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Design Presentation East End Master Plan and the Improvements to the Navigation, York, and Sampson Corridors For The Greater East End Management District Houston, Texas 19 April 2011

2 Public Planning Process
Thu. 9 Dec, Placemaking Workshop Fri. 10 Dec, Streets as Places Workshop Dec – April, Stakeholder Meetings Wed. 9 Feb, 7:30 - Steering Committee Briefing Wed. 9 Feb, 2:00 – 5:00 – Design Concept Workshop Thu. 10 Feb, 4:00 – 6:30 - Public Open House Follow-up Stakeholder Meetings Tue. 19 April, Design Briefing

3 The East End Vision The Greater East End will be a vibrant, mixed-use, multi-cultural, and sustainable model for the redevelopment of a historic and strategic Houston neighborhood. The vision is sustainable on several levels: as urban infill development, as a transit oriented community, and as a green community. Navigation Boulevard will serve as the East End’s “Main Street” and will become an active, green, pedestrian-oriented and transit-friendly boulevard.

4 The Master Plan Concepts

5 The Master Plan Principles
Navigation Boulevard should function as the East End’s Main Street. Doing this will require thinking of the neighborhood street network in a comprehensive fashion: Sampson, York, Bastrop, Jensen, Bastrop, Canal, and Commerce, among others. Street connectivity has to address vehicles as well as pedestrians, bicycles, and transit.

6 The Master Plan

7 Navigation Boulevard

8 Existing Conditions – Navigation
Wide ROW and median Some mature landscaping Vacant and available property Existing visitor draws Guadalupe Park

9 Primary Activity Nodes
Guadalupe Park/western gateway Navigation Main Street restaurant row and esplanade York/Sampson Cultural/Arts quarter York transit station at Harrisburg

10 Navigation “Main Street” Pedestrian Promenade

11 Navigation “Main Street” Pedestrian Promenade

12 Navigation “Main Street” Phasing

13 Navigation “Main Street” Pedestrian Promenade
Block A - Merida

14 Navigation Boulevard Cross-Section

15 Santana Row, San Jose

16 Santana Row, San Jose

17 Navigation “Main Street” Pedestrian Promenade
Blocks B & C – Dona Maria/Ninfa’s

18 Navigation “Main Street” Pedestrian Promenade
Block D – Fire Station

19 Navigation “Main Street” Pedestrian Promenade
Blocks E & F – Villa Arcos

20 Navigation “Main Street” Pedestrian Promenade
Guadalupe Church

21 Navigation “Main Street” – 4 Lane Option

22 Navigation “Main Street” – 4 Lane Option

23 York/Sampson Corridors

24 Existing Conditions – Sampson and York
Substandard or missing sidewalks Accessibility Lack of shade Overhead power

25 Concepts – Sampson and York
Need to function as primary north-south connectors for vehicles. Also have to be a primary pedestrian/bike route to connect to light rail on Harrisburg. Reduce pavement width to allow for a wider promenade on one side of the street.

26 York & Sampson Corridors
Sampson – Champ Burger Block

27 York & Sampson Corridors
Landscape Concepts

28 York & Sampson Corridors
Landscape Concepts

29 East End Improvements Signature Elements

30 East End Improvements Signature Elements

31 East End Improvements Solar Lighting

32 East End Improvements Wayfinding Concepts

33 East End Improvements Wayfinding Concepts

34 East End Improvements Wayfinding Concepts

35 The East End Vision Other Initiatives and Activities:
Harrisburg Light Rail Corridor East End Mobility Study Museum Feasibility Study Trolley/circulator system study Wayfinding and Graphics Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone

36 The East End Vision Sign our Petition!


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