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Cave Spring High School Community Meeting

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1 Cave Spring High School Community Meeting
November 27, 2017

2 Agenda Welcome – Mr. Mike Wray, Cave Spring Board Member
Superintendent Comments – Dr. Greg Killough 10 Year School Capital Improvement Plan – Mrs. Penny Hodge Cave Spring High Renovation Presentation – Spectrum Design Floor Plans Site Plan Elevation Drawings Construction Schedule and Phasing Plan Plan to locate students on CSHS campus during construction Community Comments Superintendent Comments: Listened to speakers at last board meeting (public comments) Understand the community desire to maintain the CSHS identity, stay on campus during construction, and include community in the process Staff continues to work with the architect and school principals to create the best possible environment for students and staff Based on community input at last board meeting, a plan to remain on campus is evolving and will be presented by Spectrum this evening Working to balance student needs on a very tight site and without extending the project any longer than absolutely necessary

3 10 Year Capital Improvement Plan Funds Available by Year
$10M Cave Spring High County projects $10M Cave Spring High $10M Cave Spring High County projects $10M William Byrd High $10M William Byrd High County projects $10M Hidden Valley Middle $10M Burlington Elementary & Glenvar Elementary County projects $10M WE Cundiff Elementary $10M Glen Cove Elementary RCPS Facts: 32 school buildings/facilities 2.6 million square feet of space 50 years old on average Today, the current school and county operating budgets include $3.2M each under this agreement This funding supports the issuance of $10M in debt each year and allocates 2 years to the schools and 1 year to the county A joint agreement between the School Board and the Board of Supervisors to allocate funding to : - Update aging school buildings (and extend useful life) - Ensure all 32 school buildings are preserved and support the learning environment - Provide sustainable revenue stream into the future - Balance costs of operating a school system (teachers, textbooks, athletics, utilities) with capital costs to update school buildings - Balance taxpayer burden on 94,000 county citizens

4 Spectrum Design Presentation
Cave Spring High Renovation Floor Plans Site Plan Elevation Drawings Construction Schedule and Phasing Plan Site Plan for temporary classroom units on CSHS campus Spectrum to cover the following: Review of floor plans including “gutting” the building so citizens understand the magnitude of the renovation Review of concept drawings Review of site plans and areas that will be used for construction vs instruction Review of phasing plan that will preserve as many classrooms in the building as possible while not extending construction any longer than necessary Estimated cost of new high school (per community question at first meeting)

5 Roanoke County Schools
ttps:// Roanoke County Schools Cave Spring High School Renovation and Expansion

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