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A Parent’s Guide to RAMP

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1 A Parent’s Guide to RAMP
A Parent’s Guide to RAMP* Classes for Students Entering Grade *Rochester Accelerated Math Program November 2018

2 Our Purpose Tonight: To help parents and grade 5 students make an informed choice about math course placement for grade 6 To explain single and double acceleration in math To answer any questions you may have

3 Students entering grade 6 in fall of 2019 will be able to choose to enter the accelerated math pathway. Students exercising this option would skip Math 6 and take pre- algebra, the standard course for seventh grade. Click here for Math Course Sequence nstruction/office_of_student_advancement__gifted_services_/ middle_school/r_a_m_p/

4 Please note: Entering RAMP at grade 6 is an open option for the school year. Students who do not accelerate in grade 6 but then wish to accelerate in grade 7 would need to pass the Pre-Algebra opt-out test with a minimum score of 80%. Students who wish to double accelerate (take linear algebra at grade 6) would need to meet the criteria listed later in this Power Point presentation.

5 How would I know if my child might do well in RAMP?
Students who consistently stay engaged in class and keep up with current assignments and tests tend to do well in RAMP. Students who score in the 80th percentile or higher on the NWEA in math and who score at least Meets or Exceeds on the MCAs tend to perform well in RAMP. Students who score in the 75th percentile or higher on the NWEA in math and who score at least Meets or Exceeds on the MCAs tend to perform well in RAMP if they have or develop strong study skills.

6 The slides that follow will be shared in each fifth-grade classroom in November or December.
Please take care in choosing the course that best fits your child’s learning needs. This decision may impact your child’s education for years to come.

7 What if, despite help, RAMP is not a good fit for my child?
Parents may request a change to Math 6 by contacting their math teacher and principal. Schools are still required to ensure that students learn grade-level standards. The teacher will monitor your child’s progress. The school may change your child’s placement if he or she is not making adequate progress.

8 Presentation for students
The following slides will be shown to students in fifth-grade classrooms in November or December.

9 It’s time to choose which math course to take in grade 6
It’s time to choose which math course to take in grade 6. Most students take Math 6, but you do have a choice. The following slides can help you decide which class is best for you. _____Math 6 _____Pre-Algebra (Select one.)

10 Do you enjoy math? Are you willing to work hard?
Do you score high in math class and/or on your NWEAs in math? If so, consider challenging yourself by taking an accelerated class (7th- grade math in 6th-grade). Accelerated math is challenging, and you will need to work hard. Once you set your mind to it, you will discover that you can accomplish anything by making your best effort.

11 Reasons to take accelerated math
Because it is a good fit for my learning needs Because I am willing to work hard To be able to take higher level math courses in high school such as AP Calculus, AP Statistics, and Multivariable Calculus To be well prepared for college and a variety of careers Not just because friends are taking the class Can I be successful without taking accelerated math? Absolutely! The choice is up to you and your family.

12 To be successful Complete your homework daily Turn your homework in! 
Show your work. Come prepared for class. Ask questions. Bring your math book, notebook, PENCIL, and calculator. Expect to need help sometimes. If math has always been easy for you, this may be a first for you.

13 What is RAMP (Rochester Accelerated Math Program)?
7th-grade pre-algebra class Faster paced and less repetitious An opportunity to go into greater depth and to do more difficult problems You will be skipping Math 6. You may need to do some extra work to learn some of the material you will be skipping. By 8th grade, you will be taking Intermediate Algebra Honors, a high school class for a high school grade on your permanent record known as your transcript. You may have more homework or homework that takes you longer as it is more challenging.

14 Who Should Sign Up? Students who:
are willing to work hard and do their best work are able to work independently are eager to explore challenging concepts in math are ready for a faster-paced math class

15 Once I am in RAMP, then what?
Strive to do your best. Students should aim for an “A” or “B.” What happens if I am struggling to keep up? Talk to your teacher to see what you can do to improve your understanding and your grade with the help of your parents and teachers. There will be some help available at school; be sure to ask for help when you need it.

