY Bronx Co., ,729 NY NY Co., NY , (Manhattan) North Slope, AK Nome, AK Lincoln Co., NV Florence Co., WI 10.4 United States 79.6 Texas 79.6 US w/o Alaska 94.7 Wisconsin EC Co., WI

9 Arithmetic Density

10 Physiological Density

11 Different Types of Density

12 ?

13 World Population Growth

14 Crude Birth Rate

15 Total Fertility Rate

16 Crude Death Rate

17 AIDS Cases Annually per 100,000 Population

18 Infant Mortality

19 Infant Mortality

20 Life Expectancy at Birth

21 World Economies








29 Expansive a broad base, indicating a high proportion of children, a rapid rate of population growth, and a low proportion of older people. Nunavut is an example of an expansive type population pyramid.

30 Stable Growth a structure with indentations that even out and reflect slow growth over a period. Northwest Territories is an example of a stable type population pyramid.

31 Stationary a narrow base and roughly equal numbers in each age group, tapering off at the older ages. Manitoba is an example of a stationary type population pyramid.

32 Declining a high proportion of aged persons and declining numbers. Germany is an example of a declining type population pyramid.

33 Dependency Ratios for Selected Countries
United States .52 China .49 France .52 Indonesia .63 Vietnam .75 Bangladesh .72 Nepal .81 Nigeria .88



36 Population Control in China:
One Child Only

37 Reflecting on Geography
Should the citizens of fast growing countries have, as a basic human right, the opportunity to migrate to less densely settled countries. Are the governments of "overpopulated" countries justified in legally requiring small families? In requiring involuntary sterilization?

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