16 Frequently Asked Questions
Is it available at all middle schools? Yes. What is RAMP? Rochester Accelerated Math Program What math classes would I take in 7th and 8th grade? Linear algebra and intermediate algebra honors If it is too difficult for me, can I move over to 6th-grade math?

17 More Frequently Asked Questions:
Will I have more homework? You might. Will I be with 7th graders? Possibly. Can I enroll in RAMP once school has started? We strongly encourage you to register NOW. If you wait, there is no guarantee that you will be able to be enrolled into the class. If you wait until next year, it could require a complete schedule change.

18 More Frequently Asked Questions:
Will I get high school credit? Starting in grade 8, with Intermediate Algebra Honors, you would begin to get high school credit. Your grade would go on your permanent record known as your high school transcript. What if I am not sure about RAMP? Ask your teacher and parents for advice. When is the registration form due? Return to your 5th-grade teacher by December 14, 2018.

19 How would a student double accelerate?
Earn a minimum of 7 out of 9 possible RAMP criteria points listed below OR pass the Pre-Algebra Appeal Test with a score of at least 80%. Fourth Grade MCA Reading 470 or higher OR Fifth Grade NWEA Reading Scores 80 NPR or higher or Fourth Grade Verbal CogAT of 117 or higher = 1 point Fourth Grade MCA Math of 470 or higher = 1 point Fifth Grade NWEA Math Scores: 90 NPR or higher = 3 points 80 NPR or higher= 2 points 70 NPR or higher = 1 point Fourth Grade CogAT: (Quantitative + Non-Verbal) 130 or higher = 4 points 125 or higher = 3 points 120 or higher = 2 points 115 or higher = 1 point NPR = National Percentile Rank

20 How would I know if I qualify for double acceleration?
Parents of students whose test scores meet the criteria for double acceleration will be notified the week of March 18, 2019.

21 Test Date for RAMP (testing out of pre-algebra or higher math class)
First week of school 2019 Contact your middle school gifted specialist by June 1, 2019 to register for fall testing if you wish to double accelerate. Note: Students who wish to take pre-algebra in grade 6 (single acceleration) do NOT need to test.

22 Where can I find my child’s test scores?
On Skyward under Test Scores or Student Portfolio If you need assistance with finding your child’s test scores, call your elementary school office or contact the gifted specialist.

23 Other Considerations Students will use a blank, lined notebook, not a workbook. They will need to keep track of homework, math notebook, study materials, planner. If your child has never had to study, he or she will need support to develop study skills. Students will need to ask questions and ask for help when it is needed. Your child may have a 7th-grade teacher and may be in a class with 7th graders.

24 What support is available at school?
RAP (Rochester After School Program) will assist any student with math. Khan Academy offers free video lessons and other resources for students and parents. The gifted specialist at each school can help your child access school resources. Each school will have math help resources. Ask your child’s math teacher or principal how to get math help.

25 Want More Information? Districtwide RAMP Parent Information Night November 29, :00 pm at Kellogg Middle School Auditorium Enter the lowest level of building through parking lot door

26 Registration Process Return the Registration Form by December 14, 2018 to your grade 5 teacher.

27 Elementary specialists appear on the next slide.
Questions? Ask your teacher or contact your elementary or middle school gifted specialist. John Adams and Willow Creek: Denise Cooksey-Seabarkrob Kellogg: Daniel Mansfield Friedell: Joanne Michet Lincoln: Vandi King Elementary specialists appear on the next slide. Return the Registration Form by December 14, 2018 to your grade 5 Teacher.

28 Elementary Gifted Services Staff
Laura Heuton Churchill/Hoover, Folwell Erika Van Evera Franklin/Montessori, Elton Hills Vandi King Lincoln, Longfellow, Pinewood Brian Lynch Gibbs Kim Reid Washington Colleen Sallee Bamber Valley Jessica Tewalt Riverside, Sunset Terrace, Pinewood Jackie Tilburt Jefferson Dana Bay-Valle Bishop, Gage Monica

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